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PoliGAF Thread of PRESIDENT OBAMA Checkin' Off His List

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Lost Fragment said:
I jest, mostly. The notion of concealed guns and open shotguns and assault rifles being toted around in a park where I'm taking my daughters does not exactly make it sound like the sort of place I'd want my children. Literally no good will come from the law.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Possibly stupid question, but I do have to wonder. Is it not reasonable to think that Obama would have known ahead of time that releasing the torture memos would cause some serious problems? If so, why did he bother releasing them?


Oblivion said:
Possibly stupid question, but I do have to wonder. Is it not reasonable to think that Obama would have known ahead of time that releasing the torture memos would cause some serious problems? If so, why did he bother releasing them?
I say we start blaming the Democrats. They're all endangering the troops, we should never have known about waterboarding and it should have been taken care of in secret.

GhaleonEB said:
I jest, mostly. The notion of concealed guns and open shotguns and assault rifles being toted around in a park where I'm taking my daughters does not exactly make it sound like the sort of place I'd want my children. Literally no good will come from the law.
What the hell are you talking about? You were always allowed to bring firearms into national parks just unloaded or disassembled, if someone really wanted to kill your family do you think it'd be a lot of effort to put the weapon back together or just load the magazine?

Allowing firearms in any capacity or none at all are the only two options that make sense, the middle ground was what was stupid because in that case only people planning to use their firearm would have theirs ready while anyone acting according to law would be rummaging for their magazine.


Karma Kramer said:
WTF reply to Youngblood's post


Turn it on. Seriously.
What drivel . . .

Don't say it: Conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has issued a unique challenge to cable network MSNBC. On his radio show Tuesday, the ever-modest Limbaugh said that the cable network is trying to "build its ratings on my back." From his website:

"I challenge you, MSNBC! Thirty days without anything mentioning me. No video of me, no guests commenting on me. See if you can do it ... Let's see if you can do Rush withdrawal. Let's see if you can run your little TV network for 30 days without doing a single story on me, and then let's take a look at your ratings during those 30 days and see what happens.

Dude . . . due to your large audience of dittoheads, you are a newsworthy part of American politics. If MSNBC were not to mention you in the news or commentary, they would not be doing their job. Even this stupid challenge of yours will get reported . . . and mocked. (as it should be.)


mAcOdIn said:
Allowing firearms in any capacity or none at all are the only two options that make sense, the middle ground was what was stupid because in that case only people planning to use their firearm would have theirs ready while anyone acting according to law would be rummaging for their magazine.
I agree there. I just don't like the idea of allowing everyone to bring weapons into national parks. I don't understand the reason for changing the current law, and generally I think it's safe to say that more guns will result in at least some of them being shot at the wrong people. Mass carnage? No. Some incidents? Yes. Avoidable ones. It still amazes me how sensitive people are about gun laws. They're coming to take them away! To arms!
I caught a glimpse of MSNBC and it was breaking news, something about Republicans passed a resolution that labels Democrats as Socialists. First of all, as laughable as it is, has there ever been a Republican administration that was caught during a recession, and the admin. let the market correct itself? I know Bush and Reagan bailed out institutes.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I caught a glimpse of MSNBC and it was breaking news, something about Republicans passed a resolution that labels Democrats as Socialists. First of all, as laughable as it is, has there ever been a Republican administration that was caught during a recession, and the admin. let the market correct itself? I know Bush and Reagan bailed out institutes.
Yeah well, if anyone in the democratic party had any balls they could totally nail the republicans to the wall on this. Will they? No.


Professional Schmuck
RNC Abandons "Democrat Socialist Party" Resolution

The RNC has officially scrapped the much-ridiculed proposal to call for the Democratic Party to change its name to the "Democrat Socialist Party," which was originally set for a vote today.

RNC Chairman Michael Steele had opposed this cartoonish proposal from the start -- and in a sign that he is now exercising genuine leadership at the GOP, he has negotiated a much tamer change in language that simply calls on Americans to reject the Democrats' "socialist" agenda.

This deal had first been announced last night, and was formally carried out today.

Late Update: The resolution's original sponsors are still claiming victory in that the proposal generated publicity and educated the public. RNC member David Norcross of New Jersey said the effort here was to raise the public's awareness of the Democratic agenda, so that the people can be "properly fearful."

ronito said:
Yeah well, if anyone in the democratic party had any balls they could totally nail the republicans to the wall on this. Will they? No.
At least with Obama I imagine he's just taking the high road, but there truly is a notable lack of testicles in the Democratic party.


Professional Schmuck
Boehner admits CIA has lied to Congress

In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday, House Republican Leader John Boehner conceded that despite his attacks on Speaker Pelosi for accusing the CIA of lying to Congress, he too believes that the agency has lied to Congress.

Boehner said the CIA had lied to Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra last year about the 2001 downing of a plane in Peru carrying an American missionary and her daughter.


BLITZER: Last year, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, he said this in response to a case that he was watching very closely — an American citizen who was killed in a plane crash — a coverup, he alleged, involving the CIA.

He said these words: “We cannot have an intelligence community that covers up what it does and then lies to Congress.”

That’s what Pete Hoekstra said in 2008.

BOEHNER: Pete Hoekstra did say that, and the inspector general at the CIA did an investigation, and it became clear that some CIA operatives did in fact cover this up.


BLITZER: You agree that the CIA then lied to Congress?

BOEHNER: I know as much about this case as Pete Hoekstra does, and the inspector general did in fact do an investigation, produced a report, and frankly supported, I think, Pete’s claims.​


The resolution's original sponsors are still claiming victory in that the proposal generated publicity and educated the public. RNC member David Norcross of New Jersey said the effort here was to raise the public's awareness of the Democratic agenda, so that the people can be "properly fearful.
so that the people can be "properly fearful."
"properly fearful."

Fearful. Fuck them.
lol. O Reilly said nobody in America would want the GITMO detainees. Not even Europe. I guess he missed Montana willing to take them, which would help them create jobs.
Has this been posted yet? (I hope not :lol )

Senate rebukes Obama, blocks Guantanamo shutdown

By DAVID ESPO – 32 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a rare, bipartisan defeat for President Barack Obama, the Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to keep the prison at Guantanamo Bay open for the foreseeable future and forbid the transfer of any detainees to facilities in the United States.

Democrats lined up with Republicans in the 90-6 vote that came on the heels of a similar move a week ago in the House, underscoring widespread apprehension among Obama's congressional allies over voters' strong feelings about bringing detainees to the U.S. from the prison in Cuba.

The president readied a speech for Thursday morning on the U.S. fight against terrorism, at a time when liberals have chafed at some of his decisions.

I'm sick of this whole "find a middle ground" schtick of Obama's right now. Basically it seems like he's looking at both sides of an argument with a disregard for the difference in validity on either side and then he compromises and goes straight down the middle.

The problem with this is that one side (the GOP) will take a doubly crazy hard line stance on everything so that the middle ground ends up being exactly what they wanted in the first place.

You can't fucking build consensus on any of these issues and I don't know why Obama is pussyfooting around trying to please these fucktard Republicans. Watch the Supreme Court Justice he ends up nominating be a center-right kind of judge which makes the Supreme Court basically conservative. And even with a moderate to center-right nominee the Republicans will STILL come out saying he/she is an ultra-liberal activist judge.

They are going to scream bloody murder no matter WHAT Obama does, he may as well go and do the RIGHT THING.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I caught a glimpse of MSNBC and it was breaking news, something about Republicans passed a resolution that labels Democrats as Socialists. First of all, as laughable as it is, has there ever been a Republican administration that was caught during a recession, and the admin. let the market correct itself? I know Bush and Reagan bailed out institutes.

Bailouts are only bad when done by Democrats. (according to Republican ideology)
speculawyer said:
What drivel . . .


Dude . . . due to your large audience of dittoheads, you are a newsworthy part of American politics. If MSNBC were not to mention you in the news or commentary, they would not be doing their job. Even this stupid challenge of yours will get reported . . . and mocked. (as it should be.)
Serously has anyone ever accepted any of his "challenges"? The guy think's he's Steven Colbert.
octopusman said:
Serously has anyone ever accepted any of his "challenges"? The guy think's he's Steven Colbert.
What a terrible challenge too. It's like asking Cops, "don't show any videos or stories about drunken fat asses with their shirt off screaming about how their women cheated on them, and just SEE what happens to your ratings"


GhaleonEB said:
I agree there. I just don't like the idea of allowing everyone to bring weapons into national parks. I don't understand the reason for changing the current law, and generally I think it's safe to say that more guns will result in at least some of them being shot at the wrong people. Mass carnage? No. Some incidents? Yes. Avoidable ones. It still amazes me how sensitive people are about gun laws. They're coming to take them away! To arms!
Right, but everybody always could bring firearms into a national park, all you had to do was store the ammo for it and the gun separately if I'm not mistaken. The amount of people who have concealed carry permits is a much smaller percentage of the larger group of people allowed to bring guns into parks(which was everyone except felons).

So I fail to see what exactly this law changes that makes you so worried? If drunkard Bob was going to into the park to shoot at shit he would have before this law, he just would have entered the park with his weapon unloaded and loaded it once inside. He could do that before this law and after.

The only change to this is if drunkard Bob has a CCL he can now carry his weapon on him instead of having it unloaded for transportation, so he no longer has to load his weapon. Not a big change.

So in reality, the only gripes that I would really accept as fair arguments is either:
Drunkard Bob should not have a CCL.
Drunkard Bob should not have a gun.
Guns should not be allowed in national parks in ANY manner. Not open, not concealed, not broken down, not assembled but unloaded, not in any way.

So this change wouldn't mean more guns would be in parks. No one honestly believed that someone with a CCL was incapable of transporting their firearm in any way but concealed on their person right? The CCL is extra, saying they now have the permission from the state to carry what was already legal for them to transport by car on their person ready and concealed. It did not mean that if CCL's were not permitted that they couldn't bring the gun into the national park, just that they had to follow the guidelines for transportation.

I'm too lazy to look up what the requirements were prior to bringing a gun into a national park, probably something like the gun having to be unloaded and stored in one part of the car with the ammo in a different part of the car.

Honestly this bill is a non issue.
AniHawk said:
Maybe it's because I didn't grow up during the 70s and 80s and don't view Reagan as Jesus 2: The Reckoning, but what the hell is wrong about being called a socialist? Isn't Canada pretty socialist? Why aren't we building a wall there instead?

Because politicians are very good at demonizing words and people are very gullible even though the actual definition people may either agree with or not even know what the word means.


Professional Schmuck
AniHawk said:
Maybe it's because I didn't grow up during the 70s and 80s and don't view Reagan as Jesus 2: The Reckoning, but what the hell is wrong about being called a socialist? Isn't Canada pretty socialist? Why aren't we building a wall there instead?

"Union of Soviet Socialist Republics"
"People's Republic of China"
"Socialist Republic of Vietnam"

It's really just word association with the communist bogeymen of the past. The actual meaning of the word isn't important when we're dealing with the typical up-is-downist Republicans. They're just playing their part in 1984 and attempting to brand good things as bad.


Professional Schmuck
Smart thoughts from TPM reader:

In regards to the "controversy" of where to incarcerate Gitmo detainees, I can't help but think that we and our representation are missing out on the bigger picture. Congress and pundits are up in arms about the relocation of Gitmo detainees using the "not in my backyard" argument. Of course the public safety concerns of this argument are ridiculous. SuperMax in Colorado is as secure as any prison in the country.

Do people really think that detainees are going to plot the greatest prison escape in American history and then rampage through sparsely populated Colorado with their prison-made shivs? Unlikely. But, I think there is a bigger point to all of this. I think as a country, we've been desensitized by the keyword "9-11". The Bush administration used this keyword for justification to every argument they made. Because of that, I think that the actual event of 9-11 has lost some significance.

I can't believe that our representatives are fighting to keep detainees out of their state instead of fighting to have detainees relocated TO their state. If all goes to plan, we will release unjustly detained Gitmo detainees (a separate can of worms) and try detainees with legitimate US legal cases against them. In this case, we are seeking to domestically incarcerate Gitmo detainees with just legal cases against them. These charges accuse them of direct involvement in the planning or execution of 9-11 or deadly acts against our soldiers abroad.

I fail to see how a representative would refuse this responsibility for their state. In the weeks and months after 9-11, would any representative have refused to incarcerate someone linked to the perpetration of 9-11? I, as a Coloradan would be proud for my state to undertake such a responsibility. Additionally, beyond the patriotic obligation, our representatives should be clamoring for the political capital gained from volunteering their state to house Gitmo detainees.

On one hand, a representative could claim that they are promoting their state's commitment to the defense of the nation. On the other hand, a representative could claim that they are compromising to bring an end to Gitmo detention and mainstream the process for trying alleged terrorists. Appearing strong on defense while revitalizing the American commitment to the rule of law seems like a win-win situation for so many representatives facing re-election in a newly skewed political landscape.​

I guess it all comes down to the entire point of keeping them at GITMO is for the express purpose of keeping them outside the reach of the US Legal System, which is a shame.
speculawyer said:
What drivel . . .


Dude . . . due to your large audience of dittoheads, you are a newsworthy part of American politics. If MSNBC were not to mention you in the news or commentary, they would not be doing their job. Even this stupid challenge of yours will get reported . . . and mocked. (as it should be.)

And indeed, Olbermann went off on Limbaugh. Of course it was done in his obnoxious bombastic manner, but he went off on him big time.



Professional Schmuck
Anybody catch the Isikoff interview on Maddow tonight regarding the secret meeting at the White House between the President, his staff, and Human Rights groups?

Fascinating, scary, and fucking upsetting. If I find video of it I'll put it up.
PantherLotus said:
Anybody catch the Isikoff interview on Maddow tonight regarding the secret meeting at the White House between the President, his staff, and Human Rights groups?

Fascinating, scary, and fucking upsetting. If I find video of it I'll put it up.
Maddow (and most of MSNBC) is available on podcast for free . . . both video & audio. Check it out.


Why watch TV?
MSNBC secretly adores Rush. Sadly, I have to agree with him on this point - if they can't ignore him for less than a day than it shows that they have no self-control and just love to use him as a Republican punching bag for their liberal commentators' kicks.


testicles on a cold fall morning
ChoklitReign said:
MSNBC secretly adores Rush. Sadly, I have to agree with him on this point - if they can't ignore him for less than a day than it shows that they have no self-control and just love to use him as a Republican punching bag for their liberal commentators' kicks.
And the problem with that is?
Hai guys. I don't want terrorists released in my state. For all I know, my hard earned tax money may go towards their welfare checks, or I may find one of them mowing my lawn one day, delivering mail, or babysitting my neighbor's kids.

Just my two cents.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PantherLotus said:
Boehner admits CIA has lied to Congress

BLITZER: Last year, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, he said this in response to a case that he was watching very closely — an American citizen who was killed in a plane crash — a coverup, he alleged, involving the CIA.

He said these words: “We cannot have an intelligence community that covers up what it does and then lies to Congress.”

That’s what Pete Hoekstra said in 2008.

BOEHNER: Pete Hoekstra did say that, and the inspector general at the CIA did an investigation, and it became clear that some CIA operatives did in fact cover this up.


BLITZER: You agree that the CIA then lied to Congress?

BOEHNER: I know as much about this case as Pete Hoekstra does, and the inspector general did in fact do an investigation, produced a report, and frankly supported, I think, Pete’s claims.​

So why is Joe Scarbs still acting like it's just a liberal thing to say the CIA lies?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Obama's is about to give his speech on National Security "RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CONSITUTION"!!!!

This shit will be great.


Waxman Hires Speed Reader To Combat GOP Obstruction

We're well aware, at this point, that the House Republican strategy for opposing the Waxman-Markey climate change bill is to make the legislative process take a very, very long time. That means heaps and heaps of irrelevant amendments, written by congressmen who warn of "Global Warming Gestapo." But so far they have eschewed a maneuver that would force the Democrats to read the bill aloud. All 900-plus pages of it.

In case the GOP decides to change course, though, Energy and Commerce Committee Democrats are prepared. With a speed reader.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the new temp thinks he can plow through about one page every 34 seconds--a pretty impressive clip considering the nature of the reading material. And it means the entire stunt would only last about nine hours--significantly less than it would take if the committee's clerks were forced to do the job.

Ladies and gentlemen, your United States Congress.
So. Awesome. :lol

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