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PoliGAF Thread of THE END and FIST POUNDS (NYT: Hillary drop out/endorse Saturday)

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GoldenEye 007 said:
What? The point we're trying to make is what will banning do.

Following the 1997 restrictions on gun ownership in Australia:

http://www.aic.gov.au/media/2001/20010402.html said:
Decline in firearm-related hospitalisations
2 April 2001

Figures released today by the Australian Institute of Criminology show that the number of people treated in hospitals for firearm-related injuries fell from 616 to 473 (a reduction of 30 percent) in the five years to 1999. This is in line with a significant drop in firearm-related deaths.

http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/cfi/cfi066.html said:
In 1991, there were 629 firearm related deaths compared to 333 deaths in 2001. This represents a 47 per cent decrease in firearm related deaths over the period 1991 to 2001.

http://www.abs.gov.au/ said:
Proportion of Robberies involving firearms:

1995 - 27.8%
1996 - 25.3%
1997 - 24.1%
1998 - 17.6%
1999 - 15.2%
2000 - 14.0%

The situation was fairly different to the USA (there were already some restrictions on gun control), but the idea that gun control won't do anything to stop gun violence is wrong.
Triumph said:
I like guns and own a couple. But when the 2nd Amendment was written, guns fired once every minute or so. Today? Not so much.

"Banning" guns is never gonna happen in America and it's stupid to pretend it will. Restricting the access of the general public to high powered assault weapons is a good idea imo. Also, Blackwater shouldn't be able to buy planes and armored vehicles and shit. Go buy your own island in Dubai if you want that shit.

Assault rifles aren't an issue. They weren't an issue before the ban, they weren't an issue during the ban, and they haven't been an issue since the ban lapsed. They're a scare tactic used to drum up the anti-gun movement.


WickedAngel said:
Assault rifles aren't an issue. They weren't an issue before the ban, they weren't an issue during the ban, and they haven't been an issue since the ban lapsed. They're a scare tactic used to drum up the anti-gun movement.
But this is a serious issue, one that must be debated now in this time of deep assualt firearms crisis.


Master of the Google Search
Tamanon said:



A big problem in the US regarding guns (as far as I see it) is our deeply entrenched violence/frontiersman culture. For ten every sane guy who respects his weapon we've got a gang member/road rager/some dumbshit who inevitably hurts someone with these weapons.

So I mean, I can see better support/better funding for the less fortunate neighborhoods toning down the gang warfare (I hope), but IMO it's not so much guns we're having problems with, but guys who let them (or their fists) do the talking in stupid situations.

edit - Let's look at it this way. I know this is a shitty example, but the school shootings...even if the perpetrators didn't have access to the guns, couldn't they have used other weapons? Should we ban household materials that can be used for bombs?


Clinton handed out talking points to her surrogates regarding her being a veep to help fuel the narrative.

* Today, Senator Clinton was asked whether she was open to the idea of running as Vice-President and repeated what she has said before: she will do whatever she can to ensure that Democrats take the White House back and defeat John McCain.

Not that there was any doubt that her making the veep comments early this morning was anything less than her launching her campaign for the vice presidency. I keep being surprised at how self-serving she is, and this is after months of her raising the bar in that department.


Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
GhaleonEB said:
Clinton handed out talking points to her surrogates regarding her being a veep to help fuel the narrative.

Not that there was any doubt that her making the veep comments early this morning was anything less than her launching her campaign for the vice presidency. I keep being surprised at how self-serving she is, and this is after months of her raising the bar in that department.


I don't like the bind Clinton has put Obama in.


It's a shame that we repubs won't get to face Hillary for the main spot (easy win), but at least there is some small hope that Obama will pick her as VP. That would be almost as good from our perspective.


Master of the Google Search
OgnodoD said:
It's a shame that we repubs won't get to face Hillary for the main spot (easy win), but at least there is some small hope that Obama will pick her as VP. That would be almost as good from our perspective.

Be careful for what you wish for. Karma has a nasty way of coming back at you and McCain still has to pick his VP too

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
OgnodoD said:
It's a shame that we repubs won't get to face Hillary for the main spot (easy win), but at least there is some small hope that Obama will pick her as VP. That would be almost as good from our perspective.

Hillary/Barack will steamroll the GOP. We just don't want that ticket.


how are you, B!TCH? How is your day going, B!ITCH?
Tommie Hu$tle said:
She has a "That's how you show whitey" look all over her face. On a side bar I'm thinking about what they are claiming she said about whitey. They seem oblivious to the fact that Obama is mixed and would be sensitive to any ideas of racism.


What are you talking about?


Master of the Google Search
B!TCH said:

What are you talking about?

He's refering to the nonexistant rumored tape of Michelle Obama preaching down "whitey". Completely insane Hillary fanatics have been holding out for this mythical tape, but sadly for them it has as much legitness as the "Obama is a secret muslim" emails


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Now that Obama has this locked up, maybe we can have a national intervention to help Hillary overcome that narcissistic personality disorder.

DSM Criteria

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following[1]:

1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique
4. requires excessive admiration
5. has a sense of entitlement
6. is interpersonally exploitative
7. lacks empathy
8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes


If you want to see insanity, I suggest you watch tonight's Daily Show. It's also quite amusing. There's a new anchor who is pretty funny, and uh, Terry McCullough is on. :lol


perfectchaos007 said:
These three women arguing over the candidates on Larry King is like watching the View talking politics.

I'd like to hit KellyAnne Conway in the face with a baseball bat. She was called out twice tonight. First she said that "Bill Clinton called Obama a fairy tale" when in fact he called Obama's characterization of his stance on the war a fairy tale.

Then when the Clinton surrogate disagreed with her characterization of Obama's victory as a rejection of the Clintons, she said "don't misquote me" when she had said that word for word just minutes before. She also has horrible hair for a chick who could be pretty hot.

Anyway congrats to Barrack. I thought his speech was tonight was awesome, and I hope he picks Hillary for VP.

Another funny thing I keep noticing: Can they not find a quiet room for Lanny Davis? It seems he's always in the room where they are tearing down the stage and it's loud as shit.


NullPointer said:
my ultra conservative mother is in tears after Obama's speech.

Know the impossible my friends. Know hope.


I'm just thinking of the time when him running was a big question mark. People thought it was too soon. Back then I thought Edwards was the guy to look out for, boy was I wrong. I still like Edwards though.


Spent most of the night watching all the news channels and I reiterate... FAAAAAANTASTIC!

Clinton. Goddamn you. You did this to yourself.

Obama. Kick McCain's ass. Kick it.
Hitokage said:
I remember watching that speech on TV live, already aware of the growing Obama mania in Illinois and curious to see what he had to offer. How far we've come. :D


My step dad said immediately after the 2004 speech that we probably just saw the first black president speak. He's now a Clinton supporter (he a bit waisist... not in a hateful way, but a "I don't like hip-hop culture" kind of way). I do love to remind him of his own words. He probably wasn't expecting it so soon.
Amir0x said:
He pretty clearly implied he doubts he can win.

I might have missed some of it. I saw him talking about his book, talking about the elitist problem, but mostly chilling out while Scarbs talked about what terrible shape the GOP is in.


Reid tells Senate to give Clinton time


Uncommitted Senate superdelegates say they are unlikely to weigh in with endorsements for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) until Wednesday at the earliest.

The remaining superdelegates in the Senate say they are holding out in the final hours of the Democratic presidential primary mostly to see what their other colleague, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), chooses to do, and how she decides to move forward in the next 24 hours.

Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) who has not yet endorsed either Obama or Clinton, urged the 17 other uncommitted superdelegates in his chamber to “keep their decision in their pocket” for the time being while Clinton irons out her plans. Reid said he would make his own endorsement by the end of the week.

“Sen. Clinton needs to be left alone,” Reid said in a news conference on Tuesday afternoon, adding that Clinton should not feel forced to concede abruptly. Reid said his colleagues should “let this week work its course,” and then decide.

Other uncommitted superdelegates agreed with that rationale and said they wait to make endorsements.

“I think we all need to allow for an opportunity for Sen. Clinton to do what she needs to do. ... and what people expect she’s going to do,” Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Colo.) said on Tuesday, adding that Clinton should be “given the space” she needs.

“For most of us, we’ll probably be waiting until tomorrow,” Salazar said.

Salazar and Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) said they would be meeting with the other undecided superdelegates on Wednesday morning to decide how to proceed and if they might make a group endorsement. The undecided Senate superdelegates also met Monday to discuss how to proceed on making their endorsements.

“We’re meeting to discuss what, if anything, we might do as a group,” Harkin said.

Unlike the House, where a half-dozen lawmakers weighed in for Obama on Tuesday before the polls closed in Montana and South Dakota, the decision about whether or not to endorse has been a sensitive one for the remaining senators, in large part because they have to work with Clinton and Obama. The undecided senators said they don’t want to be on the wrong side of that equation.

“For us in the Senate, it’s something we have to handle with respect,” Salazar said.

Sen. Thomas Carper (D-Del.) said he couldn’t make a decision because “a lot of us think the world of both Hillary and Barack.” Carper said he would like to see both Obama and Clinton on the Democratic ticket and said he urged Obama on Monday to give Clinton “the right of first refusal.”

But Carper said the remaining superdelegates should “let the primary process proceed to its conclusion” and reach a collective decision as early as Wednesday.

“After everybody has a good night’s sleep, I hope we will put our heads together and think about what we might do,” Carper said.

Carper acknowledged that it might be too late by then to make a difference.

“As a matter of reality, by the time the polls close tonight and the superdelegates are [gathered], it will pretty much be all over but the shouting,” he said. “An endorsement tomorrow may be after the fact.”

Looks like we're on standby. Not that it'll change much.


“Sen. Clinton needs to be left alone,” Reid said in a news conference on Tuesday afternoon, adding that Clinton should not feel forced to concede abruptly.



She should have the sense to concede herself. This isn't about her, stop the ass kissing guys. This 'Democratic Party' thing is bullshit. The big wigs don't care about the people, rather how to protect their asses from the ones higher in the hierarchy.



Funky Papa

Zabka said:
Considering when that tape was supposedly made, that sounds really far-fetched.
Not only that -- Isn't TU a pretty big church?

The "tape" is a DVD that Trinity United sold on its website, and possibly offered free for download up until March 2008 when Trinity's site was scrubbed and the DVDs were no longer offered for sale.
If so, the DVD should have surfaced a long time ago considering there may exist dozens if not thousands of copies.

They changed it from Farrakhan to his wife because they found a connection to make it seem plausible, not because it actually happened. They stopped using Louis when it became clear they probably never met.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Good for you, America!

I actually saw some of Hillarys speech some seven hours ago, as they showed it live on CNN. Got bored and had to sleep, though :lol
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