damnTamanon said:Rachel already made that joke sir!
damnTamanon said:Rachel already made that joke sir!
Assuming that they are sensible Clinton supporters like most of them and not crazy like a lot of her campaign staff seems to be, this should not be difficult.vitaflo said:Just heard on the local news here in Minneapolis that Obama met with a large group of Clinton supporters (high level ones) after the speech he gave in St. Paul tonight. No news on what came out of that, but he is apparently trying to work with them.
huh? Barack won the vote in Montana. It isn't possible for her to gain on the popular vote using Montana....Marvie_3 said:Looks like Montana is going to put a cap on Clinton's popular vote argument(depending on which numbers you selectively use of course).
sangreal said:huh? Barack won the vote in Montana. It isn't possible for her to gain on the popular vote using Montana....
Right. He's saying that Obama will nullify her popular vote argument due to his margin of victory there.sangreal said:huh? Barack won the vote in Montana. It isn't possible for her to gain on the popular vote using Montana....
CowboyAstronaut said:You know what? Obama needs to show some fucking leadership. Grow some fucking balls and publicly call Hilary out and say that as the nominee of the Democrat party
"I now need Hilary to help me with the uniting of the party." We both have very passionate supporters, but in the midst of our anger, are we forgetting what we are fighting for in this election. Hilary, if you believe in a lot of the same things I do, like ending the war in iraq etc etc, and I know you do, help me unite our party"
He needs to do something like that. Is it only Hilary that is capable of making power plays? Place her fucking political career on the line to fucking come out and do whats best for the party.
Sharp said:Right. He's saying that Obama will nullify her popular vote argument due to his margin of victory there.
Why do you think he's talking to her?CowboyAstronaut said:You know what? Obama needs to show some fucking leadership. Grow some fucking balls and publicly call Hilary out and say that as the nominee of the Democrat party
"I now need Hilary to help me with the uniting of the party." We both have very passionate supporters, but in the midst of our anger, are we forgetting what we are fighting for in this election. Hilary, if you believe in a lot of the same things I do, like ending the war in iraq etc etc, and I know you do, help me unite our party"
He needs to do something like that. Is it only Hilary that is capable of making power plays? Place her fucking political career on the line to fucking come out and do whats best for the party.
Tamanon said:You know nothing about politics whatsoever.
:lol :loltheBishop said:And who are you, Alfred Einstein?
theBishop said:Are there really libertarians that believe Barack Obama won't be by far more sensitive to civil liberties than George W. Bush or John McCain?
theBishop said:And who are you, Alfred Einstein?
Yeah as long as he wins without MI it I think the msm will say he has the popular vote lead.Marvie_3 said:Looks like Montana is going to put a cap on Clinton's popular vote argument(depending on which numbers you selectively use of course).
This premise alone is lol-worthy. The far left doesn't even exist anymore. What people now call the far left now is essentially a moderate position. Hmm, I'm off to stock up on Uzis now.Sharp said:The site (which is not exactly objective) claims that the reason the Democrats will not win is that "the far left has a stranglehold on the party."
i should be asleep, but :lolTamanon said:You know nothing about politics whatsoever.
CowboyAstronaut said:You know what? Obama needs to show some fucking leadership. Grow some fucking balls and publicly call Hilary out and say that as the nominee of the Democrat party
"I now need Hilary to help me with the uniting of the party." We both have very passionate supporters, but in the midst of our anger, are we forgetting what we are fighting for in this election. Hilary, if you believe in a lot of the same things I do, like ending the war in iraq etc etc, and I know you do, help me unite our party"
He needs to do something like that. Is it only Hilary that is capable of making power plays? Place her in a position where very political survival is on the line to get her to come out and do whats best for the party. She's trying to back you into a corner? Back her into a corner.
theBishop said:And who are you, Alfred Einstein?
Jesus Christ . . . seek help. You are seriously the most paranoid person on GAF.
Sharp said:Why do you think he's talking to her?
Sources have confirmed that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, DNC Chairman Howard Dean, and an official with the Democratic Governors Association are planning to release a public statement on Wednesday morning requesting that the party close its ranks and prepare for the race against Sen. John McCain.
The move, which had been anticipated but seemed unnecessary following Obama's clinching of the nomination on Tuesday night, is an indication that few figures beyond Clinton's utmost loyalists are willing to stomach a prolonged vacation period for the New York Democrat to make up her mind.
it could also depend on how much outside pressure Obama receives from ex Clinton donors and influential supporters. Obama may not want her as the VP, but it could be that he has little choice to maneuver.thefit said::lol , Seriously though Obama hasn't said she couldn't be VP if anything he's reached out to her throughout this race it is sher who seems to be unwilling to hear him out at least publicly I have no thought there are back room talks all the time. Politics is politics.
CowboyAstronaut said:You know what? Obama needs to show some fucking leadership. Grow some fucking balls and publicly call Hilary out and say that as the nominee of the Democrat party
"I now need Hilary to help me with the uniting of the party." We both have very passionate supporters, but in the midst of our anger, are we forgetting what we are fighting for in this election. Hilary, if you believe in a lot of the same things I do, like ending the war in iraq etc etc, and I know you do, help me unite our party"
He needs to do something like that. Is it only Hilary that is capable of making power plays? Place her in a position where very political survival is on the line to get her to come out and do whats best for the party. She's trying to back you into a corner? Back her into a corner.
JayDub and I differ big on this. I'm far more concerned with the civil liberties side and Obama will be far more respectful of the constitution. He will also be far more fiscally conservative than the spendthrift Bush and his endless spending . . . largely on pointless wars.JayDubya said:More sensitive? Or just respectful of a different suite of civil liberties? Just disrespectful to parts of the Constitution and its Amendments they don't care for, but quick to rally behind it when they happen to agree with a literal, limited government reading?Are there really libertarians that believe Barack Obama won't be by far more sensitive to civil liberties than George W. Bush or John McCain?
Republocrats are fail.
you're right - intelligence is a specious thing.Nicodimas said:I like the amount of fallacies you all spew at times. It is quite enjoyable. To know politics you must have a poly sci degree from a accredited university. That is completely illogical.
Trakdown said:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/06/03/pelosi-reid-dean-to-go-pu_n_105052.html
Dean, Reid and Pelosi Going Public: Democrats Need to Endorse
Nicodimas said:Hardly...just enjoy common sense. I enjoy shooting guns. Every gun person knows dems will steal all guns rights if they could. I will start a new thread arguing this, but this is how I feel based off facts. I am a issue based voter and this one ranks up there. I will give you paranoid if needed.
When I was in high school a foreign exchange student said "Bill Clinton is the best conservative President you will ever have." I didn't get it at first but I also didn't realize how much more liberal his government was (I think he was from Sweden or something). Indeed we are a very conservative nation compared to others. David Cameron, who seems to have a good shot of being the UK's new PM, could fool me for being a US Democrat. Same goes for the new conservative mayor of London; pretty sure the guy could pass for a Democrat in many regards here in the States.Mercury Fred said:This premise alone is lol-worthy. The far left doesn't even exist anymore. What people now call the far left now is essentially a moderate position. Hmm, I'm off to stock up on Uzis now.
The fuck do you need an assault weapon for? You you really need toassault one of those paper targets or better yet a deer? Tell me what's your stance on violent especially against police officers?Nicodimas said:Hardly...just enjoy common sense. I enjoy shooting guns. Every gun person knows dems will steal all guns rights if they could. I will start a new thread arguing this, but this is how I feel based off facts. I am a issue based voter and this one ranks up there. I will give you paranoid if needed.
I like the amount of fallacies you all spew at times. It is quite enjoyable. To know politics you must have a poly sci degree from a accredited university. That is completely illogical.
In what was the greatest single-day superdelegate gain in this campaign for either candidate, Obama -- now the Democratic presumptive nominee -- gained 59.5 superdelegates today.
This morning, Obama had 333 superdelegates. He now has 392.5.
*** UPDATE *** It's also worth pointing out Clinton LOST a net of 3 superdelegates. She started the day at 295 superdelegates and ends the day with 292.
NBC NEWS has allocated nearly all of the delegates from Montana and South Dakota. With one delegate left to be allocated, Clinton has won a 16-14 split out of the two states (SD: Clinton 9-6; MT: Obama 8-7 with one left there.)
The NBC NEWS Delegate Counts:
PLEDGED: 1743 to 1641
SUPERS: Obama 392.5 to 292
EDWARDS PL.: Obama 21 to 0
OVERALL: Obama 2,156.5 to 1,933
* The number needed was 2,118.
scorcho said:it could also depend on how much outside pressure Obama receives from ex Clinton donors and influential supporters. Obama may not want her as the VP, but it could be that he has little choice to maneuver.
The Gun issue is a sticking point with me. No matter where you stand on the issue, the idea of taking away a right previously outlined explicitly in the of the Constitution is unacceptable to me. This is a basic right afforded to Americans by the Founding Fathers and original Congress that ratified it -- to limit/take away that right for legal law abiding citizens in hopes that this will solve any violence, illegal gun trafficking, etc., is not something that I can support.Nicodimas said:McCain should win by a wide margin 5%. I am calling it.
Just in case:
If the democrats win this one well there is a reason I just changed my gun buying habits to stacking up on certain guns/high mag clips that would be banned shortly afterwards.
Xisiqomelir said:What the hell. You've flipped on this THREE TIMES today. You need to make up your mind based on your own ethics and principles and not rush to change your positions every time the media refreshes the news cycle.
Sharp said:That said, I'm not totally sure why anyone on GAF actually wants one.