Evander said:
So now Israel is nervous? I thought you said AIPAC was.
Shit, I live in America, and we invaded a sovereign nation (even though I didn't support it) I guess that means I'm inherently evil as well.
Seriously, do some ACTUAL research before running your mouth. I don't think you're an anti-semite, I think you just have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Seriously, "single digit terrorists" are now okay? Nations should allow "single digit terrorists" in to their borders, because at least it isn't more of them? I personally DO NOT support many of Israel's methods, and I have no interest in defending them, but you really have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
1) Did I miss something where AIPAC is an organization designed to support the interest of Israel? It necessarily stems that if a nation is anything then the people who support them, especially their particular traits, are probably in that same vein. You can't say Israel is one thing but AIPAC is another when the two are so closely aligned (through no doing of Israel so much as thru AIPAC).
2) You live in America which invaded a sovereign nation under false pretenses. Intent is everything. As you said, you didn't support it so you're not inherently nervous/evil. If you were an active NeoCon sending money to the people in power who did support it (as AIPAC does) then yes, I'd classify you as nervous and/or evil.
3) Nations shouldn't allow any terrorists inside their borders, but I think you'd agree that if a cell popped up in New York City and Canada rolled tanks thru New England without our permission to bomb the shit out of them, we'd be a little pissed off. Israel continually dictates it's will to the region with not even so much as respecting the other nations in the area, and if you're as learned on the information as you claim you are then here is where you'll offer proof to me of Lebanese appeals to the UNSC or any NGO's for help in dealing with the problem. Of course you'll also be able to offer me evidene of Israel using the proper, accepted avenues of international appeal to support their cause.
But we both know that they didn't, at least not in regards to their most recent invasion of Lebanon. And yet here you are, stick in ass, arguing that a nation that acted unilaterally, hastily and without support by invading another sovereign nation without so much as giving them due notice is somehow not either nervous or evil. Please explain that to me.
(I'm guessing you're going to circumvent that entire paragraph in order for some cheap shot about how I either don't know anything or am racist. If it's because I don't know anything, then go ahead and teach me... seriously, I'm not closed off to learning if I'm uninformed. If it's cuz you want to keep calling me racist for my horrible attatchment of the word "nervous" to the idea of Judaism, well, don't waste anyones times. I'll cede the point that I classified nationalist Jews as nervous.
Also-- one more thing, don't try to say that this is about AIPAC and not Israel, because anything regarding Israel is intrinsically tied to AIPAC)
Evander said:
What we need is a President who would be willing to let Israel's own troops defend themself.
We've had a string of presidents who told Israel to stay still, and let us handle it, and that is NOT an appropriate use of American reasources. Israel has a highly trained and highly capable army that has defended against multiple attackers in the past. Forcing Israel to rely solely on US intervention is no good for anyone.
I actually love this idea but it does nothing to let them "fight their own battles" if we keep selling them our military technology with which to fight them.