I wasn't going to try an argument from authority, but I have spent a GREAT deal of time studying the situation from all angles (personally AS WELL AS academically), and visited the country a few times, so I take a little bit of offense at you trying to belittle the idea of studying the issue.
I'm not able to watch Obama's current speach, so if he's changed his stance I do not know, but from what I've read about his Israel platform in the past, it seems pretty even handed, supporting a palestinian state, and opposing further Israeli settlements, while also supporting Israel's right to self-defense. I guess I'm just curious what part of that disappoints you. Do you think that Israel should be allowed to displace even more Palestinians and that Palestinians have no right to their own nation, or do you think that Israel should sit idly by while their people are killed.
Obama's Israel platform is delightfully pragmatic in that it is an ACTUAL compromise that seeks peace without trying to grandstand through punishing one side or the other, and just wasting time and letting the body count rack up in the process. It's not perfect, because it (like every other plan) lacks a catalyst to get both sides to work together, but its much better than just saying "we should support everything Israel does", or saying "Israel should stop responding to terrorist threats and just let their people die."