Hitokage said:The only thing keeping this from looking like My First Photoshop is the lack of lens flare.

Hitokage said:The only thing keeping this from looking like My First Photoshop is the lack of lens flare.
reilo said:He's just adapting to whatever the free market requires of him, amirite?
Gaborn said:absolutely, but I'd rather a candidate flipped to a generally unpopular position that I agree with than away from it to appear more electable. I think that any candidate or any person for that matter is going to change their opinion over the course of their life. They're certainly flips, and they're inconsistencies, and that's not a good thing usually. However, I think it's human nature to respect more if someone flips to a position closer to your beliefs. Obama abandoned a position I greatly respected him holding, Barr has chosen to adopt several I respect after previously supporting several I find odious. As I said, he's NOT my ideal candidate, he's just better than the others.
And, oddly, probably increases the credibility of the Libertarian party marginally because he's slightly higher profile having been a prominent former Republican in the House.
grandjedi6 said:I just have a hard time accepting that there is a gay man who is going to vote for Bob Barr of all people. Though I suppose his current positions match your political beliefs well. I guess I'm just still biased against Barr for his actions in Congress but until I see some action to back up his apparent change in belief I doubt my opinion of Barr is going to rise anytime soon.
Uncanny.Aulatori said:I was bored and felt like knocking out a horrible shop:
Gaborn said:and I totally understand what you're saying. All I'm saying is look at the current candidates. None of them match my political positions very well. As I said, I'd prefer Bob Barr was not the Libertarian party's candidate, but I believe... well, several things, 1, he's not going to win, but he's got a chance to influence the election in a few states (which I'd say is about 20% chance of happening) 2. the campaign he's going to run is probably looking like a right leaning libertarian. Though the media won't cover his positions much so they don't "matter' necessarily, he seems intent on running as a principled libertarian on key issues, such as foreign policy of non-intervention, taxes, drug laws, and civil rights (including getting rid of the patriot act and DOMA)
reilo said:Brown shirt guy: "I mean GAAAAAAAAY as the DAAAAAAAAAAAAY is long, I am."
"I see that, I see that."
Brown shirt guy: "I mean, come on."
"I know, I hear ya."
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol and you guys wonder why liberarians don't get elected to anything!Gaborn said:Yeah... I mean, I respect people of all types. I think flaming gay guys get a lot of the worst flack because they're so... obvious. But still, I wish "normal" gay guys got more air time, it seems like perceptions gay men are all a bit flaming trickle into the media and mostly eliminate normal gay role models.
Grandjedi - true, Barr is no Paul but at least he's 10,000x better than Mary Ruwart, the runner up who advocates that possessing child porn (but not producing it) should be protected under the first amendment.
Triumph said:I have to say, I'm fucking impressed with how the Senators and Congressmen handled her crazy ass today. Someone else got it right when they said that what changed today was that THERE WERE NO MORE FREAKING CONTESTS LEFT. Everyone had held off on their endorsements even tho it was obvious that Obama was going to be the nominee in deference to her, but when she thought she could keep playing they told in her in very clear terms, "Sorry, the casino is closed. Also, about that house money you've been playing with..."
I honestly didn't think these bastards had it in them, and it's obvious that she and Bill didn't either. That must have been one awesome conference call.I wonder who the senior staffers were that threw it together- Wolfson? Terry? Not Ickes, I bet.
Gaborn said:Grandjedi - true, Barr is no Paul but at least he's 10,000x better than Mary Ruwart, the runner up who advocates that possessing child porn (but not producing it) should be protected under the first amendment.
neonglow said:What is the purpose of that stand with a piece of glass on it? Is it a teleprompter of some sort?
neonglow said:![]()
What is the purpose of that stand with a piece of glass on it? Is it a teleprompter of some sort?
grandjedi6 said:You know this is why libertarians are the butt of all jokes.
Gaborn said:It's also why, while Barr is NOT a purist libertarian, he's got a chance to mainstream the party a little bit more, which long term could cause interesting effects. I think we can all agree right now the libertarians, though they have some effect on local races, and even arguably national races (in Montana's senate race in 2006 for example the Libertarian candidate's total was more than double the Democrat's slim margin of victory, arguably costing the Republican the race), broadly speaking Libertarians don't matter. A little more mainstream for a little more relevance is a good thing long term, especially if it's more a matter of areas of emphasis than compromising principle.
As I said, candidates like Ruwart are a non-starter, that's why I'm glad she didn't get the nomination.
Both McCaine and Obama are reading the speeches yet the delivery is a huge difference between the tworeilo said:It reflects the text off of a teleprompter. The prompter is somewhere below the stage, and the glass is positioned so that Obama can read the prompter.
grandjedi6 said:The only parties that can survive in American politics are Big Tent parties. Otherwise they don't appeal to enough people or get enough talent to compete in bigger offices. Of course becoming a big tent party would effectively kill off the libertarian part of the Libertarian Party
reilo said:Holy shit, Colbert is hammering him on his flip-flopping. Wow.
Gaborn said:Well, but I'm not sure the goal is to become a big tent. The goal for the Libertarians should be to have a "seat at the table" as it were to influence policy. Getting a little more relevant with slightly more credible candidates would help with that. In all honesty in some states (the montana example being most noticeable) they're a LOT closer to breaking through a bit than the larger parties want to admit. Ron Paul is also probably going to have a positive, longer term effect than people want to admit, he's overnight become a player. Not necessarily a huge player, or one always taken seriously, but with a devoted and visible following.
What I see potentially happening is Libertarians being able to get 10-15% of the vote soon (not now, not in 4 years, but soon enough, 10 years, 15, maybe more maybe a little less) and being in the kingmaker position. having enough of a voice that the Democrats and Republicans will have to react to them by becoming a little more accomodating of their views and perspectives. THAT would be a major accomplishment, and it wouldn't require massive compromises.
grandjedi6 said:Getting 10%-15% of the vote would require becoming a big tent party. And even then it would be pretty hard considering the two party system doesn't favor such a large percentage for a 3rd party
grandjedi6 said:Getting 10%-15% of the vote would require becoming a big tent party. And even then it would be pretty hard considering the two party system doesn't favor such a large percentage for a 3rd party
Children who willingly participate in sexual acts have the right to make that decision as well, even if it's distasteful to us personally. Some children will make poor choices just as some adults do in smoking and drinking to excess. When we outlaw child pornography, the prices paid for child performers rise, increasing the incentives for parents to use children against their will.
Wow...Rep. Heather Wilson of New Mexico lost Tuesday to a more conservative Republican in a primary fight for the open Senate seat in her state, but Virginia Republican Rep. Tom Davis suggested she might make a good running mate for John McCain.
Daviswho hasnt been shy about criticizing his party and telling Republicans how they need to turn things around in a challenging campaign environmentsaid that choosing a woman might help balance the ticket and broaden McCains appeal, particularly if Barack Obama doesnt pick Hillary Clinton as a running mate.
If you fill that bill in a strategic way, you can make history, we can make history, said Davis, who is not running for re-election.
He also said Bobby Jindal, the young, newly elected governor of Louisiana, would be a smart choice. Its a young credential, its a good credential, its a credential of color, Davis said of Jindal, who is Indian-American. It doesnt turn off anyone in particular.
Deus Ex Machina said:Tom Davis (R): Jindal has a good "credential of color"
Zen said:Whenever I try to view a dailyshow clip etc it keep saying that the video isn't available. I'm assuming that means that it won't play outside of the USA... is there any way to get around this, I work late and end up missing the CS/CR. :lol
The Republicans are obviously running a neapolitan ticket. They'll have at least one flavor for everyone yet somehow end up left alone in an icebox collecting freezer burn because everyone would rather just have a full scoop of the one flavor they actually enjoy.Deus Ex Machina said:Tom Davis (R): Jindal has a good "credential of color"
Deus Ex Machina said:
Gaborn said:I disagree, it'd require some tweaks, some emphasis on more mainstream issues (efficiency in government, equal rights for all Americans, liberalization of gambling laws, etc), and a few more "credible" candidates with a more national focus/appeal/experience. Ron Paul or Bob Barr, though neither was perfect, were both US Congressmen (heck, Paul still is and should be for as long as he wants to be till death) and that brings instant credibility to a degree a businessman or someone who hasn't served in government before doesn't have. I think that many people support enough elements of libertarian ideas they could vote for a Libertarian... if they were a credible candidate with a chance to accomplish something. Again, it'll take time, but I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility. The big problem is clearing out the tax deniers and the truthers. Well, and the kiddy porn possession advocates.
Edit: I was too kind to Dr. Ruwart apparently:
So yeah, the biggest problem for libertarians, both l and L, is finding credible candidates with your views. And the Mary Ruwarts of the world, or even Badnarik (who was an income tax denier) are... simply not credible. Or sane. So it's harder to make progress. As I said, I've had many disagreements and reasons to dislike Barr in the past, assuming he's changed as much as he claims I'll have no problem voting for him though.
Kildace said:I'm in France and I can watch them, if that helps.
" this moment Barack Obama has a much bigger problem with Hillary Clinton than with John McCain"
This is the only guy on CNN I respect... I don't always like him but have much respect for his segmentDeus Ex Machina said:
:lol The irony over there is as thick as Oprah's thighs.justmeinmountdorafl Says:
June 4th, 2008 at 6:14 pm
the party is in constant denial. sad.
:lolscola said:He didn't rip off Obama, its clear where he got his inspiration from
If I had a TV I wud I wait for the youtube just hope she does not mess upmosaic said:So, Michelle Obama is scheduled to be a host of The View -- the women's talk show -- on June 18th.
Admit it, men of PoliGAF, you're going to turn in your testicles that day and tune-in.
I think thats how many of us feel about the VP thing :lolConfusingJazz said:I am tired and laughed at this political cartoon way too much:
I love Neapolitan.GrotesqueBeauty said:No one likes neapolitan.