Bernie is that type that can't succeed because they never admit when they've failed.
Bernie is that type of person that can't succeed because they never admit when they have failed.
Apparentlu everybody did not understand the context of my post. I was saying all the medias attention on trump was nevative, not sanders.
But going back to the original subject, CNN and MSNBC both showed ther clear love for Clinton from day zero. You really are blind is you cant see that bias and dont understand how much that helped her.
Amost is a relative term. Its subjective. Yes, i think losing the primary by 3 million votes counts as almost winning when you understand the hill he had to climb to get anywhere near that.
But yeah im just bitter as a piece of asperagus, my thoughts are meanigless in the face of such denial.
Apparentlu everybody did not understand the context of my post. I was saying all the medias attention on trump was nevative, not sanders.
But going back to the original subject, CNN and MSNBC both showed ther clear love for Clinton from day zero. You really are blind is you cant see that bias and dont understand how much that helped her.
Amost is a relative term. Its subjective. Yes, i think losing the primary by 3 million votes counts as almost winning when you understand the hill he had to climb to get anywhere near that.
But yeah im just bitter as a piece of asperagus, my thoughts are meanigless in the face of such denial.
Im not debating she won. But only the blind can claim it a fair victory.
And to whoever it applies to: Go ahead and post gifs to imply my foolishness or bitterness with no subtance to back it. Enjoy your president that doesnt care about you.
He seems like a nice guy with good ideas
It happens.or that their opponents exist and have views as well.
Apparentlu everybody did not understand the context of my post. I was saying all the medias attention on trump was nevative, not sanders.
But going back to the original subject, CNN and MSNBC both showed ther clear love for Clinton from day zero. You really are blind is you cant see that bias and dont understand how much that helped her.
Amost is a relative term. Its subjective. Yes, i think losing the primary by 3 million votes counts as almost winning when you understand the hill he had to climb to get anywhere near that.
But yeah im just bitter as a piece of asperagus, my thoughts are meanigless in the face of such denial.
And Sanders proves the article correct.
Im not debating she won. But only the blind can claim it a fair victory.
And to whoever it applies to: Go ahead and post gifs to imply my foolishness or bitterness with no subtance to back it. Enjoy your president that doesnt care about you.
Honestly, as a total outsider, I'm really not sure if Sanders would be a better president than Trump.
Knowing the little I do about American politics, it doesn't seem like he would get anything done in office. His attitude is very "my way or the high way". To the point his adminstration would be hated by everyone, Republican and democrat alike.
At least Trump, racist he is, would make sure he has ALOT of much smarter people under him making key decisions. He seems quite happy just being a firebranding figure head.
"Enjoy your president that doesnt care about you."
wat is this nonsense
I think if we have to pick between two candidates who don't care would we rather have the honest one that admits it or a dishonest one that at least pretends and acts accordingly?Im not debating she won. But only the blind can claim it a fair victory.
And to whoever it applies to: Go ahead and post gifs to imply my foolishness or bitterness with no subtance to back it. Enjoy your president that doesnt care about you.
He seems like a nice guy with good ideas, it's pretty funny to watch your country just bury him now. Shame, you guys will never learn.
Im not debating she won. But only the blind can claim it a fair victory.
And to whoever it applies to: Go ahead and post gifs to imply my foolishness or bitterness with no subtance to back it. Enjoy your president that doesnt care about you.
Barney Frank's assessment of Bernie from 1991 rings truer with each passing day.
Spreading now.
This is the reality of waging a bitter campaign the way Bernie did. It doesn't result in some long lived legacy that "Begins here" and shoots off into the stratosphere becoming some fairy tale. It ends with you losing, your staff throwing you under the bus while the other 90% of Liberals post "YAAAS" 10k times per second in chatrooms and message boards everywhere.
He had his chance to exit gracefully and he didn't take it.
Almost certainly. Their fault to begin with though for jumping aboard that ship. They knew he had just registered as a Dem for the benefits. I don't really feel for them at all. They got what they signed up for.
The characterizations of Sanders's state of mind aren't particularly flattering either. Aides portray him as angry, hurt, and actively deluding himself about both the reasons he's losing and the possibility he may still win:
I really don't get the Bernie vitriol here. How ugly did it get here during the 2008 primary?
I really don't get the Bernie vitriol here. How ugly did it get here during the 2008 primary?
There are two differences between this election and that one.
1.) Hillary was considerably closer in votes, and closer in delegates in 2008.
2.) Hillary never attacked the party she was running for in 2008.
He was always a long shot. He's managed to revise the Democratic platform to a degree. That's about the best he could've hoped for TBH.
Really? The DNC haven't given Bernie plenty of reason to hate them? Bernie backed Hillary up live on T.V with her email drama and the DNC threw it back in his face.
I really don't get the Bernie vitriol here. How ugly did it get here during the 2008 primary?
He was always a long shot. He's managed to revise the Democratic platform to a degree. That's about the best he could've hoped for TBH.
He was a long shot not because he didn't have a chance, but because from day one there was only one presumptive nominee. In a fair fight things could have been quite different. When you start primary season HUNDREDS of delegates in the hole, with little early opportunity to get your message to the actual voters and not party insiders it's hard to not end up bitter.
Sanders definitely made a lot of mistakes (he'll regret that email comment for a long time), but you compound it with the Democratic party doing Clinton's dirty work for her (John Lewis essentially claiming on national television that Sanders had no interest in fighting for minority rights is easily one of the most shitty things I've seen in a campaign) and the media consistently framing Clinton's campaign as "inevitable" and Sanders as a "spoiler" - what did people expect.
At the end of the day Sanders took the fight to Clinton and actually gave people hope that they might actually have a voice in the political process. He finishes double digits ahead of Donald Trump in a general election matchup (a matchup I think he's only lost once in polling) while Hillary Clinton has seen the entirety of her lead against Trump evaporate.
Again, if you can sit through all of that and NOT be bitter, my hats off to you.
There has only been one time where the media didn't kid glove Bernie and that was the debate done on a Spanish news channel when they showed the clip of Sanders agreeing with Fidel Castros policies. If they kept digging I'm sure they could find more skeletons that would spook people harder than Clintons negative press.I never thought he was kid gloved. The NY TIMES early on endorsed Hillary. Vox was pretty anti-Bernie. I know this board loves Hillary but I never thought Bernie was kid gloved.
It was more like the media never took Bernie seriously until he started winning. The media then started attacking Bernie's positions that I feel the media would normally support like healthcare.
I feel the media though of Bernie as the crazy old kook who Hillary would beat handily early on.
Barney Frank's assessment of Bernie from 1991 rings truer with each passing day.
How did Obama win?
A better run campaign, a larger, more diverse coalition, and a message that didn't devolve into negativity.
While I appreciate the answer, it was more for the person whining things were unfair to Sanders.
How so?Really? The DNC haven't given Bernie plenty of reason to hate them? Bernie backed Hillary up live on T.V with her email drama and the DNC threw it back in his face.
There are two differences between this election and that one.
1.) Hillary was considerably closer in votes, and closer in delegates in 2008.
2.) Hillary never attacked the party she was running for in 2008.
It's even more horrifying when you consider that Frank is the one Sanders wants kicked out of the DNC.
While I appreciate the answer, it was more for the person whining things were unfair to Sanders.
If anything I'd say it proves Frank's point further. If the character sketches are truthful (something that seems ever increasingly likely), in Bernie's world of absolutes you're either with him or against him. In his mind, because Frank has been critical of him and continues to be, Frank must be a corporate shill and a corrupt politician. If this is Bernie's mindset, I wouldn't want someone who is this petty and vindictive sitting in the oval office and leading the executive branch.
You're right, she only personally attacked future President Obama to such a degree that people like Donald Trump spent years trying to prove that he was actually not an American citizen. But that's okay right, because like everything else the Clintons have ever done for decades, she gets a free pass!
You're right, she only personally attacked future President Obama to such a degree that people like Donald Trump spent years trying to prove that he was actually not an American citizen. But that's okay right, because like everything else the Clintons have ever done for decades, she gets a free pass!