eBay Huckster
man, cuomo is ugly
I realize I'm way late to the game on this one, but I wanted to post about it anyway. I was disappointed that this tweet was largely dismissed as political theater without any basis in reality. It's one thing to know the author's motive was political and that he was probably ignorant of the actual force behind the argument. But many posters dismissed the substance of the argument itself as being asinine and statistically unsound, when in fact it gets to the heart of a fundamental split in statistics. I think this community values knowledge and higher level discourse, we like to learn so to speak, so it was a missed opportunity to separate politics from science.
Statistics is divided into two schools of thought, Bayesians and Frequentists, each with numerous subschools. There are fundamental philosophical differences between the two schools that cannot be reconciled. Some of the major differences are:
Now maybe the implicit assumption is everyone here is a Bayesian, or that we must act as if we are to facilitate discussion. However, I would wager that most people, through no fault of their own, are unaware of this split in what they thought was an uncontroversial and stable field of math. And if you think the split is meaningless or stupid, consider what kind of statistician you would want testifying for the prosecution or defense at a criminal trial. A Bayesian and a Frequentist could come to very different answers given the exact same question. In fact that's exactly what happened during OJ Simpson's trial and the judge was so confused that he decided not to allow either one to testify.
Anyway, just thought it was an interesting and important point about statistics that shouldn't be lost just because a conservative unwittingly brought it up for the purposes of smearing Silver.
ED: Another way to look at the split is in regards to the coin flip.
Why is that diablosing? Nobody said the storm was not going to be nasty or cause some issues, to diablos would mean you think the world will end and no voting will take place because people need life boats to get to the democractic polling centers that were specifically hit, thus handing Romney states like NY,PA,DE,and MD
Why is that diablosing? Nobody said the storm was not going to be nasty or cause some issues, to diablos would mean you think the world will end and no voting will take place because people need life boats to get to the democractic polling centers that were specifically hit, thus handing Romney states like NY,PA,DE,and MD
How is Philly looking?
Everybody PANIC!
Neither the Bayesian or the Frequentist would agree with the tweet that its 50/50 because it's one event. That's why it's stupid.
If true, I apologize for my shitty state.
little do we know that they will intentionally let the subway system fill with water to bring the top of the ESB back above sea level to rescue everyone in NYC.
Romney just flew back to Ohio for an event tomorrow. His lack of public events lasted long lol.
Romney To Attend Storm Relief Event In Ohio Tomorrow
Romney To Attend Storm Relief Event In Ohio Tomorrow
Ohio doesn't care about the hurricane. It's just a fancy name so he can keep campaigning while not breaking his promise to not campaign tomorrow.Storm relief in Ohio? Eh?
Romney To Attend Storm Relief Event In Ohio Tomorrow
Not even close.Did anything of the hurricane hit Ohio though?
Did anything of the hurricane hit Ohio though?
Romney should not be doing this. No matter what he says it's going come of as a slimy opportunist when he should be sitting in a corner keeping his mouth shut.
Romney To Attend Storm Relief Event In Ohio Tomorrow
I don't know but its not playing well at all.So could this Jeep lie be the straw that broke the camels back for Romney in Ohio? I mean he's getting called out for this by everyone. This is not some secret only those who eat this shit up know.
Ohio?Romney To Attend Storm Relief Event In Ohio Tomorrow
there's no way it could possibly backfire though!!!
Romney should not be doing this. No matter what he says it's going come of as a slimy opportunist when he should be sitting in a corner keeping his mouth shut.
Edit: On second thought he should be doing this. Let him get slammed for taking advantage of a national crisis for personal gain.
Hmm, I'm not entirely against the idea of a privatized response team. It could be by a termed exclusive contract with a huge amount of oversight and severe repercussions.
Of course there would have to be emergency contingencies in place.
I need to reiterate that this would have to be an extremely strict contract. No fucking around when it comes to this.
Nah. Romney is just trying to help out all the folks affected by this storm. He's not just trying to get on local news to look good.I think the event is in Ohio because of its importance in the election.
You know why he is doing it.In OHIO? This shit isn't anywhere near Ohio, its not going to be anywhere near it. He needs to cancel this, fast. Do this in Jersey, or NYC, somewhere that got hit.
A rally with a fancy name so he can seem above the fray!WHAT IS A STORM-RELIEF EVENT
You know why he is doing it.
No way, any company that tries to get a profit has no place in emergency response. Absolutely no place, at all.
At a time when the Governors, Mayors, county members of different political stripe are working in tandem with the President to manage the disaster and provide relief efforts in the best possible way, Romney is being a little partisan bitch and attacking the President. I hope this blows up in his face.
A rally with a fancy name so he can seem above the fray!
Stuff like this is really slimy. Doubt media will say anything about it though sadly.