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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I think that scenario is almost realistic. Charlie Cook also says that a split election is possible.

I still wonder about how the popular vote will go, although the national polls' movement over the past few days has me second-guessing. If we keep on going in this direction over the next few days, I'm giving the edge to Obama.
I'm going to need to stock up on booze. I'll need to fuck myself up if Romney wins.

we're rapidly barrelling towards the land of "statistical impossibility" on that one.

His only hope is that all polls, or the science thereof are somehow magically wrong in his direction.

Any state polls today?

Sorry I haven't been able to be in here due to my fuck up :(

you could have fled in here. Make the bastards chase you


I still wonder about how the popular vote will go, although the national polls' movement over the past few days has me second-guessing. If we keep on going in this direction over the next few days, I'm giving the edge to Obama.

Yea the national polls as of late aren't showing a split decision. They are coming in line with the state polls


o'reilly just wanted to " raise a provocative question" in repeatedly asking a panelist if Powell backed Obama because of their shared racial experience of using Affirmative Action to advance and being black.

Yeah. That happened. Fair and Balanced


I think we got only a CNN poll for CO that had Obama up 2.

Oh and a SUSA poll that had Obama up 4 in NV.

The Ipsos polls had Obama up 5 in VA, 2 in FL and OH, down 1 in CO.

The Rasmussen numbers will blunt the impact of these polls, though. Don't expect too much movement in the 538 cast.


No Scrubs
o'reilly just wanted to " raise a provocative question" in repeatedly asking a panelist if Powell backed Obama because of their shared racial experience of using Affirmative Action to advance and being black.

Yeah. That happened. Fair and Balanced

What a goddamn joke of a channel.


Might be inefficient, but your taxes (which are not that high to begin with) going towards employing people should be low on your list of worries. At least these people have been given jobs...
Mexicans would do the same job for half the salary and twice as hard. Sorry, they deserve those jobs, not these lazy bastards who got them because they just happened to be there or know someone. A lot of people have jobs they don't deserve. They need to go back to a reasonable level of income for the amount of work they're doing (which is very low) or better leave their jobs for those who can do them better.

For an example of possibly the worst local government, look no further than Santa Monica. Complete nightmare. They invest in sensors in parking meters so they zero out when the car leaves even if there are 2 hours left on the clock. They deserve the hurricane, not the Jersey Shore.

After this bout, I'm seriously considering moving to Texas.


andddddddd Hannity starts is show bashing Obama for "constant camp OH WTF HE JUST CALLED THIS OBAMAS KATRINA. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF THIS I"M OUT

Yesterday Rush Limbaugh blamed the aftermath of Katrina on its victims. Seriously.

I have no working CD player nor tape deck in my car and other than All Things Considered and Morning Edition I do not receive NPR programs. This has resulted in me listening to Rush Limbaugh during my commute. It has been an eye opener; Rush Limbaugh can be a bit of a dick.


Btw the Reuters Ohio poll that has Obama up 2 had him up 3 yesterday.

You are kind of like Kosmo in the fact you pop in "Obama down X amount of points" and then we don't hear from you much until the next time you want to alert us Obama is down lol

Thank god the election is next Tues


LOL Hannity flailing tonight. Sandy is Obama's Katrina

I'm guessing that Hannity saw the poll that 79% of people approved of Obama's handling of the hurricane and needs to chip away at that. I mean, comment on the news with factual and critical thinking.


538 just updated.


O'Reilly starting off with the liberal biased media covering up for Obama on Benghazi. No mention on the new CIA timeline. No need really, there are talking points to be had.
Biased media indeed . . . at Fox. The other day I went to the home pages of abcnews.com, cnn.com, cbsnews.com, nbcnews.com, and news.yahoo.com . . . not a single one had a story about Benghazi or Libya. Fox News is just in an echo chamber trying to manufacture a scandal for Obama.

Kinda surprising too. The Romney team got their chance at the second debate to push their view of the issue to 65 million viewers. Romney alleged that Obama did not say "Act of Terror" for two weeks after the incident and got totally HUMILIATED LIVE when Candy told him he was wrong . . . the crowd even laughed and applauded.

The Fox News crowd has been butt-hurt ever since and has been flogging it hard. But as someone pointed out . . . "They got whiskey dick" on that issue. Give it up.

Dear lord is that what he originally wrote? This is part of the reason why I hate tracking polls.

Cheebs, dear, please stop your schtick or your act or whatever it is. It's annoying.


Yesterday Rush Limbaugh blamed the aftermath of Katrina on its victims. Seriously.

I have no working CD player nor tape deck in my car and other than All Things Considered and Morning Edition I do not receive NPR programs. This has resulted in me listening to Rush Limbaugh during my commute. It has been an eye opener; Rush Limbaugh can be a bit of a dick.
I listened to him a few times, mainly on ski trips into am only territories (AKA Montana) and what really struck me is the level of his misogyny.
And I don't mean in it the "war on women" talking points kind of way, I mean that he sounds like a bitter old fuck who was rejected by one too many women.



Dear lord is that what he originally wrote? This is part of the reason why I hate tracking polls.

Cheebs, dear, please stop your schtick or your act or whatever it is. It's annoying.

Haha, he even knew it was too far of a troll and toned it back down a little. Amazing, a troll caught in his natural habitat.


Biased media indeed . . . at Fox. The other day I went to the home pages of abcnews.com, cnn.com, cbsnews.com, nbcnews.com, and news.yahoo.com . . . not a single one had a story about Benghazi or Libya. Fox News is just in an echo chamber trying to manufacture a scandal for Obama.

Kinda surprising too. The Romney team got their chance at the second debate to push their view of the issue to 65 million viewers. Romney alleged that Obama did not say "Act of Terror" for two weeks after the incident and got totally HUMILIATED LIVE when Candy told him he was wrong . . . the crowd even laughed and applauded.

The Fox News crowd has been butt-hurt ever since and has been flogging it hard. But as someone pointed out . . . "They got whiskey dick" on that issue. Give it up.

Favorite Fox News Benghazigate thing: The " They Knew" graphic with obama, rice, and clinton's eyes closed, head down pictures. It is fantastic.
Ugghhh, I'm ashamed. Just occurred to me as I continued to watch that Mormonism is still a branch of Christianity. Dunno what I was thinking.

Nah, your initial impulse was pretty key.

Technically it's about as Christian as Islam.

Having another prophet and all that jazz.


Hmm, well, I just find it strange that there are no visits to CO or VA but he's going to WI three times.
Wait, don't you think it's strange he's not visiting VA or CO? Is that a sign they think both are already lost? Oh, man. Epic ffs. It's so scary.
Uh oh, some shit going down in Libya again.... Fuck these assholes. Rebels invaded parliament, saying some ministers have ties to Ghaddafi.

Surprise. Libya is still chaotic. And although the elections were a welcome development, the process will be turbulent. What's most worrisome is the abundance of heavy armaments. The proliferation of weapons throughout North Africa has not only destabilized Libya, but the insurgencies in Mali and perhaps even Niger and Somalia are profiting. It's essential the government of Libya inhibit the flow of weapons. But as I've noted in previous posts, they may be helpless in that respect.
I found this article interesting:


Maybe you guys (from both sides) should temper your premature partying a bit ;)
I didn't. It's neither interesting nor informative. It misconstrues many of the sources; did they even read them? For example, "Polls don't matter because it's the fundamentals, such as the economy, that decide elections." They erroneously present Dickinson's stricture as evidence to ignore polls. But that's a terribly inaccurate characterization. Rather, Dickinson argues that polls lack theoretical value. A poll cannot explain an election, whereas the fundamentals explain vote share. They possess value for theorizing about electoral determinants. Dickinson readily acknowledges polls are useful for forecasting. However, polls in June, when the article was posted, are largely irrelevant. His intention is to caution against the media's obsession with polls early in the cycle when they're uninformative. That article was shit.


Nah, your initial impulse was pretty key.

Technically it's about as Christian as Islam.

Having another prophet and all that jazz.
Generally speaking, Mormons see themselves as Christians, but Christians don't see Mormons as such.
The Christian part of that equation seem to be changing, and this election is no doubt contribute to it, and I think that's a good thing.
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