Help me craft a good response to this, polligaf
I want to crush this mofo with righteous facts.
So there actually are people that base their vote solely on Israel?!
Help me craft a good response to this, polligaf
I want to crush this mofo with righteous facts.
Benghazi has no traction, shouldn't they be focusing on the real issue of insisting all polls that don't show Romney leading by 15 points are corrupt conspiracies
I wonder if they're scared of making Hillary the sacrificial lamb before the election. She's resigning next year regardless obviously, but still.
Here are the cumulative numbers for the absentee ballot requests:
Dems 291,022 (43.09%)
Reps 208,374 (30.85%)
Inds 175,142 (25.93%)
Oth 864 (negligible)
TOTAL 675,402
Here are the new ballot requests since the 10/31:
Dems +5,170
Reps +4,693
Inds +4,872
Absentee ballot requests going down a bit in general as we get closer to election day.
And now, here are the cumulative numbers for actual ballots cast:
Dems 241,430 (43.31%)
Reps 179,675 (32.23%)
Inds 135,547 (24.32%)
Oth 680 (negligible)
TOTAL 557,432
Here are the ballots cast since the 10/31 report:
Dems +8,968
Reps +8,403
Inds +7,927
Info comes from DailyKos which gets it from the state
This seems like a selfish way to view this; "no one cares people died, let it go." There was clearly a fuck up, and the administration hasn't handled the aftermath clearly at all.
I wonder if they're scared of making Hillary the sacrificial lamb before the election. She's resigning next year regardless obviously, but still.
Wow, you found 1. Well, at least we know they exist. Not in any of the real swing states, of course.
basically, romney has to hope that currently, he has a 20-point lead on obama when it comes to independents, and on election day, he wins all those votes by 6 points in order to break 50%.
this is assuming that early voting, which has favored democrats so far, ends today, about 5 days before election day. #ifididthemathright
Bams got my vote for the presidency but I am seriously considering republican for state and local from now on. When I see 8 people on tree cleanup duty and 1 is operating the loader, 2 others are operating chainsaws, and the remaining 5 just standing around I think those lazy workers need to be fired from their cushy government jobs and we should hire Mexicans instead. Also any lawsuit that does not pass the common sense test should be thrown out instantly.,30196/WASHINGTONRepublican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan took a short break from his busy campaign schedule Wednesday to announce the official release of his new 90-minute high-endurance Extreme Budget Shredder instructional video.
According to a press release, the video will allow fiscal conservatives to follow along with the Wisconsin legislator as he guides them through a wide variety of exercises in austerity designed to trim those government expenditures and burn away all that unwanted debt.
Prepare to see your budget get lighter and leaner than its ever been, Ryan says in the introduction to the video, wearing a tank top, compression shorts, and a hands-free microphone. It wont be easy, but with me guiding you every step of the way, pretty soon those $1.1 trillion deficits will be nothing but a distant memory.
All right, now, lets get that heart rate up with a set of light transportation infrastructure cuts, Ryan continues as he demonstrates how to do away with costly bridge and highway repairs to a room of seven men and women dressed in formal business attire. Only $10 billion more to go. Cmon, keep it going! Quick breaths! Reduce those allocations!
Promising to increase balance and stability, Ryans program claims it is specifically designed to target the budgets core using a dynamic reduction approach to eliminate fat from the governments major spending areas.
The video reportedly features over 70 new and turbocharged financial reforms, ranging from 30-second-interval stimulus plunges to quicker and more explosive discretionary-spending chops aimed at getting rid of all those dreaded earmarks. The program also concentrates on trimming green energy subsidies, using Ryans trademark Solyndra slashes to quickly drop investments in geothermal, wind, and solar power research.
Oh, yeah, were really in the groove now, Ryan says a half hour into the video, after he finishes running up the eligibility age for Social Security. Dont forget to keep stretching those tax dollars, and remember that the more you feel the burn, the faster youre shedding those Supplementary Security Income plans. Man, that feels good, huh?
At the end of this election a lot polls and pundits will have to answer questions if their results don't match.
At the end of this election a lot polls and pundits will have to answer questions if their results don't match.
Bams got my vote for the presidency but I am seriously considering republican for state and local from now on. When I see 8 people on tree cleanup duty and 1 is operating the loader, 2 others are operating chainsaws, and the remaining 5 just standing around I think those lazy workers need to be fired from their cushy government jobs and we should hire Mexicans instead. Also any lawsuit that does not pass the common sense test should be thrown out instantly.
I wonder why Romney hasn't been asked whether he'd pursue criminal charges (if needed) against the Obama admin on Benghazi if he wins - similar to the demands liberals had on charging Bush officials in 2007/2008. It would be interesting to get Romney's answer
You should check out the disparity between red and blue statesBams got my vote for the presidency but I am seriously considering republican for state and local from now on. When I see 8 people on tree cleanup duty and 1 is operating the loader, 2 others are operating chainsaws, and the remaining 5 just standing around I think those lazy workers need to be fired from their cushy government jobs and we should hire Mexicans instead. Also any lawsuit that does not pass the common sense test should be thrown out instantly.
Because that question isn't calculated to gain him any votes anywhere and because candidates are very careful to avoid being asked any questions they don't have sanitized answer to this close to election day.
At the end of this election a lot polls and pundits will have to answer questions if their results don't match.
I'm sure that when pressed he'd agree with Obama that we shouldn't litigate the past, and that after the election he'd seek to work across the aisle in a spirit on unity, something that Obama probably wanted to do, but never had the leadership or acumen to do effectively.I wonder why Romney hasn't been asked whether he'd pursue criminal charges (if needed) against the Obama admin on Benghazi if he wins - similar to the demands liberals had on charging Bush officials in 2007/2008. It would be interesting to get Romney's answer
I wonder why Romney hasn't been asked whether he'd pursue criminal charges (if needed) against the Obama admin on Benghazi if he wins - similar to the demands liberals had on charging Bush officials in 2007/2008. It would be interesting to get Romney's answer
I'm sure that when pressed he'd agree with Obama that we shouldn't litigate the past, and that after the election he'd seek to work across the aisle in a spirit on unity, something that Obama probably wanted to do, but never had the leadership or acumen to do effectively.
Whoa, I just got cellphone polled!
+1 white guy with no landline voting Obama
Yea but he's taken questions from voters since mid September, and has done interviews with right leaning journalists/Fox. Plenty of opportunities for that question
Don't know if this has been posted yet. New Left media attends Romney's latest rally in Ohio.
Love the cognitive dissonance at the 4 minute and 25 second mark.
Don't know if this has been posted yet. New Left media attends Romney's latest rally in Ohio.
Love the cognitive dissonance at the 4 minute and 25 second mark.
Don't know if this has been posted yet. New Left media attends Romney's latest rally in Ohio.
Love the cognitive dissonance at the 4 minute and 25 second mark.
O'Reilly starting off with the liberal biased media covering up for Obama on Benghazi. No mention on the new CIA timeline. No need really, there are talking points to be had.
Romney's victory is funnier.
I guess they're hoping that if they talk about it enough, then the other networks will have to join in eventually so that they don't look "liberal."
Well Obama's living proof ain't he?How can you be an Atheist and a Muslim at the same time?
How can you be a communist and a socialist at the same time?How can you be an Atheist and a Muslim at the same time?
Don't know if this has been posted yet. New Left media attends Romney's latest rally in Ohio.
Love the cognitive dissonance at the 4 minute and 25 second mark.
How can you be a communist and a socialist at the same time?
How can you be a communist and a socialist at the same time?
Don't know if anyone cares but Bob Beckel of Fox News said he expects about 290 electoral votes for Obama and for Mitt Romney to win the popular vote by 200,000.