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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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What do you guys think the House will look like after this? Do the Dems have any chance of taking it back? Would a smaller GOP majority work more with the Prez and the Senate, or would things just continue as they are now?


What do you guys think the House will look like after this? Do the Dems have any chance of taking it back? Would a smaller GOP majority work more with the Prez and the Senate, or would things just continue as they are now?

I believe the dems will get a very very very very slim majority. The GOP will block anything and everything like they have for the past 2 years.
What do you guys think the House will look like after this? Do the Dems have any chance of taking it back? Would a smaller GOP majority work more with the Prez and the Senate, or would things just continue as they are now?

It'll be closer than people expect. Dems will get within 5 and maybe take it.

Link Man

Yesterday Rush Limbaugh blamed the aftermath of Katrina on its victims. Seriously.

I have no working CD player nor tape deck in my car and other than All Things Considered and Morning Edition I do not receive NPR programs. This has resulted in me listening to Rush Limbaugh during my commute. It has been an eye opener; Rush Limbaugh can be a bit of a dick.

Don't like music?


hhhhhnnnnnnnggggggg A soothing hit of hopium.

But I'm building a tolerance to hopium. I need the stronger stuff . . . salty tears and an injection of schadenfreude.

I need the House, mang.

I recall being indifferent to this election in June due to the fact that Boehner's gavel is secure, but since then I've gotten wrapped up in the theatrics of presidential election. Now that I'm confident that Obama will win my mind is starting to settle on how much the House sucks and how unlikely that is to change.

Don't like music?

The options are limited. A man can only listen to Fun and Pink so much.
What do you guys think the House will look like after this? Do the Dems have any chance of taking it back? Would a smaller GOP majority work more with the Prez and the Senate, or would things just continue as they are now?

Dems will probably gain five to eight seats. Losses in 2010 made redistricting pretty rough for gains and Obama's coattails aren't very long this year.

Assuming Boner can stay upright as leader of the House, there's a chance that he'll work with Obama on a big budget deal in the lame duck or risk getting mowed down under sequestration pressure after the new year. I wouldn't count of any cooperation past that, the House GOP is just too extremist. Doubly so if the Senate actually reforms filibuster rules and the House becomes a last line of defense against the Obama atheist communist state.

I would also add that I would expect a leadership challenge in the House GOP ranks in the winter. There's just too much huge egos around for it not to happen.



Dear lord is that what he originally wrote? This is part of the reason why I hate tracking polls.

Cheebs, dear, please stop your schtick or your act or whatever it is. It's annoying.

The sad thing is that it really doesn't take much math to know that there's no way Romney was ahead.
Romney can't even make it into Sam's yellow error range.

And he's put NC into the toss up group.


His model really indicates Obama locking it up more than Nate's. Of course there is that votamatic guy but he's going too far.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What will be the next thing for PD and cheebs to troll about after Obama wins?

They'll tell you they knew about this all along, were just having fun, and then in 3 years Cheebs will tell you he was the only one that foresaw Obama having trouble at the first debate and that no one else guessed Obama would lose North Carolina.


What will be the next thing for PD and cheebs to troll about after Obama wins?

Get to look forward to 2 years of Dems gonna get crushed in 2014 and a healthy daily reminder that nothing still won't get for the next 4 years due to GOP obstructionism.

Just a guess.


Sounds like the Times isn't happy with Silver's recent back-and-forth with Scarborough

Times public editor Margaret Sullivan has a post up taking Nate Silver to task for daring Joe Scarborough to a bet over who would win the election. Basically, she says making a bet like this diminishes the Times and he shouldn’t have done it. That may be so. I don’t know and don’t really care.

But she concludes with this line …

When he came to work at The Times, Mr. Silver gained a lot more visibility and the credibility associated with a prominent institution. But he lost something, too: the right to act like a free agent with responsibilities to nobody’s standards but his own.

Personally, have no problem with what Nate's been doing. He's been viciously attacked for simply using math and reading the polls without a filter.


No Scrubs
Sounds like the Times isn't happy with Silver's recent back-and-forth with Scarborough


Personally, have no problem with what Nate's been doing. He's been viciously attacked for simply using math and reading the polls without a filter.

It's a standards thing, the NYTimes wants to be above all the petty bullshit. That said I doubt they're going to do anything to him. They're just nervous that he might be wrong and if he is they don't want a huge amount of people to notice.


Sounds like the Times isn't happy with Silver's recent back-and-forth with Scarborough


Personally, have no problem with what Nate's been doing. He's been viciously attacked for simply using math and reading the polls without a filter.

LOL, this is why I'd never work with the Times. Hubris.

Silver's blog deal at the Times was a huge image and credibility win for the Times. They were utterly irrelevant, especially as a political rag. I mean these are the hacks so worried about losing access to the Bush administration that they agreed not to use the word torture with respect to the actions of Americans.

Among people familiar with both, no one would trust an NYT reporter over Silver.
Really depends on where you draw the line. I don't think anyone is necessarily wrong for thinking Mormons are 'Christians'.
Yeah . . . if you believe in Christ as your saviour, you are a Christian. And there is a HUGE amount of variation in that gigantic Christian pool.

But I think it is stretching it a bit to call Islam a Christian religion. They don't call him Jesus Christ and while they view him as a prophet, they view his message as out-dated and to be replaced by Muhammad's message. I think the Book of Mormon is viewed as another book adding to the Bible, not a replacement for it.
Probably one of the very few endorsements I give a shit about.

The Economist

I stopped reading here:
The other qualified achievement is health reform. Even to a newspaper with no love for big government, the fact that over 40m people had no health coverage in a country as rich as America was a scandal. “Obamacare” will correct that, but Mr Obama did very little to deal with the system’s other flaw—its huge and unaffordable costs. He surrendered too much control to left-wing Democrats in Congress. As with the gargantuan Dodd-Frank reform of Wall Street, Obamacare has generated a tangle of red tape—and left business to deal with it all.

Obama said he was really honored to get it, whats the problem?

In 2008, Obama ran as a pragmatic problem-solver and consensus-builder. But as president, he devoted little time and effort to developing and sustaining a coalition of centrists, which doomed hope for any real progress on illegal guns, immigration, tax reform, job creation and deficit reduction. And rather than uniting the country around a message of shared sacrifice, he engaged in partisan attacks and has embraced a divisive populist agenda focused more on redistributing income than creating it.



So I am listening to Obama make his case in a rally right after watching the horrifying Romney Ohio rally interviews.

I mean, I get that I am comparing the candidate making a carefully crafted appeal to the other's bottom feeders, but still. It's enough to drive me insane that Obama isn't up by 70 points.

Slowly, slowly going losing my mind. Tuesday can't get here soon enough.
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