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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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The thing I learned this election cycle, never donate to candidates. They never leave you alone and stop asking for money

Know what will be the best part of Tuesday? PoliGAF freaking out about the exit poll numbers when they start leaking out that afternoon.

Nobody is gonna be freaking out. Besides maybe you, PD (trolling concern at least) and Diablos.
Just 5... 20.. uh, 50 more bucks to get me through to next Tuesday. This is the last time, I swear.

Those emails that have your information stored and don't even give you a second click to double check if you want to give are dangerous when you have a smartphone. I'm out drinking and I always get some email from barry asking for money and I end up I giving in too much :-(

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I'm ranting again. I need to go work on my drinking problem.

Oh and this week started our global warming unit. So that has been fun.

I think I need to move. :( Sorry for spamming the thread with livejournal dribble.

It's alright. These are times that try men's souls. And their GAF accounts.
"He's all three." *holds up three fingers*

I was expecting crazy, but that got me good. Wow.

It really shows you how the right does think about Muslims in racial terms. Obama is a Muslim because his father was, and that's true even if he is an atheist. There isn't even any dissonance in need of cognitive harmonizing or compartmentalizing.
What I don't understand is why they keep at it. It's just preaching to the choir at this point with them. Actually I think it could do damage since they keep talking about it over and over again it could make some of their viewers try reading up on it on their own and they'll see what Fox is ignoring and how they're trying to spin it.

I don't think they care that they're preaching to the choir -- they just want to keep their base riled up and enthusiastic to vote against Obama, and avoid covering Obama's handling of Sandy as much as possible.

And I don't think they have to worry about their average viewer doing any independent research that's not through similarly partisan outlets.


Been doing calls through the dashboard. Know personally at least 12 people in NC voting Obama that were voting Romney before I talked with them. Super proud of a few of those that I talked with.

I guess, as an educator, I'm super disappointed in the populace of our country. I thought we were better than this. Big mistake. Hearing teachers talk about increasing military spending but cutting health care, especially as "Christians" blows my mind. So these people are ok increasing debt and spending to bomb more people halfway around the world because they worship a different book than your book, but you won't heal your own American brothers and sisters?

I'm ranting again. I need to go work on my drinking problem.

Oh and this week started our global warming unit. So that has been fun.

I think I need to move. :( Sorry for spamming the thread with livejournal dribble.

Wow, 12 people is a lot. I've only gotten my parents to not vote Romney, and all I really did was get them to stop watching Fox News for most of the election and to watch PBS instead. It's pretty amazing how their attitudes changed (my dad went from absolutely hating Obama to now being OK with him and hating Romney so much he might vote for O) just from the absence of that kind of propaganda for a year.
Been doing calls through the dashboard. Know personally at least 12 people in NC voting Obama that were voting Romney before I talked with them. Super proud of a few of those that I talked with.

I guess, as an educator, I'm super disappointed in the populace of our country. I thought we were better than this. Big mistake. Hearing teachers talk about increasing military spending but cutting health care, especially as "Christians" blows my mind. So these people are ok increasing debt and spending to bomb more people halfway around the world because they worship a different book than your book, but you won't heal your own American brothers and sisters?

I'm ranting again. I need to go work on my drinking problem.

Oh and this week started our global warming unit. So that has been fun.

I think I need to move. :( Sorry for spamming the thread with livejournal dribble.

I canvassed and got some guy who was "undecided" though registered dem but really seemed to appreciate us stopping by and making him feel important. I'd like to think I got one for bams. Otherwise I've just been reminding people which isn't as exciting or rewarding.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Hey guys, have been at work today so I've pretty much missed anything important. So three questions:

1. What big thing(s) happened today?
2. Some guy on reddit sez fifteen years of Mittens' tax return were released, but I haven't seen shit.
3. Has Nate Silver's gayness gotten him fired yet?


Wow, 12 people is a lot. I've only gotten my parents to not vote Romney, and all I really did was get them to stop watching Fox News for most of the election and to watch PBS instead. It's pretty amazing how their attitudes changed (my dad went from absolutely hating Obama to now being OK with him and hating Romney so much he might vote for O) just from the absence of that kind of propaganda for a year.

Wow, thats pretty amazing. Though its kinda disturbing to know that propaganda fox news BS works so well


So I had read about how Romney 'rented' tax exempt status from his mormon church, but only recently did I see someone connect that to Harry Reid's accusation. So, is Reid validated? Did renting tax exempt status really put him at zero or near zero taxes owed? Seems like it'd be a bigger deal if so.

edit: for reference, here's the original story http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-...es-via-loophole-cutting-mormon-donations.html

edit2: after reading further, it seems only some of his wealth was funneled through that tust. Nevermind.


Wow, 12 people is a lot. I've only gotten my parents to not vote Romney, and all I really did was get them to stop watching Fox News for most of the election and to watch PBS instead. It's pretty amazing how their attitudes changed (my dad went from absolutely hating Obama to being OK with him and hating Romney so much he might vote for O) just from the absence of that kind of propaganda for a year.

I guess I'm persuasive haha In this area though all you need to do is mention education cuts, charter schools, and the benefits of obamacare and if they aren't Fox sheep they see how it affects them. Some asked me when I'm going to run for office. Scary thoughts.

Friggin Fox news. It is everywhere here. Yuck.

My dad is voting dem for the first time in his life. You have to really screw up to get my dad to vote dem. Even all four of my grandparents are voting dem this year, and all 4 voted for McCain in 08. To bad they aren't in swing states. :(


Wow, thats pretty amazing. Though its kinda disturbing to know that propaganda fox news BS works so well

My dad quit watching Fox - I think this is a big part of his shift away from the republican party. That and their anti-environment stance were just too much for him. If I could get people to stop watching that propaganda network life would be so much more tolerable.

I canvassed and got some guy who was "undecided" though registered dem but really seemed to appreciate us stopping by and making him feel important. I'd like to think I got one for bams. Otherwise I've just been reminding people which isn't as exciting or rewarding.

I feel like 99% of my time spent doing calls was a waste. I got hung up on a LOT. And not nice names. But whatever. Gotta try right?


I'm so bored though....

Its fun to play along sometimes. And if we ignore him we might not get a sequel to his hilary fan fiction or another psychoanalysis of the president
A moment of seriousness, the problem with such crap is that it kills discussion.
You can't have a serious conversation if at every step you have to ask yourself if the guy you're arguing with is serious.
It also makes poligaf seem more cliquey and unwelcoming than it already is.

And you know what?
If that was some clever shit I woudl've been fine with that, I like me a good troll, but that crap?

It's the "it's funny because its the opposite of what I think" school of humor.
You know, stuff like "Russel Westbrook totally didn't bet money on the Spurs to win" (it's funnier if you watch the game, trust me).

And for the record, I'm not asking for mod intervention, I'm asking for PD (and his ilk, yeah, you have an ilk now, deal with it) to grew the fuck up, or at the very least for people stop taking his oh so very obvious baits.


The Autumn Wind
My dad's been a real challenge when it comes to voting. Although he's always been a Democrat, he's fairly low-information. It came up in conversation that he was thinking about voting for Romney, because Obama "didn't get much done."

After some education from me, I got him to scrap that plan, but he soon turned to just not voting for anyone. I told him that it's important to vote, especially in a swing state (we're in Florida). Well, I finally got through to him and he went to vote for Obama today, but called later to tell me the line was too long and he left.

Now I have to convince him to go back and stand his ass in line until he votes. Why are people so damn difficult?!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
My dad's been a real challenge when it comes to voting. Although he's always been a Democrat, he's fairly low-information. It came up in conversation that he was thinking about voting for Romney, because Obama "didn't get much done."

After some education from me, I got him to scrap that plan, but he soon turned to just not voting for anyone. I told him that it's important to vote, especially in a swing state (we're in Florida). Well, I finally got through to him and he went to vote for Obama today, but called later to tell me the line was too long and he left.

Now I have to convince him to go back and stand his ass in line until he votes. Why are people so damn difficult?!

Should have just went to the FL website and requested an absentee ballot. So much easier. For future reference anyway.
A moment of seriousness, the problem with such crap is that it kills discussion.
You can't have a serious conversation if at every step you have to ask yourself if the guy you're arguing with is serious.
It also makes poligaf seem more cliquey and unwelcoming than it already is.

And you know what?
If that was some clever shit I woudl've been fine with that, I like me a good troll, but that crap?

It's the "it's funny because its the opposite of what I think" school of humor.
You know, stuff like "Russel Westbrook totally didn't bet money on the Spurs to win" (it's funnier if you watch the game, trust me).

And for the record, I'm not asking for mod intervention, I'm asking for PD (and his ilk, yeah, you have an ilk now, deal with it) to grew the fuck up, or at the very least for people stop taking his oh so very obvious baits.

I do agree to some extend. It really does seem like ever since the meltdown's over denver we've lost our collective mind. But there also is nothing really serious in the news right now. We got CNN and their ties, FOX and their Libya fetish and I don't know what MSNBC is doing. Blogs are arguing about if math is real and trump shows up every once and awhile. Its all crap at this point. I think they'll be a lot more serious discussion after election and during the fiscal cliff negotiations. When we can actually debate facts. Which this election has been so desperately missing.

We do need to fix the "cliqueness" though. But I feel thats hard without dumbing down the discussions we do have.
Eh? Leno>Letterman


The Autumn Wind
Should have just went to the FL website and requested an absentee ballot. So much easier. For future reference anyway.
He's had multiple issues with identity theft and doesn't trust to give his info online. He even still delivers his bills in person.


I feel like 99% of my time spent doing calls was a waste. I got hung up on a LOT. And not nice names. But whatever. Gotta try right?

I don't even bother to sign up for doing the calls. I talked to one of my coworkers and he's explains it bluntly - "I'm a big Warren supporter but even I don't like getting calls from them." Most people just don't want to talk on the phone. I've been canvassing instead, at least that gets them to get off the couch and shut the door on you.
I don't even bother to sign up for doing the calls. I talked to one of my coworkers and he's explains it bluntly - "I'm a big Warren supporter but even I don't like getting calls from them." Most people just don't want to talk on the phone. I've been canvassing instead, at least that gets them to get off the couch and shut the door on you.

They're always nicer when canvassing. You also get to meet awesome people. I almost got offered weed by some hippy couple. I don't smoke though so it would have been useless.



The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to officials briefed on the intelligence. Of the more than 30 American officials evacuated from Benghazi following the deadly assault, only seven worked for the State Department. Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principal purpose of the consulate, these officials said.

The coordinated attacks stirred up a political hornet's nest over whether the administration provided adequate security and whether it was forthcoming with its assessment of what happened. In the election season, that cast a shadow over the Obama administration's foreign policy record.

Nearly eight weeks after the attacks, a complete accounting hasn't emerged in public view. The brunt of the public criticism for security lapses has so far been directed at the State Department, rather than the CIA, which, by design, operates largely in the shadows. Critics in Congress say the CIA has used secrecy in part to shield itself from blame—a charge officials close to the agency deny.

This account of the CIA presence in Benghazi sheds new light on the events, and how the essentially covert nature of the U.S. operations there created confusion. Congressional investigators say it appears that the CIA and State Department weren't on the same page about their respective roles on security, underlining the rift between agencies over taking responsibility and raising questions about whether the security arrangement in Benghazi was flawed.

The CIA's secret role helps explain why security appeared inadequate at the U.S. diplomatic facility. State Department officials believed that responsibility was set to be shouldered in part by CIA personnel in the city through a series of secret agreements that even some officials in Washington didn't know about.

It also explains why the consulate was abandoned to looters for weeks afterward while U.S. efforts focused on securing the more important CIA quarters. Officials say it is unclear whether the militants knew about the CIA presence or stumbled upon the facility by following Americans there after the attack on the consulate.

The CIA's secrecy affected how the U.S. government dealt with the families of the two slain contractors. Kate Quigley, Mr. Doherty's sister, said officials who visited her mother in Massachusetts identified themselves as State Department representatives. Officials said the State Department deferred to the CIA to contact the families and the "notification teams" included CIA officers.

Most informative on Benghazi I've seen so far
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