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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Sam Wang on Facebook -- if Romney wins Iowa, Ohio or Wisconsin I will eat a bug and take pictures.

For some reason that makes me feel a lot better.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Is it wrong that I started liking Leno a lot less than I initially did once I found out he's a Republican?
How can FOX still be covering Libya? That shit happened almost 2 months ago now and Obama did nothing wrong!

They got nothing else to bitch about. F&F flopped as a scandal. Unemployment dropped to 7.8%. Gas prices have been stable. Chrysler sending all Jeep manufacturing to China was a blatant lie (which they didn't seem to talk about much if at all).

All they got is second-guessing a terrorist attack in Libya from 2 months ago. If that is all they got, this is over. And yeah . . . how the fuck can they keep harping on it when the biggest city in country got walloped by a 100 year storm? WTF?

FFS, go ahead and harp on the CIA fucking up Benghazi when you could be talking about this:



They got nothing else to bitch about. F&F flopped as a scandal. Unemployment dropped to 7.8%. Gas prices have been stable. Chrysler sending all Jeep manufacturing to China was a blatant lie (which they didn't seem to talk about much if at all).

It probably flopped because it had a stupid name. Noone's going to associate Fast and the Furious with a scandal; everyone just thinks of the movie. They should've called it Operation Raping Babies or something.


I don't even bother to sign up for doing the calls. I talked to one of my coworkers and he's explains it bluntly - "I'm a big Warren supporter but even I don't like getting calls from them." Most people just don't want to talk on the phone. I've been canvassing instead, at least that gets them to get off the couch and shut the door on you.

Wish I could canvas here. :( I know I'd get a better response and have better conversations.
Been doing calls through the dashboard. Know personally at least 12 people in NC voting Obama that were voting Romney before I talked with them. Super proud of a few of those that I talked with.

I guess, as an educator, I'm super disappointed in the populace of our country. I thought we were better than this. Big mistake. Hearing teachers talk about increasing military spending but cutting health care, especially as "Christians" blows my mind. So these people are ok increasing debt and spending to bomb more people halfway around the world because they worship a different book than your book, but you won't heal your own American brothers and sisters?

I'm ranting again. I need to go work on my drinking problem.

Oh and this week started our global warming unit. So that has been fun.

I think I need to move. :( Sorry for spamming the thread with livejournal dribble.
Please provide more. It is much better than PD trolling, Diablos freaking, and me bitching about Fox.


Further expanding on Sam Wang's Q/A thread over on Facebook tonight..


Some of my favorite exchanges:
Gregg Eilenstine: Sam I have tried to follow politics all my life.Every election year since 1980 I send a map of how I think the election will go to all my friends.i will settle for you being right and me wrong. I picked Obama in Fl,NC,and Vir plus the states he is currently ahead in for a total of 347.Do I have any chance on those three?

Sam Wang: Gregg, you may end up being right on one of those. Maybe two. Hard to say. Can't say which ones.

Jon Valdez: What about Pennsylvania? seems to close for comfort there as well

Sam Wang: @JonValdez, no. Obama is going to win Pennsylvania.

Kim Hall Cole: I'm still waiting for some convincing argument to be made that winning the EV and losing the PV matters. OK, "mandate," blah blah...but the rules of the game say the EV is The Decider (sorry GWB) and until those rules change, who cares what the PV numbers are? Especially under the conditions we find ourselves in now...even if Obama had a huge PV margin and a strong mandate, that doesn't mean a flying fling to the Republicans who are determined to see him fail--actually, make that determined to ENSURE that he fails.

Sam Wang: @KimHallCole, a PV/EV split...live by the sword, die by the sword.

Sam Wang: I see that Chris Cillizza joins the ranks of those who want to get more readers before Tuesday. Mass media offers perverse incentives: being precise loses readers, and implying a tossup brings people back. Maybe I should write about that...

Jane Grissom: Sam, you may have addressed this before, but could you again? I'm from Columbus, OH and it is as blue as you can get. Ohio should easily go for Obama, should we worry about vote tampering by the Republicans? Also, is there anything to fear in Iowa and Wisconsin from misinformation disseminated by republican representatives to poll workers? Thanks, love your site!

Sam Wang: @JaneGrissom, everybody's watching Ohio. They're not sending teams of crack polling-station monitors to Princeton, NJ, you know. If Romney takes OH, IA, *or* WI, I'll eat a bug and send you the photo of me doing it.

Yup, once the CIA connection was made public things became clearer. Susan Rice was basically regurgitating points she had been made aware of by the CIA, making the entire process seem rather scattered and slow. Given the intelligence involvement you would think so many prominent republicans wouldn't be playing politics with this. But alas, meh.

It's not a good sign that so many years after 911 different agencies are still not on the same page. Interestingly, that article is basically what Condeleeza Rice argued on Fox News a few days ago, when she refused to play along with right wing nonsense.


GOP laying groundwork to contest an Obama victory due to voting machine errors


Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) -- Nevada is one of six states the Republican National Committee claims has voting machines acting irregularly.

The RNC submitted a letter to election officials in those six states on Thursday -- Nevada, Ohio, Kansas, North Carolina, Missouri and Colorado. They claim when some voters try to cast a ballot for Mitt Romney, the machines populate a vote for Barack Obama instead.

RNC officials are requesting all voting machines be re-calibrated before election day, additional technicians are present, sign notifications remind voters to double check their ballots, and verbal guidance to remind voters to double check their ballots.

The Nevada Secretary of State's office responded to the RNC's letter, calling the claims "based on rumor, hearsay, or unconfirmed media reports 'irresponsible' and 'unfortunate.'"



Some serious meltdowns are gonna happen next week.

And they're going to be much, much worse than in 2008. In 2008, everyone in the room knew that Obama would win. This year, after four years of flinging everything they had at him, they were sure that enough damage had been done over time, and that they now have him in their clutches.

The bubble is strong. I go to a family gathering, and almost everyone there hates Obama, so they extrapolate this to think that Obama has no shot. It's still amazing to see that, in this era of unprecedented communications options, such a bubble is still even possible.
re: ohio shenanigans

one of obama's senior legal advisors gave a keynote speech at some event at my school last week. there are going to be thousands of election lawyers doing everything they can to make sure there are no issues, especially in minority areas. he sounded worried that repubs would try to reject votes and challenge voters, but said that they would be there to protect people.

made me feel a bit reassured. i don't think we are ever going to see another 2000, where bush was prepared with a team of lawyers ready to handle a recount, while gore was flailing and unprepared. dems seemed to have learned the lessons.


re: ohio shenanigans

one of obama's senior legal advisors gave a keynote speech at some event at my school last week. there are going to be thousands of election lawyers doing everything they can to make sure there are no issues, especially in minority areas. he sounded worried that they would try to reject votes and challenge voters, but said that they would be there to protect people.

made me feel a bit reassured. i don't think we are ever going to see another 2000, where bush was prepared with a team of lawyers ready to handle a recount, while gore was flailing and unprepared. dems seemed to have learned the lessons.

Obama forces have probably never left Ohio since 08. They won't let anything fall through the cracks. Nice to hear from the guys doing the hard work though out there.


I love it; they're already making excuses.

This is the appetizer stage. The buffet begins on Tuesday.

pretty amazing that the third debate was really the final shutdown moment. you can really see it in their desperation (since it was half of poligaf pre-vp debate, especially wrt the tagg romney stuff).
SoS has control of elections

Appointed by the governor.

It's been obvious for months that an Obama victory would be challenged by election fraud and voter suppression (ie the "skewed polls kept conservatives at home" meme). My question has long been whether mainstream republicans will jump on board the movement. It's obvious Fox will, and they'll get plenty of tea party representatives to ponder about whatever anomalies or minor stories come up; I'm sure Allen West, Bachman, etc will have plenty to say. But will the McCains, Boehners, etc of the party?

Likewise if Romney loses, will he concede immediately or wait for provisional ballots in Ohio to be recounted, or demand a recount in Nevada, etc


Yup, once the CIA connection was made public things became clearer. Susan Rice was basically regurgitating points she had been made aware of by the CIA, making the entire process seem rather scattered and slow. Given the intelligence involvement you would think so many prominent republicans wouldn't be playing politics with this. But alas, meh.

It's not a good sign that so many years after 911 different agencies are still not on the same page. Interestingly, that article is basically what Condeleeza Rice argued on Fox News a few days ago, when she refused to play along with right wing nonsense.
Just seems like the gop and their news channel are being purposely ignorant and malicious with their coverage, all under the guise of wanting the ''truth''


Ralph V. Gilles (born January 14, 1970) is an American-Canadian automobile designer. Gilles is currently the President and CEO of the SRT Brand and Senior Vice President of Design at Chrysler Group LLC. He styled the 2005 Chrysler 300 — after joining Chrysler in 1992. Gilles is a resident of Oxford, Michigan.


Please provide more. It is much better than PD trolling, Diablos freaking, and me bitching about Fox.

Not sure it belongs in this thread. Maybe post election when things slow down I can talk more about how mendelian genetics is made up garbage, climate change is a hoax, and mono is an std.

In all honesty I'm sinking into a depression. This election has revealed just how disconnected I am from the people around me. It has brought out the worst in my community and shown how anti-intellectual it is. I'm basically public enemy #1 while at work.

I don't want to move but man is it dragging me down. I hope things get better post election.
Brad DeLong makes the best case against Romney I've yet read from an economic perspective.

On the issue areas that I actually know something about, he looks to be a very bad penny indeed:

Since at least 1825 economists have understood that there are two sources of high unemployment: structural unemployment, when the salaries which workers expect to get are greater than the salaries that businesses expect to pay; and cyclical unemployment, when the households, businesses, and governments in the economy are collectively all planning to spend less than they take in. Two different diseases. With different cures.

Romney has a plan for dealing with structural unemployment--a bad plan. But he has no plan at all for dealing with cyclical unemployment. America does not (yet) have the structural-unemployment disease. (But if things go on as they have been, we will, we will.) Right now America has the cyclical unemployment disease.

The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent complained that when asked how he would deal with cyclical unemployment Romney came out with six policies to deal with structural unemployment: 1. opening more international markets to American trade, 2. balancing the budget over the long term, 3. subsidizing drilling for oil and gas, 4. “revamping” the National Labor Relations Board, 5. lowering tax rates for businesses, and 6. repealing ObamaCare.

I don’t think these are particularly good policies with the exception of opening markets and balancing the budget--and anybody looking at Republicans Reagan and the Bushes on the one hand and Democrats Clinton and Obama on the other knows that one and only one political party has stepped up to the plate and worked to try to balance the budget, and Romney's next breath is about how he wants to lower taxes. Everybody not bought and paid for by the oil companies knows by now that clean energy is a better and in the long run much cheaper place to invest government money than carbon energy. The National Labor Relations Board’s teeth have already been pulled so that it has no effect on the economy for ill or good. And ObamaCare--well, back when it was called RomneyCare and Governor Romney was its biggest booster, he was not scared that it would cost jobs. Indeed, RomneyCare has not cost jobs in Massachusetts: the fact that businesses and households can purchase insurance through the Health Exchange has made Massachusetts a more attractive place for households to move to and businesses to locate in.

But let that pass. These are at least policies.

Our big problem is that the crisis facing the American economy today is a cyclical employment crisis. It requires different cures. You cure structural unemployment by bringing the salaries workers expect to receive into line with the salaries businesses plan to pay. You cure cyclical unemployment by bringing the total of net planned spending by households, businesses, and governments back into balance with their incomes.

One of our two parties is about to nominate a candidate for the office of President of the United States who has no plans at all for even attempting to solve our cyclical unemployment crisis.

This is a huge problem for us.

If 2012 were a normal year, as far as the business cycle were concerned, 63% of American adults would have jobs. Instead, only 58.6% of American adults have jobs. That’s six million Americans who ought to be working who are not. At least three out of four Americans now are or have a close relative who ought to be working and would be working in normal times but is now jobless because they are cyclically unemployed.

Admittedly, 58.6% is better than the 58.2% who had jobs late in 2009, when the emergency stabilization policies--the Bush administration’s TARP bank bailout and the Obama administration’s Recovery Act and bank stress test recapitalizations--brought the decline to a halt. And 58.6% is better than the 53.0% that would be employed according to Alan Blinder and Mark Zandi's calculations had we not done the TARP, the stress tests, and the Recovery Act.

But to go from 58.2% to 58.6% when you ought to be getting to 63% is not good enough.

President Obama has a plan for dealing with our cyclical unemployment crisis: the American Jobs Act--payroll tax holidays, investment incentives, employing more people (not, as Governor Romney wants to do, fewer) as cops, firefighters, and teachers, mortgage refinancing, reforming the unemployment insurance system.

Romney has no such plan.

If the Democrats and Republicans in Congress had passed Romney's plans last year, right now employment in the U.S. would be exactly where it is.

If the Republicans in Congress had not blocked it last year, this year employment in the U.S. would be between one and three million higher. That would have gotten us to 60% of American adults at work--not the 63% we ought to have, but better than the 58.6% we have now.

From my perspective, President Obama’s plans offer us a glass that is half full--and if the American Jobs Act had passed last year, there would surely be a follow-up this year to try to fill the glass a little more.

Romney offers us no glass at all.



That is just too funny.
You know that sad part?
When I saw the episode first thing that popped in my mind was "yeah, I'll bet I get to re-post it on the web before this election is over".
Actually, the really sad part was that I was right.

Maybe post election when things slow down I can talk more about how mendelian genetics is made up garbage.
For real?
Even creationist literature tend to acknowledge Mendel.
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