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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
If Rmoney wins thread's gonna go grimdark if anyone posts at all
This is going to be the longest two weeks I have had in some time. I can't take anymore of this. I am not pulling a Diablos but I wish I felt a bit of the confidence a few of you have. I know everything about the EC is still positive at the moment but I would like a little more breathing room.

You can always get Dark Souls and get completely lost in it for 2 weeks.


Guys, no worries about the popular vote. Obama's already won that.

Undecided voters everywhere never actually decided so they wrote in "Undecided."

I absolutely love that they're already gathering ammunition for when they lose. We could write the script of their claims right here, and it would be frighteningly close.


Megyn Kelly: Press Room ‘Erupted’ In Laughter And Applause At Obama’s ‘Horses And Bayonets’ Line
“I was in the spin room in Boca when the president made that comment and I can tell you that the media literally erupted around me – laughing and many clapping,” said Kelly.
Observation from my early voting experience today:

My touchscreen voting machine sucked ass. I had to practically pound the screen with my finger to get it to respond.

Maybe I just got a shitty unit, but it was definitely less than ideal. The printout on the side seemed to work fine, though.
Didn't know that Mitt and Ann were into pegging.

Observation from my early voting experience today:

My touchscreen voting machine sucked ass. I had to practically pound the screen with my finger to get it to respond.

Maybe I just got a shitty unit, but it was definitely less than ideal. The printout on the side seemed to work fine, though.

Democratic voters are known to have weak fingers compared to the powerful ones of Republicans bad news for Obama.


Couple things I was thinking: traditionally, when you're down in the polls, you plan to win with stronger turnout. Early voting makes that very difficult to accomplish. Early voting also targets people who are somewhat lower-information, so they're more likely to vote a straight ticket -- increases the effect of coattails. So I really hope Obama manages to preserve his GOTV operation for future Democrats, because it's, to use the SilVal term, disruptive.


@SteveKornacki said:
Fwiw, here's the regional breakdown for the new ABC poll: East, O+20; Midwest, O+8; West, O+5; South, R+16

= 48.51/48.44 R? I can live with that.
Democratic voters are known to have weak fingers compared to the powerful ones of Republicans bad news for Obama.


The place was packed. I didn't have to wait in line or anything, but it was definitely busy. This was the first week that hours were expanded to 7 p.m., so folks like myself who don't get off work until 5-ish can now get to the polls.
Couple things I was thinking: traditionally, when you're down in the polls, you plan to win with stronger turnout. Early voting makes that very difficult to accomplish. Early voting also targets people who are somewhat lower-information, so they're more likely to vote a straight ticket -- increases the effect of coattails. So I really hope Obama manages to preserve his GOTV operation for future Democrats, because it's, to use the SilVal term, disruptive.


= 48.51/48.44 R? I can live with that.

I hate that this poll is considered Romney +1. There should be a concensus in the community that the difference should be >X.5 to do that in the rounding. The poll is a tie but on RCP it's +1. annoying.

Also, I've been meaning to ask why Gallup shows Obama up so small in the East. It makes no sense. Down huge in south, only up 5 in the East? WTF. Those states are not going to end up around Obama +5.
I am really yearning for a PD fanfic involving Hillary consoling Michelle regarding Obama.

The plane touched down just before sunset. Mozambique. Hillary descended the metal steps onto the makeshift tarmac and breathed in the florid, humid air.

Glad to be away again, she thought. No Bill, no Chelsea, just me. Right then her Blackberry vibrated. She looked at the screen to see who was calling. M.

Hillary gazed over the horizon to see the blazing hot orange glow of the sun begin to sneak behind a thatchwork of palm trees and answered the phone.

"Michelle. Now this is a surprise. Thought you'd be making an appearance on the View about now."

She blurted it out without thinking, but her secret wish was, more than anything, that Michelle would-- no, don't say it, don't even let yourself think it...

"Hillary, do you think you could spare an evening... to talk?"

"Madame First Lady, I'm afraid I'm in Africa right now."

"Mozambique. I know. I heard. I'm here too. I-- I took a safari. To clear my head."

"Well that's an interesting choice. I hope you find some... big game. But I won't be able to join you, my schedule is quite full--"

"Hillary, I... I need you. I mean I need to see you." Her voice was raspy, breathless.

The Secretary of State took off her sunglasses and squinted at what was left of the sun.

"There's a speakeasy on Ilha de Moçambique. Be there at midnight tomorrow. I'll text you the address."

What am I doing, she thought? She shook away the doubt and closed her eyes as her lips parted slightly, turning up into the faintest suggestion of a smile.

to be continued...


The plane touched down just before sunset. Mozambique. Hillary descended the metal steps onto the makeshift tarmac and breathed in the florid, humid air.

Glad to be away again, she thought. No Bill, no Chelsea, just me. Right then her Blackberry vibrated. She looked at the screen to see who was calling. M.

Hillary gazed over the horizon to see the blazing hot orange glow of the sun begin to sneak behind a thatchwork of palm trees and answered the phone.

"Michelle. Now this is a surprise. Thought you'd be making an appearance on the View about now."

She blurted it out without thinking, but her secret wish was, more than anything, that Michelle would-- no, don't say it, don't even let yourself think it...

"Hillary, do you think you could spare an evening... to talk?"

"Madame First Lady, I'm afraid I'm in Africa right now."

"Mozambique. I know. I heard. I'm here too. I-- I took a safari. To clear my head."

"Well that's an interesting choice. I hope you find some... big game. But I won't be able to join you, my schedule is quite full--"

"Hillary, I... I need you. I mean I need to see you." Her voice was raspy, breathless.

The Secretary of State took of her sunglasses and squinted at what was left of the sun.

"There's a speakeasy on Ilha de Moçambique. Be there at midnight tomorrow. I'll text you the address."

What am I doing, she thought? She shook away the doubt and closed her eyes as her lips parted slightly, turning up into the faintest suggestion of a smile.

to be continued...

You know what, this is better than fretting over polls lol

Read this in my local paper over dinner.


Blois Olson, founder of Fluence Media, spoke on Minnesota’s political climate at TwinWest Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Legislative Breakfast Oct. 12.

Olson presented his theories on why elections in Minnesota, and the Midwest, have become so erratically polarized in the past two decades.

“Basically, since 1990, we’ve been the most politically volatile state in the country,” said Olson.

Olson’s presentation suggested that a number of factors, primarily recent changes in media, have led to unpredictability and changes in the outcomes of state elections.

For example, voters’ access to media has been wildly redefined in the past decade. With social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, people can access much more political information. However, they can also filter the information they receive with more partisan bias than ever before.

If a Democrat sits at a computer to read about candidates, he or she will most likely be finding and receiving articles that spin to their particular bias. This also applies to Republican voters.

“It’s really unfathomable what happens [in Minnesota] elections,” said Olson. “We are also one typo, one Tweet, one Facebook post and one gaffe away from democracy becoming democrazy.”

Olson was the latest speaker in the chamber’s Legislative Breakfast series, which is held at DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton Minneapolis – Park Place in St. Louis Park.

Olson demonstrated through previous election outcomes that power in the house and senate has shifted back and forth from party to party dramatically over recent elections.

“If you don’t have whiplash, or feel like you’re watching a tennis match, I don’t know that you’re living here in Minnesota,” said Olson. “And it’s because the voter’s brain has become split.”

Olson pointed out how voters have been changing their minds on issues such as health care more frequently throughout the past decade. He said that voters are becoming exhausted in deciding on issues because they are so torn about them.

Three media factors were cited in causing the split nature of voters’ decisive process: insight versus incite, the democratization of media and trust in economics.

Cable news networks were given responsibility for much of the radical polarization of voters on issues. Olson said that as the popularity of these networks has grown, the partisanship has become more extreme as personalities are trying to go further left or right.

Olson also stated that the turmoil in today’s voter climate has a lot to do with the decline of trust in banks, the economy and the media.

“It’s not a surprise when considering what we’re living through right now,” he said. “So who can we trust? We trust people we know, and we trust relationships.”

As we come closer to election day, Olson asserted that it remains very difficult to predict how Minnesota will vote on Nov. 6. The volatility and the passive aggressive nature of our state continue to swing election outcomes to the point that even a seasoned political analyst like Olson has no way of predicting the results.

“Honestly, anything can happen,” he said.


I hate that this poll is considered Romney +1. There should be a concensus in the community that the difference should be >X.5 to do that in the rounding. The poll is a tie but on RCP it's +1. annoying.

Also, I've been meaning to ask why Gallup shows Obama up so small in the East. It makes no sense. Down huge in south, only up 5 in the East? WTF. Those states are not going to end up around Obama +5.

My favorite thing about this poll is that it's confirmation of the South throwing-off national polling's reliability about the state of the race.

Before, one could usually look at the national horserace numbers and know who had the edge electorally. If a candidate was up by 2%, things were balanced enough regionally such that he was almost certainly ahead in enough states to win in the Electoral College. But now, with the South so askew, this is no longer the case - a candidate up several points nationwide may well be losing in the Electoral College because of this distribution, perhaps even by a larger margin than was typical in the past.


lol is anyone gonna make a thread on the larry king debate? it's starting at 9pm, i'll do it if no one cares lol...

ah i see a thread sort of, good enough!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I love the insinuation that Hillary has Michelle Obama in her phone as "m".

These gentle laughs will make the pain of a sure Obama defeat hurt less. How can we stop the surge?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Go read some Nate Silver, the last bulwark of Dumbocrat hope against the inevitable victory of Reed "Mittens" Romney.

Just remember that he fudges all his numbers based on his love of Obummer, and that anyway numbers can't compete with Gut Feeling (TM).
But you can't find one poll showing Obama up vs. his high in September. Not one. Predicting a close Romney victory as he flips every swing state gently.
lol what the hell is this?

Everyone on the planet knows Obama's winning Minnesota. Just like Gore, Kerry and Obama in 08 did.

Oh, I'm sorry, did you not read the article? Because apparently we're fucking crazy. So unless you sum bitches want more battleships and oil pipelines you best start taking us a little bit more seriously.


So what the heck is going on with this election? I know the economy is still rough, but I don't understand how Romney can be seen as a legitimate candidate.


This shit is stressful. I spend way too much time reading 538, Intrade, and this thread when I should be doing more productive things.
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