Read the bible again![]()
Pretty sure Paul explicitly states in Romans that, to put it kindly, homosexuality isn't kosher in the church.
Read the bible again![]()
Yeah but you know what I'm saying. Sex is for procreation. Homosexual sex is not, therefore they will never see it as a good thing.
Don't they equally teach that heterosexual sex outside of marriage is a sin?
Everything is a sin anyway. It's not like homosexual acts are on a different sin level than premarital sex or defiling the temple of your body with cigarettes and drugs or being jealous of your neighbor.
Theyre never going to say it's not a sin to have sex man to man. Even man to woman in the pooper is just as sinful.
No, that's 'saving yourself for marriage'.
Pretty sure Paul explicitly states in Romans that, to put it kindly, homosexuality isn't kosher in the church.
You're right, and that's the problem.
How nice would it be if nobody cared what some backwards-oriented organisation is thinking about life, the universe and everything. Sadly, too many people do care.
They teach that it is equally sinful, but they generally don't devote equal teaching time to it. Especially when you consider what the likely composition of sexual sins in the Catholic flock is in terms of acts between same-sex vs. complementary-sex partners.
This means nothing as long as the church insists that homosexuality is a sin. Condemning people to celibacy is not compassionate or caring.
They teach that it is equally sinful, but they generally don't devote equal teaching time to it. .
They teach that it is equally sinful, but they generally don't devote equal teaching time to it. Especially when you consider what the likely composition of sexual sins in the Catholic flock is in terms of acts between same-sex vs. complementary-sex partners..
So we're getting the same rhetoric, just delivered differently. Got it thanks.
Yep. And it's not just "gay sex" either. Kissing, holding hands, loving, etc. someone of the same sex is considered a sin.
They teach that it is equally sinful, but they generally don't devote equal teaching time to it. Especially when you consider what the likely composition of sexual sins in the Catholic flock is in terms of acts between same-sex vs. complementary-sex partners.
As long as it is seen as a sin, people will always look down upon/judge people for it.This does mean something, because it will always be seen as a sin in the Church. This sort of talk might eventually lead to views of homosexuality being seen as on par with other sins like premarital sex and such in the eyes of the followers. That would be a huge step forward. More prominent religious leaders need to speak up and let their followers know that it's wrong to judge.
Name one piece of core doctrine the church has ever changed...
That's what I meant, though I worded it a bit badly to be honest. It would be nice if we could just ignore the Catholic Church, but as it is right now, we can't.It's important to care about what this backwards-oriented organisation is thinking because 17% of the world's population is Catholic. That instantly makes the issue very relevant. Here in Argentina it is 92% of the population. It's not an issue that can just be ignored when there's such a history of political power in the Church, and there's also such a widespread following and submission to its ideals. When bigotry is what manifests as the result of a set of biblical interpretations and social mandates, you can't turn a blind eye.
Name one piece of core doctrine the church has ever changed...
The Church teaches that it cannot ordain women because Jesus willingly chose only men as his apostles.
As long as it is seen as a sin, people will always look down upon/judge people for it.
Jesus also willingly chose men who had beards as his apostles.
Great answer!
We've heard this before. Gay people are "ok" - unless they have homosexual sex. Then it's a sin.
Not really. We can go back to the earliest of Church Fathers and you'll see that Jesus was viewed as God incarnate, eternal. Regardless of what certain sects argue we know what the earliest of church fathers wrote. The view of Jesus being fully God existed centuries before the RCC became the representative of the Western Church. Look at Turtullian, Ignatius, Irenaeus to name a few.
well, for the record, sex outside of marriage is a sin so I think most of us are already are at the doors of hell
I'm wondering why they argued over months about this back then if it was so obvious and accepted then.
Pretty sure Paul explicitly states in Romans that, to put it kindly, homosexuality isn't kosher in the church.
Yep. And it's not just "gay sex" either. Kissing, holding hands, loving, etc. someone of the same sex is considered a sin.
There was Arius and those that agreed with him who saw Jesus as a creature which led to the debate between Arius v. Athanasius. Realize that for the first couple hundreds of years the Roman Church was one of many metropolitans within the Church. Eventually Athansius' side won but this notion that the Church 'changed' it's doctrine is false. They ended up solidifying and deciding on official dogma but nothing was 'changed'. It wasn't as if the Chuch had believed Jesus was a creature ala Arius and then changed to say he was God.
Think of it as closing Biblical cannon. the four gospels we have today had always been seen as 'the gospels' for most of the Christian community. Though there were countless other gospels in existence (James, Thomas, Mary, Peter, Paul, etc.) the four of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John had been accepted as the true gospels, even though it took hundreds of years to form into cannon.
I'm not arguing whether Jesus is God/a god, that's a theological debate. What I am arguing is that there was no 'changing' of who he was within or by the RCC.
I would disagree. If you think somebody's action would send them to "hell", recommending that they refrain from those actions would be caring.
But the funny thing is the church teaches about hell while there are no references of hell in the bible (king James) as far as i know. The closest thing is a lake of fire where satan (and friends?) would be tossed in. So instead of killing him quick and painless the merciful god decided to torture him. Not for weeks. Not for years. Not for hundreds of years. Not for millions of years. For eternity. OT: revengeful god. NT: merciful god. And they are divided to the bone. This path and teaching is better then this, this church is better then this, it's reformed vs Catholic vs protestants vs... I'm sorry but i just can't take anything they do or say really serious. But, no doubt Jesus was a very compassionate man.
ROME (Reuters) - Pope Francis, in some of the most compassionate words from any pontiff on gays, said they should not be judged or marginalized and should be integrated into society, but he reaffirmed Church teaching that homosexual acts are a sin.
Hell is referenced in the Bible. Again, not getting into a moral debate but in terms of hell being biblical, yes it is.
Not really. We can go back to the earliest of Church Fathers and you'll see that Jesus was viewed as God incarnate, eternal. Regardless of what certain sects argue we know what the earliest of church fathers wrote. The view of Jesus being fully God existed centuries before the RCC became the representative of the Western Church. Look at Origen, Tertullian, Ignatius, Irenaeus to name a few.
I have and that's what it says. Now if you're asking for a different interpretation of the verses then that's something different. But what the Pope said is the literal writings of the Bible.
Tell me where please, i mean which book, section, etc (from general accepted bible of course). And indeed let's not get into a debate. Plus no one can prove there is no god.. But i'm not a fan of the church system, let's keep it at that.
Book of Leviticus 18 and 20.
The funniest part has been the hardcore catholics now rebelling Pope because "he betrayed the bible and God" lololol
A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand (translated form Dutch version).
I'm not familiar with the latter, but Origen most definitely didn't put god and jesus on equal footings.
Nevertheless, the concept of a triune god was certainly not canon until Nicea, and there is very little support for it in the bible. Creation ex nihilo is another one, originally this wasn't the predominant view at all. So the point is, there is nothing "eternal" in the teachings of christianity, they have certainly changed a lot over time.
225 AD Origen "The holy Apostles, in preaching the faith of Christ, treated with the utmost clarity of certain matters which they believed to be of absolute necessity to all believers...The specific points which are clearly handed down through the Apostolic preaching [are] these: First, that there is one God who created and arranged all things...Secondly, that Jesus Christ himself was born of the Father before all creatures...Although He was God, He took flesh, and having been made man, He remained what He was, God" (De Principis, Preface, sections 3 - 4)
"Nothing in the Trinity can be called greater or less, since the fountain of divinity alone contains all things by His word and reason, and by the Spirit of His mouth sanctifies all things which are worthy of sanctification."(De Principis, Book I, ch. 3, section 7)
What do you define as the church punishing them?So this is utterly meaningless. "I can't judge them, but they still shouldn't have equal rights."
Fucking get over it. Let your religion evolve. The church stopped punishing people for wearing different types of fabric at the same time, cutting their hair, getting tattoos, eating shellfish, and working on Sunday. Those are ALL in the Bible as punishable offenses.
But the church can't get over homosexuality. Sad.