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POPGAF |OT-12| Welcome To The Mad House

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irresponsible vagina leak
Nothing? Mau will finally feel less alone in his appreciation of the Beaver though.

Speaking of, I liked his last album. So chill to listen in thjs rainy days.

I enjoyed his last album too.

EDIT: Floridian needs to start posting more again.
So due to people suggesting it to me so often, I'm going to give EMOTION a listen.

EDIT: omg, Run Away With Me just started and it already sounds great. What am I in for?
Hey kids! I was taken back by a song today and I figured I'd regale you with a tale about my fave. I usually keep to myself about my fave because A) its sort of frowned on around here to talk about talented people and B) he's made it impossible to link to anything to prove a point... Nevertheless, a song from my fave came on while I was driving home from work and I instantly remember hearing this song and being relieved that my fave was indeed not yet a flop.

The year was 1990-something (it was the early 90's) and someone had apparently pulled my fave to the side and informed him of the fact that all the albums he had written, composed, arranged, sung, played, mixed and mastered (at times) all on his lonesome was not owned by him and would not likely be owned by him for about 25 years from the date he turned them in to the record company. This fact ruffled his already ruffled feathers about the state of the music business.

As you may or may not know, my fave is very prolific. He delivered (damn near) an album a year, every year, since his debut and was PRESSED that he could not put out an album every few months. Word on the street was that by the time an album was released he was already over it and was ready to work on new music. It was not uncommon to hear unreleased music in concert or at an aftershow.

To illustrate this point (about his prolificness) the year he had a #1 movie, #1 single(s) and a #1 album he had also written ALBUMS for The Time, Appolonia (Vanity) 6 and Sheila E. This was also an era where you could by the physical single and those, most often, would come with more unreleased music.

At one point my fave was the MOST bootlegged artist of all time. Not only did/does he record in the studio non stop, but he records all his concerts, video and audio. Being a man of his time and feeling himself (as he should) he was give away unreleased music to girls he was trying to get with or friends and coworkers. These people often shared the music, and on and on etc. It was mostly understood that Prince did this purposefully in rebellion of his record company to get the music out there.

Now you may be saying "Rob, wouldn't such a massive flow of music inevitably lead to shitty music getting released?" and you may have a point, if it were your fave. My fave didn't leak the shitty stuff. lol.

Anyway, back to my main story, Prince discovered this fact well known fact and didn't like it. Not one bit and begun to act out in the most queer fashion. He "changed his name" to an unpronounceable symbol and fulfilled his recording contract with discs full of music he just had laying around.

1992 to 1995 were dark times as a P fan. Its not to say that the albums that came out were bad, but no bones were made that these were contract fillers and thus lacked cohesion and were at times dated.

So this is pre-internet or as the internet was in its infancy as a world wide product, so if you were in a little town in Texas you didn't get much by the way of news about your fave. But then I moved to sunny california and could go to record stores (remember those?) Outside of your corporate chains were little hole in the wall stores that sold these albums they called "imports." Seems as though all unreleased music had to come from Europe at exorbitant prices.

Prior to my visiting of this holy place, there were rumblings on the wind that Prince was doing shows around the world with all new music from albums that would never be released. Apparently this new music was EVERYTHING and it was SLAYING THE SCENE. So one day I happened upon this tiny record shop and noticed their "import" section. This import section had a big 3 ring binder of all the albums they could import for you. I opened this section to the P's and got to Prince and the pages just kept going and going and going. The shopkeeper noticed me in the Prince section and pointed out that he had an import from one of his recent live shows. You besta believe is threw down all my coins and got that CD.

I got home, giddy as fuck and put that bitch on and received every ounce of my life that day. Oh but there was one song, dear friends. One song that is in rotation until this day. To give you some frame of reference to what the song could be like, think of Rocket, by Beyonce (which was inspired by a D'Angelo song, which was inspired by Prince, naturally.) Shhh! came on and proceeded to snatch every follicle from my edges for its entire 7 minute length, and I wasn't even mad.

Shhh! renewed my faith that my fave wasn't done for yet (a decade later tho.... *sigh*) and I present it to you today.

Thank you for your time and excuse any grammatical errors.
Allow me to Rihpent for ducking Lord Carly's EMOTION for so long. It just may have beaten 1989 for me, and I'm barely halfway through.

I still love Taylord though


Shhh! renewed my faith that my fave wasn't done for yet (a decade later tho.... *sigh*) and I present it to you today.

Thank you for your time and excuse any grammatical errors.

Preach! I loved his purple holiness and all he was affiliated with back in the day! (I've been listening to The Family in the last few weeks!) I also loved tiny import record stores in Ventura and L.A.


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