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POPGAF |OT2| Oops!... We Did It Again

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The whole point of me being excited over The Voice and X-Factor was for the warring stanbases. But if that isn't gonna happen, you just have two pop stars from the last century judging two talent shows that will fail to produce any actual talent that impacts Billboard in any significant way. The 'winners' will be long forgotten a week or two after the season (or in X-Factor's case, series) finale.

I like how you're being realistic. Classy, tbh

lol thanks. If this was an actual duel ie: Era colliding it would be even more crazy lol


Ohhh, just saw those Xfactor ratings...



Her H&M campaign officially kicks off next week with her Blue Velvet video.


Paradise Edition better not be too far behind because she's getting some amazing promo off this H&M deal.

As for her recently leaked demos, "Playing Dangerous" is still my favorite. LOVE the hip-hop beat mixed with sultry 70s piano and strings.

By far Lana's biggest strength as an artist is her ability to create these instantly classic genre mashups.

Mau ®

In light of Britney's career being over I propose these new exciting career choices she should consider

Mexican Drug Lord: This would force her to get out of her comfort zone and develop the kind of bussiness savvy that would leave Madonna, Xtina and GaGa pressed as fuck. She'd also be able to continue to afford her current expensive lifestyle. Also her past experience with drugs will serve her well

The Voice's janitor: While it remains to be seen if Britney can wash dishes or clean, we all know she used to have experience wiping the floor with other people's careers. Certainly it cant be much different from wiping the floor...literally. NBC will be so kind as to give her a career. Its only fair since they're the ones who destroyed her former pop star career.

Dance Teacher for the disabled and elderly: While Brit's latest attempts at dancing make Mariah looked like an skilled, accomplished dancer there's no mistaking the fact that to some groups of people her dancing is still an intricate art. The disabled and the elderly would appreciate Brit's slow, simple moves and they'd also instantly like her cute personality. WIN-WIN

Republican Party Representative: If anything is clear from Brit's time at the X-factor is that she can say "no" pretty easily. This ability will come in handy for the Republicans trying to cockblock Obama's numerous reforms and proposals to the Senate. She may no longer cockblock fave's careers but she can cockblock progress in the USA.



In light of Britney's career being over I propose these new exciting career choices she should consider

Mexican Drug Lord: This would force her to get out of her comfort zone and develop the kind of bussiness savvy that would leave Madonna, Xtina and GaGa pressed as fuck. She'd also be able to continue to afford her current expensive lifestyle. Also her past experience with drugs will serve her well

The Voice's janitor: While it remains to be seen if Britney can wash dishes or clean, we all know she used to have experience wiping the floor with other people's careers. Certainly it cant be much different from wiping the floor...literally. NBC will be so kind as to give her a career. Its only fair since they're the ones who destroyed her former pop star career.

Dance Teacher for the disabled and elderly: While Brit's latest attempts at dancing make Mariah looked like an skilled, accomplished dancer there's no mistaking the fact that to some groups of people her dancing is still an intricate art. The disabled and the elderly would appreciate Brit's slow, simple moves and they'd also instantly like her cute personality. WIN-WIN

Republican Party Representative: If anything is clear from Brit's time at the X-factor is that she can say "no" pretty easily. This ability will come in handy for the Republicans trying to cockblock Obama's numerous reforms and proposals to the Senate. She may no longer cockblock fave's careers but she can cockblock progress in the USA.


She could just spend the rest of her days counting her 18 million dollar check by hand.



Glad somebody else read it, took a supreme amount of strength not to shade him for that...

Umm. Do you know how checks work? You go to the bank and you can deposit them or you can cash them. My post was under the assumption that she'd cash her check, and then spend forever counting to 18 million.

Please think smart.

-Fame Perfume Steven Klein-directed Film Debut
-Performances by Lady Gaga
-Lady Gaga Fashion

live stream will be provided
I'm super stoked about this, but I hope that the livestream will be recorded all the way through and put up for viewing when the event is done.


Umm. Do you know how checks work? You go to the bank and you can deposit them or you can cash them. My post was under the assumption that she'd cash her check, and then spend forever counting to 18 million.

Please think smart.

I think what he's implying that, while Britney's 18 million for one season is certainly nothing to scoff at, she's likely only going to do one season and thus get one check.

Meanwhile, by the time Xtina's tenure with The Voice is up at the end of this season, she'll be able to enjoy the benefits of a revitalized brand and 30 million extra in her bank account.

I could be wrong though, so please feel free to continue dragging each other. :)

Along these lines, I AM curious about how Simon is going to react to this news. Going off of 1st episode numbers alone, it's pretty safe to say at this point that Britney was a extremely expensive bad investment.

HEW is going to be blamed?


Britney and Demi were likely the only thing keeping the premiere numbers from being a total bomb given how young the audience was skewing last night. Last season, a 3.0+ demo rating usually came paired with more than 10 million total viewers (the premiere this season had 8.7 million total viewers with a 3.4 demo rating).

Seems like American viewers at large have lost interest with the X Factor and the only thing keeping the show afloat at the moment are the curiosity from a certain demo of young adults and teens that want to see the new judges. Instead of blowing all the budget on Britney, perhaps a better idea would've been to sign three cheaper but relevant new judges that would each have targeted a different demographic. American Idol is trying to do this multi-demo approach with their new panel, but on a bigger scale since they probably have a much larger backing.

I don't see FOX having much patience with X Factor if it keeps going down, especially since yet another singing show means saturating the market of their Idol cash cow. TO BE A FLY in those boardrooms right now. (´ー`)┌

Speaking of Idol, I didn't see anyone mention that Randy has been reinstated as a judge on the panel.



Why did Ciara come back with a sing-y song? It almost seems like Ciara should have came back with Brandy's "Put it Down", and Brandy should have came back with "Sorry". Neither song/video is special, but their respective songs are for the other one.

No matter. Both acts are basic and destined to flop, so I'm not sure why I even wasted these words on either one. But, Put It Down will get a lot more play from me than sorry. That's not saying much, but still.


Who are these 106 & Park hosts? And why is 106 & Park turning into TRL where they play 10 seconds of a video on their countdown and then move on?
Why did Ciara come back with a sing-y song? It almost seems like Ciara should have came back with Brandy's "Put it Down", and Brandy should have came back with "Sorry". Neither song/video is special, but their respective songs are for the other one.

No matter. Both acts are basic and destined to flop, so I'm not sure why I even wasted these words on either one. But, Put It Down will get a lot more play from me than sorry. That's not saying much, but still.

You are ignorant of R&B. You shall stay in your lane and keep Ciara's Godly name out of your mowf.

This is going to shit on Promise. And Boy Outta Here will have your bussy popped open from the window to the wall soon enough.



Why did Ciara come back with a sing-y song? It almost seems like Ciara should have came back with Brandy's "Put it Down", and Brandy should have came back with "Sorry". Neither song/video is special, but their respective songs are for the other one.

No matter. Both acts are basic and destined to flop, so I'm not sure why I even wasted these words on either one. But, Put It Down will get a lot more play from me than sorry. That's not saying much, but still.

Please. Your ignorance is blinding. This is classic Ciara. Respect.
I wish.

If 'classic' Ciara means her ability to flop spectacularly, as she's done with her past two albums, then yes. It's very classic.

2 Top 10 albums, a Top 5 hit(LSM), and another R&B Record breaking smash that charted longer on the R&B top 20 than any other R&B song in recent history (Ride).

4 multimillion dollar endorsement and modeling deals and 2 tours later, we have another era. Her flop day makes more than your flop lifetime.

Whats your single doing, hun? Where's DMeisterJ on the charts?




-Fame Perfume Steven Klein-directed Film Debut
-Performances by Lady Gaga
-Lady Gaga Fashion

live stream will be provided

Where do we watch this again?

Britney and Demi were likely the only thing keeping the premiere numbers from being a total bomb given how young the audience was skewing last night. Last season, a 3.0+ demo rating usually came paired with more than 10 million total viewers (the premiere this season had 8.7 million total viewers with a 3.4 demo rating).

Seems like American viewers at large have lost interest with the X Factor and the only thing keeping the show afloat at the moment are the curiosity from a certain demo of young adults and teens that want to see the new judges. Instead of blowing all the budget on Britney, perhaps a better idea would've been to sign three cheaper but relevant new judges that would each have targeted a different demographic. American Idol is trying to do this multi-demo approach with their new panel, but on a bigger scale since they probably have a much larger backing.

I don't see FOX having much patience with X Factor if it keeps going down, especially since yet another singing show means saturating the market of their Idol cash cow. TO BE A FLY in those boardrooms right now. (´ー`)┌

I agree with the bolded. At the end of the day you can't really blame Britney OR Demi. They did what they were supposed to do. The blame is really on Simon, and his foolish belief that bringing what is essentially the American Idol format in more expensive shoes to the US would be an instant smash. That worked with Pop Idol, but Pop Idol was only a fledgling show at the time. Things are much different now.

Oh well, I'll still keep watching. But I'm expecting the drama behind the scenes to be a bit more interesting from here on out. (´ー`)┌

EDIT: That was a good Ciara video. I'll always be here for Ciara's dancing, and she looked great.

I don't know how I feel about the song, though. It isn't BAD, but it's not terribly interesting either. And it sounds a little dated - like something that would have been on her last album.

I don't know...I feel that there are so many artists attempting to really revitalize R&B right now (Frank Ocean, Jessie Ware, etc) that this isn't really the time to release something so safe...and boring.
I just read some excerpts from the recent Simon Cowell biography, and it seems to focus a lot on the crushing neurosis that failure ails him with. Poor guy's going to have a mental breakdown.

Must be so humbling for him to know that Idol thrived despite him, not because of him, in the end.

EDIT: Damn, "Triumphant" is getting some major airplay on all the urban stations lately. Can't drive an intersection without hearing it again.


I just read some excerpts from the recent Simon Cowell biography, and it seems to focus a lot on the crushing neurosis that failure ails him with. Poor guy's going to have a mental breakdown.

Must be so humbling for him to know that Idol thrived despite him, not because of him, in the end.

EDIT: Damn, "Triumphant" is getting some major airplay on all the urban stations lately. Can't drive an intersection without hearing it again.

Last I looked it was barely Top 40... on Urban.


She better have something much better than this (and much better promo) for the proper first single, because she's obviously long past her Radio It Girl days of radio picking up her songs immediately.


2 Top 10 albums, a Top 5 hit(LSM), and another R&B Record breaking smash that charted longer on the R&B top 20 than any other R&B song in recent history (Ride).

4 multimillion dollar endorsement and modeling deals and 2 tours later, we have another era. Her flop day makes more than your flop lifetime.

Whats your single doing, hun? Where's DMeisterJ on the charts?

That's the long-winded way of saying that her last two albums flopped, and she has yet to gain any traction in the music industry in years.

Poor dat.




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Where: LittleMonsters.com

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