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POPGAF |OT3| Geo Da Silva > nails on chalkboard > Taylor Swift

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Now THAT is how you drive-by troll. Good work.



sputum-flecked apoplexy
I stan for her music. It's just that I find her very obnoxious when it comes to personality. I'd say that's a good enough reason to drag or shade her.

And godels is just in time to celebrate Rih's first 1# album btw

Yes many congratulations to Rihanna getting her first #1 so soon in her career and with such strong opposition from Xtina, a Twilight soundtrack and a collection of christmas songs by Rod Stewart.


I knew the Rih dragging was going to shift from "She doesn't have a #1" to "She got #1 during a slow week", which lots of albums did. I find it hilarious that the goalposts are continually being moved and her #1 is already being discredited before it's even official.

The pressure she has some of you under must be immense.


Sis Bad was flaw-free and your clearance aisle fave's gonna have to deal. In fact his career's already dealt with it, which is why it's nowhere to be seen. Dat MJ CLEANUP


Oh no ma'am. The feels.

Bad is my favorite MJ album, and it's probably his most well-balanced, most nuanced, CONSISTENT album. Thriller comes close but it just doesn't hit as hard, and it's a bit more archaic. Part of that has to do with it coming first, but that's just the way it goes.

Also insulting Dirty Diana, Man in the Mirror, and The Way You Make Me Feel is just... it hurts my bones.

Gerl plz. As a Gaga stan, I can see why you would prefer MJ's brand of entertainment. I was never here for it though. I wasn't impressed by the theatricality/pageantry of it all. MJ read as very Wizard of Oz to me, pay attention to the lights, the fireworks and the dance troupe and nevermind the man behind the curtain.


I "get" why people like him, he just didn't move me like that.

DISCLAIMER: I want to nip this one in the bud. Some of you are going to think and claim this review is hyperbole or typical godel nonsense. But I kindly refer you to BBC Music’s review, particularly the paragraph where they say that Ten is as good a Greatest Hits collection as ABBA’s Gold and Joy Division’s Substance. I mean every single word in this review sincerely. Now take several seats. All the seats, in fact, because it is time for your lesson.

Are you seated? Good, then let’s begin.

Girls Aloud – Ten

With the disclaimer out the way, here’s the skinny: Ten is the best collection of pop music that has been or will be released this year, and probably a shoe-in for the best pop collection to be released in a decade. When you consider that they have 21 top ten singles to choose from—out of 22 single releases—the odds are heavily in their favour. In fact their only single that failed to reach the top ten, Untouchable, is here anyway which is just as well because it’s one of their best songs. Basically, you owe it to yourself to own Ten if you consider yourself a fan of pop music. I’m not going to do a track-by-track rundown like some of the reviews here, because including the second bonus disc, there are 28 tracks on Ten. So I’ll talk in somewhat more general terms.

Girls Aloud are at their best—and their best, coincidentally, is ‘best pop outfit of the last decade’—when pushing chart-pop song structure boundaries, and all of their best tracks in that respect are included on Ten. Biology, Something Kinda Ooooh, Sexy! No no no… and 2012 Single of the Forever contender Something New don’t bother with anything quite so passé as an obvious verse-chorus structure or coherent lyrics, preferring instead to lurch from one absurdly catchy hook to another. Each track is like ten good singles reduced in a pan overnight to form one incredible single, with all the water weight evaporated off; they are Frankenstein songs that rush past in a whirlwind of chants, choruses and manic shouts. Although they might sometimes take more than one listen, once you do you’ll come to appreciate that there really is no other way that these songs could be: their Frankenstein nature comes to feel as natural and as wonderful as peeing in a handsome man’s butt.

That’s not to say, however, that those tracks with more traditional pop song structures are bad. All of the tracks here stand out one way or another: whether the Balearic beat stylings of aforementioned ‘flop’ Untouchable (it peaked at 11—not such a flop, sorry gerls), the melancholy jaunty swing of Can’t Speak French, or the surfer-rock-meets-90s-big-beat of their first single (and first #1), Sound of the Underground. Girls Aloud are the masters of successfully marrying fresh sounds to catchy hooks where most pop songs suffice with one or the other (or in Diamonds’ case, neither). The only track here that I could leave behind is their cover of I’ll Stand By You—there are surely better songs (even better ballads) that they could have brought along for this ride (Wake Me Up, for instance—though it makes an appearance on Disc 2 of the Deluxe Edition).

The second disc of the Deluxe Edition probably couldn’t be better, with a mixture of singles, album tracks and B-sides. Melancholy breakup-banger Crazy Fool incorporates chiptune sounds and there’s a mix of Wake Me Up that trades the monster guitar riffs of the original version for turning the stomping bassline and drums up to 11. Hoxton Heroes was written at a time (‘a time’ = most of the noughties) when crap indie bands who thought they were automatically better than chart pop because they could play a guitar badly were pressed that Girls Aloud were consistently called the most exciting sound in British music by the press. Current-day New Boring darling Jake Bugg would do well to give it a listen (‘Don’t kid yourself you’re an indie clone/We’ve heard it before get a sound of your own’). Swinging London Town is probably the best song that starts with a Shaft-like funk-riff and incorporates an elevator-muzak-spoken-word breakdown that’s ever been written, and is emblematic of Girls Aloud’s ability to just put stuff together and make it work.

Which brings me, finally, to the new tracks. Something New, as you all already know, and have hopefully come fully to terms with, completely shits on your lesser bargain-bin faves. On The Metro, co-penned by INDIE KWEEN Nicola Roberts is a great Robyn-esque dancefloor heartbreakathon, with a fuzzy bass hook pinning the whole thing down. Beautiful ‘Cause You Love Me is decent enough, for a ballad—but ballads have never been Girls Aloud’s strong suit, and it will probably be the most-skipped track on Ten. Which leads finally to Every Now And Then, which might, just might, be the final track of any Girls Aloud release, if Cheryl’s autobiography is to be believed :)(). But there’s good news: Every Now and Then is a Xenomania + Cooper affair of the finest proportions. The track plays out like the three-years-later, end of the affair epilogue to Untouchable, complete with soaring melody and driving rhythm. What you initially assume is the song turns out to be an intro that peaks at a surprising one minute thirty key shift upwards into the song proper. It’s huge and relentless without resorting to the Harris/Guetta cookie-cutter stylings that virtually every other big anthemic track in recent memories has leaned on. On an album of killer tracks, it is a standout. If Girls Aloud are to be no more after 2013, at least they ended with one of the best tracks of their career.

Score: 5 fierce Nuhdeens out of 5.


Summary: BEY THUYS AYLBUM. In all seriousness, it is an incomparably immaculate pop collezione. You really have no excuses.

Amazing. Bought...if this ever comes to the US.

ediT: wait, i just noticed the photoshop.
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