Better hardware is always welcomed. But there are limits to how powerful you can make a console like the Switch. You have to consider size, battery-life, and heat consumption, and that will limit how powerful it is.
Dont be naive. Thing is, Switch weren't limited by tech as much as Nintendo being greedy.
They could have had custom chip with faster cpu cores, rather than really slow even on mobile standards of 2016.
They could have doubled the ram
And the flash
And had more gpu power
With the same price, but with low profit. And handled the cooling with these better specs
Instead they chose to make console with barely acceptable performance because it were the cheapest option.
Similar situation would be ps4 with 4gb of ram and xbox gpu specs etc.
But at least Sony does things for gamers too and sells stuff for loss if they have to.
There are limits but it is annoying than nintendo fucks ups things too much, and results are way too low resolutions and graphics that make experience worse tvan it should be.
720p/30 isnt too much to hope at 2019.
Even 2016 phones could run similar or better graphics at full hd vs many switch games.
2019 mobile chips wipe the floor with tegra, even 2016 ones did on cpu side at least