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PopGAF |OT4| asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

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Yeah I am not sure reality TV judging really helps sales of artists in any significant way. I really think Maroon 5 would have had their success with or without the shows promo. X Factor doesn't seem to be helping Demi much either.

I mean the paychecks are obviously nice, but its obvious that judging is no substitute for writing good material and doing actual promo.

TV Judging can be good promo if you use it smartly, which Xtina did not. Maroon 5 used The Voice AGGRESSIVELY to promote their current singles at peak times, and then continued promotion elsewhere. Britney and Shit.I.Am premiered a video snippet for Shit and Shout on X Floptor, immediately hit Youtube with the full video the same night, and also began running THE MOST ANNOYING COMMERCIAL FOR HEADPHONES EVER featuring celebrities dancing to the song. That's how you do it.

Xtina, however, has not used The Voice smartly at all. First off, she should have had new material to perform in the previous seasons. Even if it was just a BS single with no confirmed album, it would have at least kept her name out there. Then, when she finally DID have a new single to promote, SHE DOESN'T PERFORM IT. Then, when she FINALLY performs, it's a NON-SINGLE from the album. Performs again, ANOTHER non-single. Mind you, all of this happens AFTER THE ALBUM IS ALREADY OUT.

We don't even have to get into how vocally unprepared she was to perform.

Just an all-around mess. Her ENTIRE TEAM needs to be sacked.


Moves Like Jagger really is a fucking vile song.

Today I had to buy Nicki's fragrance for a friend. She really wanted it for Christmas.

A mess =(



I'm starting to think she just didn't see it as worthwhile compared to staying in LA with her son. She hasn't done the type of promo necessary to really support an album and I think even she is aware of it at this point. I mean, she's only left LA once to promote Lotus, and that was just a 3-day stint in NY. As I recall, she didn't even do radio while she was there. She's always saying in interviews how she prefers to focus on one thing at a time, so maybe now that The Voice is a done deal she'll be bored enough to actually promote. :( I mean, the fact that we have a confirmed performance in January is something. By THIS point in the Bionic era promotion was DONE.


Well, I think at this point you can safely write this era off.
That's not shit

One of the the worst pop songs to find chart success in the last few years. Easily.

Makes Call Me Maybe look masterful.

It really is disastrously bad. I don't like most of Will.I.Am's and Brit's music individually, and l like them even less together.


One of the the worst pop songs to find chart success in the last few years. Easily.


I actually like that it's doing so well. it's so shit I'm pretty sure it'll make people less open to give the lead single of her next album a chance

no hit singles
flop album again
flop tour again

then at last, her dying career could finally be at rest and with her spearit

Carly does that singlehandedly.

lol. Call Me Maybe was like a distillation of what I wish Britney was.

Still simple, relatively unsophisticated, pop song that was fun, had personality, and was believable. Shame about her album and follow up singles. (wouldn't call myself a fan but I appreciate her)


lol. Call Me Maybe was like a distillation of what I wish Britney was.

Still simple, relatively unsophisticated, pop song that was fun, had personality, and was believable. Shame about her album and follow up singles. (wouldn't call myself a fan but I appreciate her)

No wonder you have a fondness for anything from One Direction that doesn't start and end with Zayn's face.
lol. Call Me Maybe was like a distillation of what I wish Britney was.

Still simple, relatively unsophisticated, pop song that was fun, had personality, and was believable. Shame about her album and follow up singles. (wouldn't call myself a fan but I appreciate her)
Sounds like you're craving some retro-Spears. I, on the other hand, am anxiously awaiting Carly's Slave 4 U moment.
and with those albums sales I imagine it'll happen sooner rather than later.
Sounds like you're craving some retro-Spears. I, on the other hand, am anxiously awaiting Carly's Slave 4 U moment.
and with those albums sales I imagine it'll happen sooner rather than later.

lol other than a couple songs even Brits old material doesn't do anything for me. Lucky is OK I suppose. I am just not a fan of her work in general......

@Koodo <3 ..... you will learn, someday.
She won't have the budget to promote outside of Canada.

Sadly this is almost surely true. Unless Bieber really wants to bend over backwards to support "his" (lol) artist.

Either way I am not sure she will find success. Call Me Maybe was huge but I am not sure she has the range to mix things up and try something different. At the same time I don't think lightning can strike twice with the CMM sound.

Mau ®

In some parts of the world its Xtina's 32th birthday. Happy bday to Xtina.

I am however a bit concerned that her bday and mine collide. I hope her flop struggles are not down to her zodiac sign or something


I am however a bit concerned that her bday and mine collide. I hope her flop struggles are not down to her zodiac sign or something

her flop struggles are down to her being Latina
arent you Hispanic too? I'm sure you can attest to struggles/discrimination of your own in the many caucasian dominated parts of this world.

Xtina is only 32? I thought she was older for some reason.

really? but she usually so fresh and young for her age.

it's probably because of Broken Spearit. people know of them to be the around the same age and since Broken Spearit usually looks so haggard, Xtina seems older in association.



really? but she usually so fresh and young for her age.

it's probably because of Broken Spearit. people know of them to be the around the same age and since Broken Spearit usually looks so haggard, Xtina seems older in association.

lol, it wasn't meant to be a crack about her looks. Xtina is still very pretty. I just assumed she was closer to her 40s for some reason. I don't follow their careers closely enough it seems.


her flop struggles are down to her being Latina
arent you Hispanic too? I'm sure you can attest to struggles/discrimination of your own in the many caucasian dominated parts of this world.

really? but she usually so fresh and young for her age.

it's probably because of Broken Spearit. people know of them to be the around the same age and since Broken Spearit usually looks so haggard, Xtina seems older in association.


This made me LOL on the bus.
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