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PopGAF |OT7.5| ReMix - Stanning Sarah Palin since November 2013

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I'm listening to Bangerz again, and it is slaying me this time.


Nawt another of my gifs making the jump from ATRL to Popgaf.


Also. Queen Louis looking flawless as usual:

I'm continuing to be puncheD by Malaysian queen Yuna.

Lawd, I should have let her in sooner. Lullabies, Favourite Thing, Decorate, Rescue, and Falling are giving me everything right now.

I mean PUNCH moderately.



Nintendo, her power

All of the leaks you have seen over the past week- from the final evolutions of the starter pokemon down to Zygarde- have been elaborate fakes, and leaked out through a few trusted Nintendo contacts (such as Kenpachi and "Josh", among others) in order to distract people from the content of the real games, which includes 100 new pokemon, 50 mega evolutions, and a more fleshed out game following the Elite Four, among other secrets I dont want to disclose quite yet. The REAL copies of Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are shipping as I type this, and as such, no stores should have it yet. As it happens, this experiment was also put into motion to test the Canadian and European markets for inventory control, which have been concerns in the past. Needless to say, they failed spectacularly.

Please be prepared for the launch of the REAL Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, releasing worldwide on this Saturday, October (and not a moment sooner!)

When will our faves make fake leaks to fool the stans? N e v e r.



not you thinking I actually believe it


can you imagine how amazing it would be if it was true tho? Booting up the game and seeing everything be completely different ;_;

Booting up the game and seeing the CHESPIN line completely removed for something that doesn't induce nausea upon sight. Yes.



Ugh, talking about POKE-only-thing-keeping-Nintendo-relevant-MON again!?

OMG Sistren I really want to buy this version it looks soooo flawless but I haven't played a pokemon game since yellow. YELLOW. That wasn't even a good one! ;____;


Ugh, talking about POKE-only-thing-keeping-Nintendo-relevant-MON again!?

OMG Sistren I really want to buy this version it looks soooo flawless but I haven't played a pokemon game since yellow. YELLOW. That wasn't even a good one! ;____;

Getting to experience 5 generations of Pokemon at once. I'm so fucking jealous ;_;
I have you beat, Roy.

Real talk, I've never played a Pokémon game. I never watched the anime when I was a kid. I never got into the trading cards or the games. I just don't care about it. Like at all.

Nintendo hasn't snared me in their trap.



Ugh, talking about POKE-only-thing-keeping-Nintendo-relevant-MON again!?

OMG Sistren I really want to buy this version it looks soooo flawless but I haven't played a pokemon game since yellow. YELLOW. That wasn't even a good one! ;____;

Aw... now I want to play with you ;_;


Does anyone else use binaural conversion when listening on headphones? I find it makes for a more natural soundscape, especially when combined with a subtle equalization curve (the latter isn't needed for older music as much).


Oh bummer, you better set that jack straight!

I've been hearing Popular Song in places lately... no thanks.


idek what I was thinking then


wait I forgot to listen to Bitter Rivals when I got home

let me eXperience it and get punchedT

edit: this is ending me
Anyone else think SMS (Bangerz) has lots of potential, but it just... isn't good?

I mean, when Britney's talking and the part immediately afterward when the beat seems to change every 5 seconds, and Miley yelling "I be strutting my stuuuuuuufff" in the background.... Those 30 seconds sound so awful
(ly good :))

But all in all the song goes nowhere, has no climax, and most of all: the song desperately needs a fatter bass. As is now, it sounds like it's coming from my alarm clock.
Anyone else think SMS (Bangerz) has lots of potential, but it just... isn't good?

I mean, when Britney's talking and the part immediately afterward when the beat seems to change every 5 seconds, and Miley yelling "I be strutting my stuuuuuuufff" in the background.... Those 30 seconds sound so awful
(ly good :))

But all in all the song goes nowhere, has no climax, and most of all: the song desperately needs a fatter bass. As is now, it sounds like it's coming from my alarm clock.

I've listened to the album a few times now, and it's definitely not my kind of music. The two lead singles did nothing either.

Edit: quoting myself instead of editing. I'm not good with interwebs.
Should I get X or Y sistren

I'm getting X.. The legendary Pokemon of X looks better than Y and just think about how your going to explain to someone which Pokemon you bought.

Saying "I got Pokemon X." Sounds better and cooler than saying "I bought Pokemon Y?" Saying that opens up a lot of jokes coming your way lol! This is one of the cheesiest things I ever typed but in my mind, it's the only reason why I'm not getting Y.


irresponsible vagina leak


Fresh for Gaga Ideas Folder

In other news


1. Infinite
2. Hang on 2 Your Love (feat. Durand Bernarr)
3. Fascism
4. Fight or Flight

I like it.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Sam Sparro trying to look like Freddie Mercury?


Hang On is pretty much more of the same, but he has some nice vocal runs near the end.


Just finished: Facism & Fight or Flight.

Not sure if it's just that I didn't sleep last night, but I'm already exhausted of him. It's like a variation of the same vibe 4 times in a row. Fight or Flight tries to be somewhat different by alternating between moody slowed down verses, but then it jumps back into the same bouncy synths as the previous 3 tracks. I'll maybe use one of the first two.


Sam Sparro trying to look like Freddie Mercury?

The mustache really suits him.

Anyone else think SMS (Bangerz) has lots of potential, but it just... isn't good?

I mean, when Britney's talking and the part immediately afterward when the beat seems to change every 5 seconds, and Miley yelling "I be strutting my stuuuuuuufff" in the background.... Those 30 seconds sound so awful
(ly good :))

But all in all the song goes nowhere, has no climax, and most of all: the song desperately needs a fatter bass. As is now, it sounds like it's coming from my alarm clock.

You're not alone. SMS isn't quite the banger Miley wants it to be. I'll be interested in seeing if it gets the single treatment and has any longevity.


Because she's better than Mariah Carey.


At what, precisely?

Like I said, I don't think Bey is a particularly emotive singer (at least not in the studio).

Mmhm. I love the Wynn performance of Resentment. It's one of those performances where I believe the act.

I'd also point out that this whole argument about Beyoncé's ability to emote is a pretty standard critique of most technically excellent singers. It's not like Beyoncé is the only singer who has been criticized for not being able to emote or being a over-rehearsed or too perfect - it's a complaint I've seen about quite a few other singers. Even singers who are technically excellent but don't have a reputation for being unemotive are probably known better by the general public for how they perform and how they sing (as opposed to how well they sing), because there's this weird attitude that the better you are at one, the worse you are at the other.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I have you beat, Roy.

Real talk, I've never played a Pokémon game. I never watched the anime when I was a kid. I never got into the trading cards or the games. I just don't care about it. Like at all.

Same here, although I was in my 20s when the series initially hit the US and working at Electronics Boutique (oh lawd) so being as over-exposed to this stupid thing as I was, actually trying it out was the furthest thing from my mind.

I think SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighters Clash on my lil Neo Geo Pocket was the closest thing to a Pokemon style game that I ever played.

now wait a second, what is this heartbreaker song by justin bieber and what is it doing at the top of itunes

I considered posting it last night, but couldn't remember if popgaf is here for Princess Justine or not. Song is going to slay, tho. So many panties (and Andrew Christian briefs) will drop to this bop.


I'd also point out that this whole argument about Beyoncé's ability to emote is a pretty standard critique of most technically excellent singers. It's not like Beyoncé is the only singer who has been criticized for not being able to emote or being a over-rehearsed or too perfect - it's a complaint I've seen about quite a few other singers. Even singers who are technically excellent but don't have a reputation for being unemotive are probably known better by the general public for how they perform and how they sing (as opposed to how well they sing), because there's this weird attitude that the better you are at one, the worse you are at the other.


i don't even


I must have missed that post. I've never played a Pokemon game either, though I've been around fanatical friends that know every silhouette to those Pokemon pre- and post-break quizzes.
I think we tend to confuse "ability to emote" with "believability," so I think there's a pre-conceived bias within us to evaluate believability based on our general opinions of these singers.

For example if you were to ask me whether Whitney or Mariah could "emote" well by your definition of the word, I would say not at all. That's because we have individual threshholds for what appeals to us emotionally, and so some people can appeal to our sensibilities better than others, regardless of whether they can objectively "emote" well or not.

I do think people assume Beyonce can't "emote" as well because her voice is too polished and technically proficient. We assume that someone emoting well tends to use more gravel, rasp or spontaneous riffing in their vocal. That's just not her. So while I do think she can emote well on a general level, the believability is lost because she refuses to sacrifice a polished vocal.

Also I think we're inclined to believe that a more complicated vocal (i.e. with more runs and riffs) leads to weaker emotive execution, which I can understand. Beyonce doesn't seem interested in sacrificing vibrato or an end riff for the sake of sounding more emotive. And as someone who listens to Beyonce a LOT, I can hear that emotive layering in her vocal even when it retains the same kind of silky polish that a less emotive song would have.
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