The whole damn thing is a wig eviscerator.
No lies in sight...
But people wouldn't know that because there mindless judgement on who he is blocks there ability to appreciate his music. Sad...
The whole damn thing is a wig eviscerator.
What the actual fuck, Eminem? You think saying brazen homophobic shit will still fly in 2013? Lord hammercy, you best prepare for the clapback.
but at least Yeezus slaysIt's undeniably grim but I mean Yeezus has some pretty questionable misogynistic lyrics too
but at least Yeezus slays
if my faves are gonna be problematic, they better be damn good
Has anyone found a version of Numb without Eminem? He ruins EVERYTHING, I swear...
Numb ends for me when his angst-laden verse begins.
my godI took out his verse: https://soundcloud.com/aguila2/numb-sans-eminem-1
The transition doesn't seem too noticeable *.*
I took out his verse: https://soundcloud.com/aguila2/numb-sans-eminem-1
The transition doesn't seem too noticeable *.*
What SHE does when she sings and HOW she sings has nothing to do with how she directs her contestants. And, as someone who does sing, Christina often gives great advice. Even Mumei admit's that the instruction Christina gives is pretty sound. Also, Christina's advice tends to be tailored to what her she feels are the strengths of her individual contestants, which is rarely ever "sing how I would do this."
When you said "slaying a Beyonce song" did you mean "revealing her weak and airy lower register while attempting a Beyoncé song"?
I mean, that's where half the fun of this video comes from - the contrast of the fairly sound advice she gives contestants with examples of her not following said advice at all, and not just in one-off "bad" performances but in performances her stans point to as some of her best.
On the subject the performance itself, I was rather amused by the struggles that went on between Amber and Timyra, though. Timyra struggled with the lower register at the beginning of the song - she was only even audible when she stopped trying to go so low, and Amber had the same problem on "release" at 0:40. And let's not even get started on their struggles with the high notes - pinched, thin, strained. I don't know what Timyra thought she was doing at 2:01 - 2:05, but it wasn't cute.
A palate cleanser.
Love my girl Xtina, but her attempting a Beyonce song............. I'm pretty sure if she tried singing Listen or Love On Top all the way through her voice would literally crumble halfway.
not that word summoning you
not that word summoning you
I finished this today. Iconic. When will your fave female game characters tbh
Not sure how this is even shade.
But drag I guess.![]()
Dat ending ;_;
What ending did you choose?
I want to see all the other endings now, mine seems like it was one of the worst ones.Life. But I accidentally let go of the button when choking Norman, and RYAN DIED OMGAFADSfalkdfn. I had to settle for Jay.
I want to see all the other endings now, mine seems like it was one of the worst ones.Life. But I accidentally let go of the button when choking Norman, and RYAN DIED OMGAFADSfalkdfn. I had to settle for Jay.
(click here)
its just a normal tshirt cut off at the midsection and rolled at the sleeves. its disgusting
I don't remember who posted this but I really fucking want some Chinese now.
Bop of the year.
Noooooooooooooooooo. :air:
Anybody listen to this yet:
(click here)
I haven't yet. Honestly, I've been too busy searching for where I can get one of those retro tees that he's sporting on the cover. I would fucking rock that...
6 months in china and i've not seen a SINGLE fortune cookie. people here don't even know what they are. we're being lied to.
Don't make fun of my ARTPOP.![]()
I still think this is your craziest criticism of Christina's vocals. I think I just need examples, because I can't hear it. I do think her lower register is airy, but I don't think that alone means it's weak. Especially here: her tone is clear and even, and there's even some resonance.
Yeah, Timyra was flat until halfway through that performance when she started belting.
True. Then again, I couldn't imagine Beyonce even recording a song as difficult as Ain't No other Man, Fighter, or Walk Away. Much less performing them live.
Why do people keep trying to cover Listen? Beyoncé is the only one that slays it.
I don't remember who posted this but I really fucking want some Chinese now.
It's just as bad when people try to cover Whitneys "I will always love you".. I still love that song but only when Whitney sings it. Everybody else needs to stop
6 months in china and i've not seen a SINGLE fortune cookie. people here don't even know what they are. we're being lied to.