this is what #Justice4Bionic meant
This right here
Changing the name wouldn't make the album any less forgettable
I highly doubt the name affected the score as much as you think it does
Entertainment Weekly said:As pop, the album is a well-executed and entertaining tour of Gaga's tried-and-true tricks. But as art, it falls short when it comes to one basic function: making an impression.
All Music Guide said:The concept is artful and logical, yet ARTPOP never insinuates or settles in the subconscious; it always assaults, determined to make an impression even when all it has to say is that it doesn't have much to say.
Spin said:Even at their worst, they only prove that the art is sometimes unworthy of the artist.
MusicOMH said:Throughout ARTPOP signifier upon signifier is piled on top of sometimes brilliant melodies, creating enough room for breathless readings of Gaga’s ‘art’.
TinyMixTapes said:So sit back, and disengage your brain, because Gaga has this “art” shit down to, well, a fine art.
Her voice isn't real and it's horrible.
But what does this even mean?
I don't know. I was too flabbergasted and disgusted to inquire further.
I think she means like it's all autotune and gimmicks and editing.
I would blast a bunch of live acoustic performance back-to-back.
she literally thinks Eminem is the hottest man ever.
Reviewers (most of them at least) seem to be adding an extra layer of criticism to the album because the title insinuates that there should be more to see, or more to interpret, but at the end of the day the statement here is that pop music as we KNOW it to be, is actually very much an art form. A lot of critics aren't really getting that. "As a pop album it's good but as "art" not so much, so 6/10." Whereas with any other pop album the frame of mind is "as a pop album it's good, so 7/10" even though they wouldn't say the latter's music is better than the former. Contrarily, I would venture a guess to say that a lot of these reviewers would say that ARTPOP's music, taking it for what it is, is some of her all-time best. Except that fact isn't presenting itself through these review scores.
Not that Gaga didn't bring this upon herself obviously, because she did. When you present yourself in a highly contextual way you invite a highly contextual set of criticism, and that's exactly how art works. So I think with these reviewers saying that as "art" the album fails... that's a paradox to me because they're judging the album AS art because she evidently suggested it, not realizing that in judging it as art, the product itself becomes interpreted as an art piece. And that, in effect, makes it art. lol
It's the catch-22 of the year.
Throughout ARTPOP signifier upon signifier is piled on top of sometimes brilliant melodies, creating enough room for breathless readings of Gaga’s ‘art’ certainly, but failing on the more basic level as engaging pop music.
It's a decent, if flawed, pop album, its good bits good enough to keep her filling stadiums as big as the gulf between her ideas and her music.
Musically, it's pretty much the standard modern electro fare familiar from dozens of contemporaries, from Kylie to Britney. The dubstep riffs are more tortured in places, but when David Guetta and are involved in a track's production--as with the bullishly shallow "Fashion!"--you're not straying from the mainstream.
That refusal to experiment as wildly as she once did reads as fear, and a pop star who’s afraid ends up sounding like the once-weird Lady Gaga does on ARTPOP: boring and normal.
I will do that later, for sure.
It should also be noted that she literally thinks Eminem is the hottest man ever.
This is not a drill. This is a real Pop emergency.
She just told me she hates Bad Romance.
She is probably a homophobe and not fond of Gaga's lbgt support 👀
Just had a conversation with my roommate:
Me: "Gaga's album is great."
Roomate: "Why do you even like her she's so fucking bad."
Me: "....."
Roomate: "She has no talent!"
Me: "You like Eminem....."
Roomate: "Yeah Eminem is actually talented, Gaga isn't. Her voice isn't real and it's horrible."
She'd probably be more receptive of Gaga if Gaga just sat on her ass and strummed a guitar during her performances. I pity people who can't enjoy a balls to the wall pop act.
And that's the sad ass tea.
Sis you truncated the MusicOMH quote right before the punchline:
Pretty much all of the reviews I've seen conclude that the music itself is actually just not all that great.
If you strip away all the 'art was pop culture in me' from ARTPOP, and listen to it just as a collection of songs, it's very difficult to argue that it's a much better collection of pop music than PRISM. And that's tea. The fact that Gaga acts as though she's simply working on a different level to everyone creating pop music (and, to be fair, she used to), merely amplifies that fact. But I don't think anyone's marking it down for that reason.
It's no different than grown ass men fawning over 1D, Britney Spears, or any act designed to target teenage girls, tbh.but I could never take an adult Eminem fan seriously.
Except those same reviewers have a similar criticism of Prism.
They're the same people that are critical of most contemporary pop albums for the exact same reasons.
Could you, for a moment, imagine a pop artist that combines big ideas with music to match? If only one of those existed.
It's no different than grown ass men fawning over 1D, Britney Spears, or any act designed to target teenage girls, tbh.
I remember you stanning for Q.U.E.E.N. in the plug room. Listen to ha good work.Thanks for reminding me that I need to listen to her albums. Excelforward was explaining the whole storyline behind each of the albums, and it sounded very interesting / cohesive... but I never actually around to doing it.
It's a decent, if flawed, pop album, its good bits good enough to keep her filling stadiums as big as the gulf between her ideas and her music.
Thanks for reminding me that I need to listen to her albums. Excelforward was explaining the whole storyline behind each of the albums, and it sounded very interesting / cohesive... but I never actually around to doing it.
The Art of Slaying!!!!!! Wooooooooooot!!! Already 42 on itunes.!!! Such a classy mature song from only the Queen.
Buy Yours Today!
This is just a promo single right?
Yes, and Prism has similarly middling-decent review scores, too. Neither of them are exactly astonishing works of pop music.
What a convenient and poor excuse. 'All the people who don't like this obviously great album just hate pop music!'. Except that MusicOMH doesn't say 'all pop music is shite so this is good by those standards', it says that Gaga fails by the standards of pop music.
There are some reviews, like TinyMixTape's, that do seem to bash Gaga for the pretence while only mentioning the music as a side effect. You'll get those, and they're annoying. But in general, the reviews state that the music simply isn't all that great (in varying ways) and that's why they're giving it decent to good reviews instead of the 9s and 10s that the Monsters believe it (obviously) deserves.
This is the problem, I think, with Gaga. For all the costumes and the pronouncements and the essays about her intent, inspiration, and genius, that we have to read about from her fans, at the end of the day the last time she truly sounded musically like a cut above her contemporaries was back in 2009, and I think it's becoming noticeable.
Could you, for a moment, imagine a pop artist that combines big ideas with music to match? If only one of those existed.
I'm sorry but 1D is not in the same league as Britney. She may have started out as teen pop star, but she has managed to shed that and maintain her career by delving into different genres and gathering new fans in the process.
1D are catering to teen girlswho write erotic fanfiction about them on Twitter, and once they lose them, they're done.and gays
See NSYNC and BSB and how Knee has long outlasted them.
Well, that's one way to call it shitty.<3