The fact that Victoria's Secret passed right on by Gaga, who has an album just released, for someone who's been on relative hiatus outside of touring should tell you what the world now thinks of her visuals.
Gaga's not sexy. And now she's not even visually interesting. She's no fashionista. Not anymore. She's a pretentious circus freak 5 minutes away from a total breakdown, and nobody wants anything to do with ha.
She got back on track with the music this era. Next era she really needs to have some serious internal meetings on her visuals and presentation, because she's a damn mess to look at.
It's time to put most of the HAUS out on the STREET.
They represent EDMga's squished career.
Not exactly urbanga but something different than just dance
hell do an album full of ballads and country-rock mixed with some R&B influences
Who cares? They're all shit.![]()
Stefan;89728991 said:Sis, I know the predictions have come in and that it has done a number on you and the Monsters
I dont really care about her topping the charts, I understand she isn't going to go back to the success she used to have
but a bit of diversity in her discography wouldn't hurt. She already tried to explore an urban sound with ARTPOP, going further in would be a nice welcome
plus she already said she wanted and plans to work with Rick Rubin more
I'm glad most of my faves are flops. Their only career trajectory can be up.![]()
Speaking of, where is Tropico?
December 1.
Dear John, deliver us Tropico, tbh.
Walk down the runway but don't puke
It's okay
You just had a salad today
Just ask your gay friends their advice
Before you
Get a spray tan on holiday
In Taipei
I actually can't stand that line, and how Gaga goes back and forth between wanting to champion gays and using us as props.
If Christina said this line, would you like it?
Her music is great this era, and a handful of songs from ARTPOP have #1 potential. As I said, people aren't tired of her music. They just haven't heard the really good ones yet.
Applause is one song that only half resonated, and most people don't know about DWUW yet. She didn't pair this album release with a headlined single or television promo. So for most people they either don't know this album's out or aren't checking for it because they don't have any derivative single to look to other than a 3 month old song. So calm your asses, first week sales aren't that critical.
The fact that so many monsters are so desperate tonight that they're calling for her to abandon her sound and do something like Lorde and Adele shows me that they're not here for her niche. She's dance pop, and dance pop will never go out of style. Deal.
Yeah, because Christina hasn't piled on the "I'm the savior of the gays!" crap like Gaga has. She's just herself. It would be a more genuine line coming from her...if she ever sang anything like that.
Uh huh. As far as I remember it was Gaga that was performing in gay and drag bars for years leading up to her fame, and made an entire album pertaining to youth and LGBT empowerment at her popularity peak. I'm pretty sure you're the only gay person in American who still thinks that Gaga's doing some kind of pandering schtick. She's an honorary gay. Let her in.
Go listen to The Queen and then tell me you wouldnt want more of that last bridge
Starry night come inside me like never before
Don't forget me when I come crying to heaven's door
I will fly on a challenger across the sky
Like a phoenix so you can remind them of the dream I bore
Stefan;89732183 said:Those legs. ;__;
Stefan;89732183 said:Those legs. ;__;
I wouldn't know because I never made it that far through that wretched song.
The first reply I'm screaming
yet you had the ears to declare MJH the best song on ARTPOP
I ain't ever lied.
Sis, I just listened to God's Mirror in full for the first time.
NOT the intro to Aura giving me Shadow Hearts teas. (seriously, from 0:35 onward is something I could imagine Yoshitaka Hirota coming up with!)
I still have to give ARTPOP a couple more listens. I kinda vaguely like it, and nothing really stuck out as horrible, but I find music rarely sticks with me after just one listen unless it's some "Can't Get You Outta My Head"-tier hymn.
soooo in the meantime, I don't think I've ever introduced myself, because I'm shy. So hi! I'm perfect free and I'm normally a huge dork and spend a lot of time listening to video game soundtracks, but when I'm not doing thatI like pop music. I don't really do a lot of crazy stanning, but I'm mentally preparing myself to lose my shit the next time Robyn graces us with her musical gifts. I used Body Talk for pretty much a solid year and it just gave me SO much life. Same with anything new from Kylie. I also worship the Japanese techno-goddesses Perfume, Janelle Monáe (The Electric Lady was great but I think ArchAndroid still tops it), and a lil Britney and Rihanna if I'm in the mood. (Real talk, I love Rihanna's voice but I don't think she or her songs really do it justice except on rare occasions. Or maybe that's just my weakness for power ballads showing. More stuff like "Fire Bomb" please.) So yeah, hiya PopGAF. I don't post much but I can't look away.and I wanna get down with my bad twink self
lbr, the pop climate during Madonnasaur's peak eras was totally different from today's. We can't even compare.
Madonna has hit massive lows with certain album cycles. So much so that people counted her out practically every other era. The point is that she did what she wanted to do, and in doing so either managed to find her way back to the pop culture zeitgeist or fell out of relevance temporarily.
Ya'll need to give newer acts the opportunity to do that too. Well not ya'll, just Roy. And stop calling Rihanna the new Madonna. lol
...only Rihanna seems to deserve the title "The Next Madonna" at this point.
Madonna has hit massive lows with certain album cycles. So much so that people counted her out practically every other era. The point is that she did what she wanted to do, and in doing so either managed to find her way back to the pop culture zeitgeist or fell out of relevance temporarily.
Ya'll need to give newer acts the opportunity to do that too. Well not ya'll, just Roy. And stop calling Rihanna the new Madonna. lol
And stop calling Rihanna the new Madonna. lol
Madonna's relative lows were nothing compared to Gaga (or even Britney, at this point).
Mau ®;89741468 said:But its the truth.
Mau ®;89741468 said:But its the truth.
Don't worry, everyone. The good sis Mau is just kidding.
I hope.
You must be kidding.
I've decided that you're kidding.
All the major pop girls struggling REALLY gives me a deeper appreciation of Madonna, and really calls into focus just how impressive it is that she held on to top-tier relevance for as long as she did.
Staying on top requires such an intrinsic understanding of pop culture and trends. An act needs to stay current, and stay themselves while at the same time not getting mired in their own baggage or hype. The sheer discipline it took for Madonna to keep such an iron grip on Pop culture for so long...
...only Rihanna seems to deserve the title "The Next Madonna" at this point.