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Possibly Manufactured Anti-Gay Campaign Targets EA Over LGBT Characters.


Membero Americo

EA is standing up for same sex relationships in games despite outrage from some

EA has been inundated in recent weeks with what GamesIndustry International understands to be "several thousand" letters and emails protesting the inclusion of same sex or LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) content in its video games, most notably Mass Effect 3 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. When asked, EA confirmed that this has indeed been occurring, and unsurprisingly, EA has no plans to censor any of its games.

"Every one of EA's games includes ESRB content descriptors so it's hard to believe anyone is surprised by the content. This isn't about protecting children, it's about political harassment," Jeff Brown, VP of corporate communications told us.

The letters have been directed to EA's executive team, creative heads, its board of directors and just about anyone at a high level. Many of them threaten to boycott EA's titles if the publisher refuses to remove same-sex relationship content.

More at the link. (Long article.)

Not surprising, but smfh.


Corporate Apologist
While I haven't done to much research my self, I have heard some mummering that EA is actually fueling this controversy to distract investors from them being voted worst company and their stock value doing poorly.

But that may be just some Conspiracy Theory BS.



I hate EA's gay characters because they aren't really gay, they just make every party member omnisexual than actually making a realized gay character who is exclusively gay. Almost like tokenism, but rather than even the cursory effort of a token character they just write romance options gender neutral and let santorum fall where it may.


I love how there's a million things in videogames that could be targeted for being "sinful", but they single this one out. I can only imagine it comes from insecurity.

These people need to find something better to hate.


i've been really proud of video games this generation for including same sex relationships. even if i don't play many bioware games, it's really cool that they seem to have such a good stance with this. i wish the people writing those letters could somehow understand how much it positively affects those of us who are barely represented in mainstream entertainment.


I hate EA's gay characters because they aren't really gay, they just make every party member omnisexual than actually making a realized gay character who is exclusively gay. Almost like tokenism, but rather than even the cursory effort of a token character they just write romance options gender neutral and let santorum fall where it may.
Oh I'm gonna love when you explain what "really gay" means, and how these characters aren't it.

Which ones are "really straight"?

Do all gay characters need tassels on their armor or something? Male gay characters always wield pink weapons? DO TELL.

EDIT: Wait; are you saying that the EA characters are bisexual at most? Okay, that sounds way less insane. =)
Still, there are "exclusively gay" characters in (for example) ME3.


Man these fuckers make me sick. To deny the right of existence to LGBT is disgusting. EA is doing the right right and for that I am not grateful to them, it's expected (rather satisfied). This is the 21st century. The people who have issues with the introduction to LGBT and relationships between them should simply not play the game.
Sodom. As in Sodom and Gomorrah I presume?

Yes. It's where we get the word "sodomy." In the Old Testament, God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins. Although there's plenty of debate about whether Sodom was destroyed because (a) their men wanted to have sex with visiting men (i.e., homosexuality) or (b) their men wanted to rape the visiting men who happened to be angels (irrespective of the sex of either party involved).

It's a passage that typically gets read with different emphasis depending upon the point the reader wants to make.


Oh I'm gonna love when you explain what "really gay" means, and how these characters aren't it.

Which ones are "really straight"?

Do all gay characters need tassels on their armor or something? Male gay characters always wield pink weapons? DO TELL.

I think he means they arent actually gay in the story.


They should be complaining about how poorly done Bioware's gay characters normally are. They're normally presented as sex addicts who will fuck anything that has legs, as long as you pick the top right dialog option all of the time.


I think he means they arent actually gay in the story.

Yeah, I re-read what he wrote and I agree with you. Edited my post:
EDIT: Wait; are you saying that the EA characters are bisexual at most? Okay, that sounds way less insane. =)
Still, there are "exclusively gay" characters in (for example) ME3.


Came in for the "stealing, sex and violence is ok, kissing other dudes don't ?" and the "...gay characters ? they are all whatever-you-choose-sexual"

Like almost every part of the bible, it is always funnier to see Brick Testament's version =D
NSFW .... i guess


What the fuck is the problem with these people ? Do they have nothing better to do ?


I spend a good 10 minutes searching for a user named "Imaginary Idiot" xD



Is this real? It makes me think it was written by a poorly educated 5th grader.

Also, SWTOR is rated T by the esrb, the young children that they are oh so concerned about shouldn't be playing the game anyway.

This is obviously coming from homophobic rednecks so I don't even know why I'm trying to understand.


Remember ME2 and the statements way back when about SW:ToR that basically boiled down to 'there are no gays in space' (paraphrase)?
Let's just hope EA doesn't flipflop again because of this.
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