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Possibly Manufactured Anti-Gay Campaign Targets EA Over LGBT Characters.

As a gay male, this really offends me. I am appalled that people still act this way in the year 2012. I have enough to worry about in Ohio, where I can't even get legally married in real life!



"Remember Sodom"

He's using a reference to a fictitious city in a work of fiction to justify why a player should not be allowed to have free agency over his/her actions? ಠ_ಠ




sputum-flecked apoplexy
There was already a not-insignificant backlash against the inclusion of gay characters from the gamer community, it doesn't surprise me at all that it also comes from further afield


"Remember Sodom"

He's using a reference to a fictitious city in a work of fiction to justify why a player should not be allowed to have free agency over his/her actions? ಠ_ಠ

Not everyone believes the bible is fiction. Perhaps everyone should be a little more open minded.
"Hey investors! We weren't voted the worst company in America because we are horrible to our customers. It was because we are really great at representing gay people!"

Stolen from reddit:


Membero Americo
"Hey investors! We weren't voted the worst company in America because we are horrible to our customers. It was because we are really great at representing gay people!"

Stolen from reddit:

Gimme a break with that conspiracy BS.

I'm not forgetting how bad EA is, but I'm on their side on this one.


Did ME 1 and 2 feature gay characters/relationships? I don't really recall, been to long. I did finish ME3 with a sense that there were more gay relationships than straight, to the point it seemed a little forced.
Gimme a break with that conspiracy BS.

I'm not forgetting how bad EA is, but I'm on their side on this one.
I'm saying that this has clearly gone on for some time. The only reason it is coming out today is because they were voted Worst Company in America yesterday and need to do some serious damage control. If they are able to convince people that this is why they won that award, then damage control is done.

They could have mentioned this a week ago, but there was no particular reason to.


Membero Americo
I'm saying that this has clearly gone on for some time. The only reason it is coming out today is because they were voted Worst Company in America yesterday and need to do some serious damage control. If they are able to convince people that this is why they won that award, then damage control is done.

They could have mentioned this a week ago, but there was no particular reason to.

The Game Industry article was written yesterday.
Fuck these assholes.

We have enough things in place in the industry like the ratings system, the internet, reviews, etc that will tell people what is and isn't in a game. Kids shouldn't be playing games that are rated T or Mature.

And yet this always happens, doesn't it? Some little kid plays some shit they shouldn't, or a parent finds out something is objectionable in a game, and do dumb shit like this instead of actually being, you know, A FUCKING PARENT.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Gimme a break with that conspiracy BS.

I'm not forgetting how bad EA is, but I'm on their side on this one.

I like that the image assumes that you can't be on their side in this issue, AND be mindful of their business practices.
The Game Industry article was written yesterday.
Yes. It was published after they won. Even if they didn't win, they'd have come in second and still would want some damage control. This is something that has been going on for weeks. It's an awfully convenient time for them to speak out about it.

I'm not even saying it's a lie. I'm saying it was very convenient for them to talk about it now.


The timing of this being turned into a story is very convenient for EA. Obviously that doesn't change that they are completely in the right here, but I don't believe the timing is coincidental -- not with a company that has been repeatedly shown to be pretty concerned about (and relatively good at) managing public opinion.


I haven't really heard anyone complain about this. I've seen some complaints before release worrying about them somewhat forcing you down that path or how the characters might be portrayed, but I never got the impression that this was an issue to any significant amount of people or any amount greater than what's par for the course for anything touching these subjects. Swtor has been out for a long time hasn't it?

this should be included in all video game boxes that have "questionable" content.

i don't really care either way, i'd rather be playing good games then shitty ones with lousy side sex plots.


I'm pretty sure EA did the math on this one, there are more LGBT gamers than hardcore homophobes playing fantasy RPG games, and even for that minority I doubt they are that annoyed by having to skip the handsome compliments dialogue options.

Now if they really want to be brave and stir up controversy on the subject, have a gay lead character in Battlefield 4 where his lover in the same squadron gets killed.
The timing of this being turned into a story is very convenient for EA. Obviously that doesn't change that they are completely in the right here, but I don't believe the timing is coincidental -- not with a company that has been repeatedly shown to be pretty concerned about (and relatively good at) managing public opinion.
Bingo. This is all I'm saying. Hell, I'd go far as to say that all media companies that include gay things get hate letters. I'm sure movie studios get hate letters for including gay characters.
I am appalled that people still act this way in the year 2012.
Being 'pro-homosexual' is actually the old fashioned viewpoint. It is symptomatic of the moral ambivalence that was ubiquitous in the pagan world preceding Christianity. Quite an old view, really.


Gimme a break with that conspiracy BS.

I'm not forgetting how bad EA is, but I'm on their side on this one.
I must admit, the timing sounds at least suspect to me, too.

It's not like they didn't do something like this before, after all.



As a gay male, this really offends me. I am appalled that people still act this way in the year 2012. I have enough to worry about in Ohio, where I can't even get legally married in real life!

I am as well but I find this to be more pathetic than anyone else.

I can blow a man's head off but I can't have a random sex scene with a dude? These people really have their priorities straight.


Can you even have a gay relationship in Star Wars: The Old Republic? I thought that was not implemented at all.


Oh... homophobia, how I wish you'd go away. It's not like a lot of games offer same sex relationships. Dragon Age is the most recent one I can think of. If they are going to take those out, then they should take out relationships all together. As a gay man myself, I really don't want to sex up the female characters.


This whole thing(and the whole "debate" surrounding the gay marriage issue) is hilarious and sad. Sad for the LGBT community and hilarious that some people are this fucking stupid.
Bingo. This is all I'm saying. Hell, I'd go far as to say that all media companies that include gay things get hate letters. I'm sure movie studios get hate letters for including gay characters.

Oh no! Someone has a different view of morality than I do! I must stop what I'm doing and protest!

I've tried explaining this to some people at my old church (one of the main reasons I moved churches). They kept trying to say they weren't "homophobic." I kept telling them that they were. Why else would they focus on homosexuality (an personal decision with no meaningful external consequences) as the biggest plague on America rather than (just as an example) abortion, where the stakes are life and death if you're wrong?

The modern Christian church is all sorts of screwed up and has completely lost the plot. Here's one of my favorites: did you get pregnant without being married? We're going to shun you completely and make you feel like a complete slut! But don't you dare get an abortion - that's murder!

I guess all that's really more for the OT though, although I don't really have the stones to hang out there. :p
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