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Possibly Manufactured Anti-Gay Campaign Targets EA Over LGBT Characters.


The Kaiden and Sheperd scene probably turned some of their kids gay. Worst company in America by far.



In Dragon Age, you sort of feel compelled to flirt with Zevran, gay or straight. Maybe I'm alone in that.

Wait, you could play through Dragon Age and NOT flirt with Zevran? I think he would have bent over for anyone. Zevran wasn't gay, he was just a slut.
Much like any other person who's already spent money on the game, EA's response to these "concerned parents":


Deal with it.


Viral marketing for a new gay marriage simulator confirmed.
But it's going to be at least a year until The Sims 4!

Then again, you can just play Sims 1, 2, or 3. It's been there since the start. Kind of interesting how little outrage there has been about that, really.



And there will always be people outraged at progressive LGBT content. They'll get over it eventually.


Loius Ck is genious

Oh wow can't stop reading brick testament.
Not sure if you saw, but their front page says that they released a book !
Not sure how good it is ..but i'm tempting to get =x

Darth Mauls!

Didn't George Lucas once say that homosexuality didn't exist in the Star Wars universe?

These days George Lucas has as much power over the Star Wars universe as .... me or you

I don't think the NSFW tag was needed, it's just lego.
Or is it because of pictures like these :lol :lol
I was just using the site's own definition


Wich is lovely ironic considering the topic =P

Capcpom sent the letters.

"Remember Sodom"? :0



Man it's not like it's rubbed in your face. You have to actively pursue those kinds of relationships to get to the content. Not only that but the games that have it are M rated. It's like they were curious to try it and were shocked when it worked.


Ironically im sure some pro-gay groups have a decent case to complain about EA`s gay characters given how cartoonish and bordeline offensive they are.

Cortez: Hello im steven cortez, did I mention im gay? I used to have a husband; a husband, not a wife, because im gay.


I think parents should be more worried about other things, then a gay character in a fucking video game. *shakes head*


These kinds of things have been sent to EA for years. They've conveniently waited until now to mention it.

It's probably much more now than it was a few years ago. There was quite a big backlash in the gaming community recently as you can now have male/male options in ME3. (You can be a lesbian in the first two games but of course nobody complained about that.)


"Hey investors! We weren't voted the worst company in America because we are horrible to our customers. It was because we are really great at representing gay people!"

Stolen from reddit:
Conspiracy theory much? How is an internet poll going to tank their stock that they need to fake an anti-gay campaign against themselves?


I hate EA's gay characters because they aren't really gay, they just make every party member omnisexual than actually making a realized gay character who is exclusively gay. Almost like tokenism, but rather than even the cursory effort of a token character they just write romance options gender neutral and let santorum fall where it may.

There are specifically gay characters in ME3.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
They should be complaining about how poorly done Bioware's gay characters normally are. They're normally presented as sex addicts who will fuck anything that has legs, as long as you pick the top right dialog option all of the time.

Isn't that the same way with the straight characters too?


It's probably much more now than it was a few years ago. There was quite a big backlash in the gaming community recently as you can now have male/male options in ME3. (You can be a lesbian in the first two games but of course nobody complained about that.)

They knew what they were getting into when they developed and published these games. And really, the only real complaining I've seen is from gay people saying that the relationships were poorly written or handled. The rest have been either hate mail simply for the sake of hate mail, or people insane enough to actually have an issue with homosexuality. I have no doubt those last two have existed for just as long as EA has, and if they really knew how to handle the situation they would have just kept ignoring them.

It's no coincidence that they've suddenly begun to complain about something that was easy to not react to before.


Fuck those people.

Problem isn't with them it's with Bioware.

They try to include gays and other things but problem is they are doing it veeery veeery bad.

I know some dude who is a gay and he won't go bonkers with his sexuality.

But by Bioware any Gay is sex crazed maniac who wants to fuck you. Dragon Age 2 comes to mind. That is more troubling than those people.


Quite disappointing but not surprising. I'm glad they didn't back down.

Last time I checked, this is Mass Effect, not Gay the musical!



I fucking love The IT Crowd. That's my all time favorite episode, haha.


Bigots being bigots...

Bioware had gay characters in their game since what DAO and ME1? Why are people complaining just now?


I'd be morbidly fascinated to see how this would've effected the Consumerist polls if these clowns made asses of themselves BEFORE EA was up for the finals/winner. I half expect at least a few would want to "get back" at people like this instead.


Bigots being bigots...

Bioware had gay characters in their game since what DAO and ME1? Why are people complaining just now?

They're not. They have always complained. EA is reacting now in an attempt to create a diversion or blame the increased hate they've been facing recently on something that isn't the real source.


Can someone also tell me what they are afraid of? That their children see a gay relationship portrayed in a videogame and suddenly they turn gay? I am really having trouble following where the issue is.


Of course, damned be them, because being gay in EA games is so forced

And OMG save our children (!) from love between two people (same sex or not), better expose them to the glorification of weapons and war!
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