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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Because I don't feel stupid enough uploading a mirror selfie up on the internet...

Keep the hair. Fits your style.

I really want to grow mine back to its past glory but the inbetween-phase is so awkward I always end up getting it cut.


Since I'm commenting others I feel obligated to post my drunken mug after 12 hour workday.


Dom Brunt

Got about a half a year left of growing that hair out, but do you think I can pull it off or should go with a shorter haircut again like this:

Help me GAF and keep in mind that my friend's photos is alot better then the picture I took of myself, heh. Feel like that short cut is a bit 2010 though.

I like the longer hair better even though I can't quite imagine what it'll look like when you're at your ideal length. But keep growing it, it looks good so far (I'm pretty sure I've said this to you before in this thread somewhere lol).
Got about a half a year left of growing that hair out, but do you think I can pull it off or should go with a shorter haircut again like this:

Help me GAF and keep in mind that my friend's photos is alot better then the picture I took of myself, heh. Feel like that short cut is a bit 2010 though.

Both look great on you but I'd keep growing it and if in 6 months you don't like it you can cut it all off. But if you don't try it and just cut it off now you'll have to regrow the whole lot to see how you feel about it being long.

I'm in a similar hair dilemma at the mo. Mine is the longest it's been for almost 10 years (I cut it all off at 18 and kept it short for a few years but decided to grow it out about 5 years ago). After my sister's wedding in a few weeks I have no need to keep it long so I don't know whether to go for the chop again or keep growing it.
Thanks. You people are wise and exactly what I need to hear to actually keep on going. My hair so fucking thick and it needs lots of products to stay down at the moment since most of the mass of the hair is like on the sides of the head making it look even fluffier. I usually just keep it in a knot, but I still can't catch all of my hair in it.

And I've also been in the most awkward phase of growing my hair out like 6-8 times, but I've always ended up cutting it. I've been close a few times now, especially since it's summer soon, but I guess I'll just keep on going. :)


Got about a half a year left of growing that hair out, but do you think I can pull it off or should go with a shorter haircut again like this:

Help me GAF and keep in mind that my friend's photos is alot better then the picture I took of myself, heh. Feel like that short cut is a bit 2010 though.

You look great either way but I would say just for it and let it grow at least another 6 months.

Colombian/Lebanese from Oklahoma represent! This is just a silly pic my friend posted on FB not too long ago. Im obsessed with mustaches for some reason, and it hurts because I can't actually grow one :(

PS. I really need to tan or something, I forget how white I get during the winter lol.

Colombian/Lebanese from Oklahoma represent! This is just a silly pic my friend posted on FB not too long ago. Im obsessed with mustaches for some reason, and it hurts because I can't actually grow one :(

PS. I really need to tan or something, I forget how white I get during the winter lol.
I'm beige and I look like plaster compared to everyone here in Florida. It's a little intimidating haha
I'm beige and I look like plaster compared to everyone here in Florida. It's a little intimidating haha

Lol yeah, I mean I can sort of tan but I just don't really like going outside when it's hot unless I'm swimming at the lake or in a pool. Guess I could get me one of those fake tans! Not really. Everyone always teases me about it though, saying I look like a vampire or ghost :(


Lol yeah, I mean I can sort of tan but I just don't really like going outside when it's hot unless I'm swimming at the lake or in a pool. Guess I could get me one of those fake tans! Not really. Everyone always teases me about it though, saying I look like a vampire or ghost :(

You really don't look that pale in the picture you posted, I've seen people much worse than that
Thought I'd share a pic in my newly arrived shirt.

Colombian/Lebanese from Oklahoma represent! This is just a silly pic my friend posted on FB not too long ago. Im obsessed with mustaches for some reason, and it hurts because I can't actually grow one :(

PS. I really need to tan or something, I forget how white I get during the winter lol.

dig the shirt & I want the glasses 8D

also I hate how people seem to make being pale sound like a bad thing :'/



Colombian/Lebanese from Oklahoma represent! This is just a silly pic my friend posted on FB not too long ago. Im obsessed with mustaches for some reason, and it hurts because I can't actually grow one :(

PS. I really need to tan or something, I forget how white I get during the winter lol.
Hell yeah super pale Colombian GAF! :D

also I hate how people seem to make being pale sound like a bad thing :'/
In my case, people try to use it as a means of erasing my identity. "You can't possibly be Colombian/Hispanic 'cause you're too pale." :/
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