Looks awesome, dude. I'm sure your students will love it as well.Graduation day for the pupils tomorrow. I thought I'd let the hairdresser make me a pretty mohawk ^_^
Haha, cool pic Evi, some gaming legends right there.
Who is that to your left? I have Cliff, Pachter, you, ?, Dyack and Keighley.
I imagine it's hard not to picture him wearing a Doritos crown if you meet him in person.
You're the most sensible looking person there. Pachter looks like my dad, keighley looks like a car salesman and cliffy looks like a plastered sports bar patron.
Which one are you?
Which one are you?
Do it!Cliff sure has a happy! Tempted to post my indie version of this pic. Tim Schafer me and two guys from Limbo?
Do it!
right now I want to marry several gaffers, tash is one of them *-*
<3 we can make out at Gamescom!
Tash looks like she's really wealthy for some reason
Tash looks like she's really wealthy for some reason
a nicely fitting leather jacket will make anyone look ballin
I am an indie dev. I am professionally poor. Great to know I am good at faking, though
Very true. In my case it's faux and from H&M![]()
Michael, my stupidly grinning mug, Tim and Dino. Like I said, the indie version![]()
*high five* Anthropophobic home alone gamers unite! I mean, uh, sit at their computers while never interacting with other people. I'm such a loser I get nervous playing with people online. Even in a game like Journey; I would run away from anyone who came up to me at first. D:awwe'd probably have matching looks with the whole leather jacket thing (I got this going on too)
I always avoided gamescom though...I've always been more the anthropophobic home alone type of gamer. but who knows, we'll see
fake edit:
oh no that gif again, it's like a trademark now hah
As a fellow AC player, I admit that I usually don't know what to do around other people when I visit their towns. It's like waiting for your host to summon someone in Dark Souls all over again...*high five* Anthropophobic home alone gamers unite! I mean, uh, sit at their computers while never interacting with other people. I'm such a loser I get nervous playing with people online. Even in a game like Journey; I would run away from anyone who came up to me at first. D:
I had to dress up a little bit for a presentation at school today, which went well!
cheesin w/ cat
*high five* Anthropophobic home alone gamers unite! I mean, uh, sit at their computers while never interacting with other people. I'm such a loser I get nervous playing with people online. Even in a game like Journey; I would run away from anyone who came up to me at first. D:
What is this "AC" of which you speak? The connection with fruits and a net further confuses the matter!Add me AC peeps. I need fruits and a net.
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Same thing happens to me! I feel awkward or like people are bored around me.![]()
I guess this is the latest picture I've got. Testing out the 3DS camera, so...
As a fellow AC player, I admit that I usually don't know what to do around other people when I visit their towns. It's like waiting for your host to summon someone in Dark Souls all over again...
Hey we're posting on GAF so we must be getting over it somehow right?haha didn't notice the cat at firstsneaky.
oh my I think we might suffer from the same brainproblems. I never play online...the only games I used to play for a bit were UT04 and CS but that was a long time ago.(I remember one simpsons map that I always liked) socially awkward at its best. the only conversation I had with somebody in UT was pretty funny in retrospect though. it was mainly due to the fact that my brother changed my nickname to "killerchick" because he thought it was funny for some reason. while normally nobody really talked to me this of course initiated such dubios conversation topics between matches á la "how old are you, killerchick?" which I just nervously countered with "older than your mum" the guy however just replied in a totally chill fashion: "that's not a chick, that's an alien then"
I don't know why but looking back at it that always really impressed me haha. kind of a cool reply to my immature attempt to block every form of communication right away.
uhm so yeah all I'm saying: I know that feel sis :/
Added yous.Add me AC peeps. I need fruits and a net.
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