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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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300chf ain't shit to me
Ouch that looks super painful :( Hate sunburns. Buy some aloe vera gel and put it in the fridge then put it on the sunburn! Take it from me, someone who burns in 5 minutes, it works!

Hope you feel better soon! Despite the burn you are looking good as usual :D


Ouch that looks super painful :( Hate sunburns. Buy some aloe vera gel and put it in the fridge then put it on the sunburn! Take it from me, someone who burns in 5 minutes, it works!

Hope you feel better soon! Despite the burn you are looking good as usual :D

I have been putting loads on since yesterday. I'm hopeful that it will at least prevent me from peeling like crazy.. I don't usually wear an undershirt at my current job but I had to do so today so I could load up on it this morning and put some more on at lunch.

I usually start to feel it after like 30-40 minutes in the sun if I am beginning to burn but I guess since it was moderately chilly yesterday and I was running around the whole time, I just didn't realize it. Oof.


Got "some" sun yesterday. It hurts.


Wearing my contacts (a rarity) since it was after a soccer game.

DAT BEARD! Don't shave, Meier... you look great!


there is joy in sucking dick
This should just become the bearded thread. My beard so far...


The left handlebar of my mustache is so weak. I hate it.


Really cute! :)


ThoseDeafMutes, rockin' the goatee.
WOAH! He looks like a different person. I definitely wouldn't have recognized him if you didn't say it was Mutes.

I hope nobody ever finds this page ever again
Don't worry, there is a chance someone could find this page!
I remember when I posted my fat pics... so horrible >_<, but it was fun seeing the change over the years.


Webcam, BOOM!

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Me a few weekends ago at a wedding. Looking thrilled. I was soooo tired at that stage.

And last friday at a club. I was drunk and found my friends goggles. They amused me.


the piano man
Since were talking beard, got mine trimmed at the barber, feels good man.

I suck at trimming my beard....on the other hand I don't feel like paying the extra to have someone else do it... I'll learn with time I guess :p

and yeah, cool bishoptl poster you've got there.


Hey gaf,well my first photo here. Also growing a beard thanks to beard gaf thread. This photo doesn't do any judgment at all. Gonna take a better one during the day. And my facial hair grows really fast. 2 more weeks at least and bush is all ready there.

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