And join the ranks of Patrick Stewart? Nothing to feel bad about.I just trimmed mine, we'll meet half-way soon.
P.S. Jealous of your thick hair, I have a feeling I'll be bald by 25.
And join the ranks of Patrick Stewart? Nothing to feel bad about.I just trimmed mine, we'll meet half-way soon.
P.S. Jealous of your thick hair, I have a feeling I'll be bald by 25.
If you could see me outside in humid weather you might change your mind.
And join the ranks of Patrick Stewart? Nothing to feel bad about.
Bought this shirt and tie tonight.
Yay or Nay?
I have a feeling I'll be bald by 25.
P.S. Jealous of your thick hair, I have a feeling I'll be bald by 25.
I think I'm fine for keeping the hair, but whenever I get it cut, it seems like most of what falls in my lap is grey/white.
Yeah, balding is for chumps.Gray hair is fine. Balding not so much.
Yeah, balding is for chumps.
And join the ranks of Patrick Stewart? Nothing to feel bad about.
I have a feeling I'll be bald by 25.
And join the ranks of Patrick Stewart? Nothing to feel bad about.
Yeah Patrick Stewart, Jason Statham, Michael Jordan, Bruce Willis. Lots of dudes. If I go bald I'll just shave it like they do.
I think I'm fine for keeping the hair, but whenever I get it cut, it seems like most of what falls in my lap is grey/white.
Bought this shirt and tie tonight.
Yay or Nay?
However I usually buy a tie color in Tge family I'm buying a shirt blue / a corresponding shade of blue tie
I think you could pull off grey hair Sal.
Totally going to find out pretty soon. I am gradually getting my wings.
When are you going to post your old, bald ass in this thread, man?
The ladies are waiting with baited breath.
When are you going to post your old, bald ass in this thread, man?
The ladies are waiting with baited breath.
Extremely blazed
Sniper, I think your hair is awesome (if that
The trend now is short sides long top. Go against the grain and have long everything. I'm currently trying to grow mine out also after having an undercut for a year.
Got hair appointment booked for tomorrow. I wish my hair had shipped with a user manual or something so I could figure all this shit out.
Got hair appointment booked for tomorrow. I wish my hair had shipped with a user manual or something so I could figure all this shit out.
Got hair appointment booked for tomorrow. I wish my hair had shipped with a user manual or something so I could figure all this shit out.
More beard progress. Gettin there.
Yeah that's what I did last time. It's not that I was unsatisfied with the cut, its more that I don't know what to do with it once I am at home and have to style it myself. I have literally zero idea how other dudes get their hair looking so good, and behaving how they want. Its like I missed a class in HS where all this stuff was taught or something.
I have the exact same problem and it's only because we have less hair. I get the best results with hair paste (which is neither gel or wax) but if you use that you'll have to wash your hair every day.
Do you have a picture of yourself with short hair? This is me after I shaved off most of my hair.
And join the ranks of Patrick Stewart? Nothing to feel bad about.
Yeah that's what I did last time. It's not that I was unsatisfied with the cut, its more that I don't know what to do with it once I am at home and have to style it myself. I have literally zero idea how other dudes get their hair looking so good, and behaving how they want. Its like I missed a class in HS where all this stuff was taught or something.
It's a blurry, low-light pic so yeah![]()
I'm starting to get doubts about growing my hair out. It's in a really awkward phase at the moment and a shorter haircut is easier to manage. But it's also alot more boring than having a long sexy mop on the top of your head.![]()
It´s winter here, and after some nice spring weather days it recently started to get cold again, it even snowed.
So i decided to go through some past warm days pics to cheer me up. Ran into this one made on the end of an awesome, warm and long beachday.
I hope summer will come soon ones again.
It´s winter here, and after some nice spring weather days it recently started to get cold again, it even snowed.
So i decided to go through some past warm days pics to cheer me up. Ran into this one made on the end of an awesome, warm and long beachday.
I hope summer will come soon ones again.
I'm starting to get doubts about growing my hair out. It's in a really awkward phase at the moment and a shorter haircut is easier to manage. But it's also alot more boring than having a long sexy mop on the top of your head.![]()
Half true, it isn´t spainSoupje? Complaining about the weather? You must be dutch!
Btw, looks like Spain in that pic. I would even dare to say Alicante.
Half true, it isn´t spain.