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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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There's no way anyone can classify Trump 'winning' this debate. He barely answered any of the questions and acted like a child for majority of the debate. Clinton on the other hand was the complete opposite of Trump, in that she actually put effort in this debate and answered the damn questions.


is a goddamn bear
It's annoying how much Hilary has to defend herself and is constantly belittled by him but then turns around and Trump wants to compliment her determination.

It's so degrading.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I'm probably a conspiracy theorist nut, but it seems obvious to me that both Republicans and Democrats made sure he wouldn't be at the debates. He might not know what aleppo is, but he would make both Trump and Clinton look like complete clowns.
That's not a conspiracy theory, that's how it is. The Democratic and Republican party both make it incredibly difficult for 3rd party candidates to participate in debates.

The only person Gary Johnson knows how to make look like a clown is himself, though. Need I post 'the gif'?

Glass Joe

Thread is moving fast, several people were wondering about Pence --

Mike Pence ‏@mike_pence 7m
7 minutes ago

Congrats to my running mate @realDonaldTrump on a big debate win! Proud to stand with you as we #MAGA.
Just think, if Trump didn't win the GOP nom, we would have never been exposed to Kenneth Bone. In a way, Trump has already made American great again.


From the Dark Souls Character Creator

Yes, let's make fun of people based on their looks. I'm sure that's what they were chosen on.


Trump threatened to jail her multiple times and his military policy is "I don't know... military them while they're not looking". He came off like a complete buffoon and managed to neuter Mike Pence while doing it. At every level there was almost no substance and what substance that was there was horrifying. This was a disaster for him on any level I can think of other than seeming confidant and speaking loudly, which I'll admit has a way of appealing to some people.


How can someone who had questions repeated to him because he wasn't answering them win a debate? He attacked the moderators for christ sake.. was I watching another debate?
It was wash. Hillary got him good on the question about protecting Muslims and deflecting from her failures in foreign policy and the Democrats as a whole broader failures in the inner cities by outlining other achievements within her record.

However, Trump got her good on how the tax code benefits her donors and he didn't see a an effective counter punch from her bringing up Bill Clinton.


I really dont give a fuck how foolish gary johnson would look. I dont know shit about him. Thats the problem. There are more than 2 people on the ballot and this country consistently focuses on these same 2 every year.


Apparently if you're aggressive and call everything your opponent does a "disaster" you tie or even win the debate? Is this real life?


I believe Johnson would actually answer the questions. Even if he had completely stupid answers, he would answer them instead of just attacking Clinton and Trump. Clinton is more equipped to be president than he is, but people would watch him be the only person not acting like a child at the debate.

Well that's great then.


People are probably calling it a draw because Trump didn't have to defend himself against grabbing them by the pussy the entire night.
Serious question GAF. If you found loopholes to avoid paying a ton of taxes would you use them? That's the one thing I can't blame the guy on. I'd probably do it.

That doesn't really address the issue that he's running for president. It's one thing to take advantage, it's another entirely to do it then turn around and say you're a man of the people.


So who won? I called the first one 66-33 for Hillary. I called the VP debate 51-49 for Pence.

This one? I dunno. There were huge expectations for Hillary and low expectations for Trump. And I don't think Hillary met the expectations and Trump did a much better job than I thought he would -- and a lot of that had to do with the questions (emails, the Affordable Car Act, etc.)

The first part of the debate was an absolute clusterfuck for Trump, and he would have lost handily if it was based on that. But like the CNN folks were saying, it seemed like Trump "stopped the bleeding." And that is almost a win in itself.

Another thing I want to note: Trump was aggressive. Hillary wasn't. But it wasn't off-putting like it was for the VP debate. But that's because Trump is naturally aggressive; Kaine isn't. So it didn't feel phony or desperate. You could "feel" Trump with his aggression. Kaine was more of just saying it aggressively for special effect.

With that said, I'd say 53-47 Trump.

I don't feel good giving it to Trump, but I get the perception that Trump survived something that could have been a complete catastrophe. The tapes didn't get enough airtime in the debate, and that may have been Trump's saving grace (and the fact that it occurred earlier in the debate, rather than in the latter half)

EDIT: Maybe I'm COMPLETELY wrong and completely misread it this time. That's just my initial impression.


Thread is moving fast, several people were wondering about Pence --

Mike Pence ‏@mike_pence 7m
7 minutes ago

Congrats to my running mate @realDonaldTrump on a big debate win! Proud to stand with you as we #MAGA.

Yeah saw that. Pence going down with the ship.
I believe Johnson would actually answer the questions. Even if he had completely stupid answers, he would answer them instead of just attacking Clinton and Trump. Clinton is more equipped to be president than he is, but people would watch him be the only person not acting like a child at the debate.

Johnson is a fucking idiot


Crossposted from poligaf:

I think Hillary has a serious problem with being unable to actually attack Donald.

He brings up Bill's problems, she deflects to talk about how much he sucks without actually addressing his statements on bill.

She doesn't do enough to point out how horseshit this whole email scandal is and is just trying to squeak by saying "I know I fucked up, wouldn't do it again"

She's got mad policy skills, but she shouldn't keep trying to tank all those hits, especially since she has bigger issues trying to communicate her meaningful and therefore complex policies while Trump works in soundbites that mean nothing but are easier to digest.

Oh man. I really hope the polls end up vindicating her, but after this spectacular weekend, I expected to see a televised verbal murder happen on stage. Instead, Raddatz chewed him out over his bullshit more than she did.

She doesn't want to get into the mud to wrestle with Trump, instead preferring to focus on her policies. She could retort back in a more forceful manner but I fear she would come out the worst. Nobody does verbal diarrhoea better than Trump.
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