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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Hill so lucky Trump is the nominee. She should body him at every turn but has to wait for him to do it to himself instead :|

She could have called them out more but I'm not sure anyone could truly debate him. The guy was a walking windbag of constant lies at probably the fastest pace ever and away from the topic at hand.


Hillary won the debate but it was not a huge win.

Trump was acting like a deranged clown for the first 20 or so minutes as he was obviously really upset about the video, but he calmed down and did better as the night went on.

Obviously he never really answered a single question and just rants to get out the same 6 things he has been saying all year, but Hillary did not murder or put him away after that first really shaky 20 minutes.

dunno if Hillary won but it won't really matter cause Trump's campaign is collapsing around him

but certainly she could have finished him tonight, completely embarrassed him, and she decided to super softball him and let him do whatever

that was really lame
A draw is the absolute best result tonight.

No republican leaders abandon Trump, more damaging oppo comes out hurting his/their reputations, and they are tied to him.

I am not seeing the problem.
Yeah, this being a wash at worst (I think he basically just spewed nonsense with no substance) and the good likelihood that more oppo is coming before the end means he is still sinking.


Serious question GAF. If you found loopholes to avoid paying a ton of taxes would you use them? That's the one thing I can't blame the guy on. I'd probably do it.

It isn't that he did it. It is that he thinks it is intelligent to tell everybody about in a presidential debate, particularly when he'll need lots of votes from people who can't afford 100 tax lawyers if he wants to win.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
How could anyone think Trump won that debate or that it was even a draw, good lord. Dude spent like half of it melting down, acting like a child, and giving non-answers. The low standards people hold him to is absolutely crazy.

No kidding. Like he interrupted a little less, but did a lot worse in so many other areas. He was constantly throwing little temper tantrums and dodging the actual questions.
They need to be talking about him throwing Muslim communities under the bus. San Bernardino wasn't the fault of people who didn't know what was going on.

And he couldn't even acknowledge Aleppo. They asked him multiple times about Aleppo and he diverted to a completely different theater.


Unconfirmed Member
Hillary definitely did not do great. It should have been a slam dunk night for her and she played defense all night. I'm disappointed in her after her win in the first debate.

She wins this election by doing nothing, especially if there are more tapes to come.

She just needs to not say anything dumb in the next month.


How is this shit a draw? How the fuck do you even debate someone who's so loose with the truth anymore? Do you just have to calmly be a fucking shitlord nowadays to win?

Hillary meantioned the untruths but often Trump forced her to defend something else. He did a good job but arguably she did a good job at being pointed an political with her answers.
She needs to keep touting all of the good things she has done rather than worry about the zingers. It doesn't play well.

Sadly, if you look at how the media plays and the American people, zingers are all anyone give a shit about. She's trying to balance dank memes with real policies and it's a clusterfuck. Trump is dragging her down, and if he were actually competent, it'd be a real problem.

Thankfully he digs his own grave, but you know Americans!


And this is why they both suck, not just Trump.

She called around half of America deplorable and people think she'll be a good president(better than Trump, but still...)
lmfao this tired shit again. She pulled their hoe-cards. Obama did, too. Did you personally see things get worse for these assholes under his presidency?
I can't believe people are calling this for Trump. He was basically unhinged for the first half and gave another non-apology for the tape.
This is what happened after the first debate. Directly after, people were saying Trump was in it, but after it had a chance to settle, it'll become more apparent that he offered absolutely nothing.
I'm probably a conspiracy theorist nut, but it seems obvious to me that both Republicans and Democrats made sure he wouldn't be at the debates. He might not know what aleppo is, but he would make both Trump and Clinton look like complete clowns.

He can't name any world leader he likes, either, soooo...


Trump won at the shit-flinging game tbh, but that's the only defense he has after all the disgusting shit he has on him.


She didn't go hard, but she didn't need to. Holding the line was enough; there's still one more debate. If it doesn't happen there, then yeah I'd be a bit peeved.


Unconfirmed Member
Hillary 5/10. Spent too much time attacking Trump and deflecting questions

Trump 0/10. Should have been dragged out

Moderators 8/10. Would have been a mess without them

Sums up most of my feelings on this debate. Anderson and Raddatz actually did a good job, they really went after Trump for going off on unrelated tangents and ignoring the questions. Trump didn't win shit, he was just throwing another tantrum as usual, placing the blame on the moderators for moderating the debate instead of letting him dominate it completely.

Clinton did worse in this debate than she did in the last one, though. While she was more coherent than Trump (shocker), she still avoided answering a few questions and kept reverting back to fact checking. I would have liked it if she had spent more time focusing on her policies, and while she did do that to an extent, she could have done more. We already know that Trump is a liar.

give trump his props people.

What props?
Donald Trump called out every single skeleton in Hillary's closet, legitimate or otherwise and Hillary didn't defend herself effectively enough or attack him effectively enough.

I think he beat her on popular appeal there even if it's all bullshit, but some points were in and of themselves awful for both of them.
For people who said it was a tie, were you judging both candidates equally or were you judging by how Trump is good at being Trump and how good Hillary is at being Hillary?

Otherwise I must question your listening skills because one guy was rambling all debate long and the other was actually attempting to answer the questions asked in the context of the person who asked them.

Some of Trump's answers were just word salad. And even the moderators asked to state an actual policy and he couldn't do it.


You can't be for real.

I believe Johnson would actually answer the questions. Even if he had completely stupid answers, he would answer them instead of just attacking Clinton and Trump. Clinton is more equipped to be president than he is, but people would watch him be the only person not acting like a child at the debate.


Through the whole thing I can't believe he said that Pence was wrong and he hasn't spoken to him? How can you possibly say that in a Presidential debate?


That bit where Trump was asking why we don't preform "sneak attacks" on Mosul was terrifying.
His foreign policy has so much damn terrifying stuff thrown in and brushed off! Nuclear aggression, war crimes, ignoring humanitarian needs of refugees...

I guess it just goes to show how willing and accepting the American populace is of these things so long as it's against the 'bad guys'.


The success of others absolutely infuriates me.
I'm probably a conspiracy theorist nut, but it seems obvious to me that both Republicans and Democrats made sure he wouldn't be at the debates. He might not know what aleppo is, but he would make both Trump and Clinton look like complete clowns.

It's not really a conspiracy, the third parties simply aren't polling high enough to enter the debates.


the man threatened to jail a woman if he is made president and these dumbasses are even attempting to call it a draw

fucking morons.
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