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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I can actually believe Trump saying Hillary doesn't give up, was sincere. You have to remember how the man seems to think. When he's making claims and attacks, he says whatever he thinks will get points at that precise instant regardless of consistency and will gladly claim he never said something 30 seconds later.

But underneath the bluster he may know it's over. When Trump has been hauled before the people in charge to answer for a failure, he knows how to look down and say "yes sir". That' s not the public face most people ever see, because Trump is always "on" when in the public eye.

So in Trump's world, it's not inconsistent to say Hillary is a quitter 20 times during a debate, then the moment the debate ends, he admits she's not a quitter and never gives up. His words during the debate were merely moves in the game, not connected to any objective reality.
Hilary could've been more aggressive. Maybe she knows there's more?

Maybe, just maybe, she was 'going high' and focusing as much as possible on her strategy, as she should be. Trump will bury himself and Hillary is infinitely more effective when detailing specifics on what she will do that on what Trump has done.


I think its bullshit that Johnson doesnt get a chance to debate.



I think its bullshit that Johnson doesnt get a chance to debate.

I'm probably a conspiracy theorist nut, but it seems obvious to me that both Republicans and Democrats made sure he wouldn't be at the debates. He might not know what aleppo is, but he would make both Trump and Clinton look like complete clowns.
Trump hops around stage like an actual gremlin flinging shit everywhere and people say "oh yeah he won"

Hillary could have been better but this narrative is dumb. That is not going to appeal to anyone who isn't already firmly entrenched.


Also admitting that he absolutely used the tax loophole the NY Times suggested he could have used. Now the "hasn't paid income tax in 20 years" line has verification from his own mouth.

And Cooper kept asking him how long after 1995 did he use that loophole to avoid taxes and Trump just avoided answering.


All of Trump's answers are predicable and formulaic. Everything is awful, its all Hilary Clinton's fault, I'm going to fix it. Whenever he is asked HOW he will fix it, the guy just spouts nonsense.


He was incoherent for 40 minutes
He didnt describe any policy
He lied at an incredible rate
He hurled insults and interruptions
He suggested he would have her political opponent jailed

If any of you think he won, you are either insane or you watch too much anime

I'm pretty sure he kept arguing with the moderators against their "liberal" facts too. Often.
Crossposted from poligaf:

I think Hillary has a serious problem with being unable to actually attack Donald.

He brings up Bill's problems, she deflects to talk about how much he sucks without actually addressing his statements on bill.

She doesn't do enough to point out how horseshit this whole email scandal is and is just trying to squeak by saying "I know I fucked up, wouldn't do it again"

She's got mad policy skills, but she shouldn't keep trying to tank all those hits, especially since she has bigger issues trying to communicate her meaningful and therefore complex policies while Trump works in soundbites that mean nothing but are easier to digest.

Oh man. I really hope the polls end up vindicating her, but after this spectacular weekend, I expected to see a televised verbal murder happen on stage. Instead, Raddatz chewed him out over his bullshit more than she did.

She is just not a good debater, a good debater will erase Trump while sipping water, she just wins because Trump plays himself
He was incoherent for 40 minutes
He didnt describe any policy
He lied at an incredible rate
He hurled insults and interruptions
He suggested he would have her political opponent jailed

If any of you think he won, you are either insane or you watch too much anime
We are calling the spin, not the actual substance of the debate.

Obviously Hillary demolishes him in an objective reality, but this is American politics.


I think Hillary won the debate but Trump did significantly better than he did in the first debate.

This debate was unlike any other I've seen.
The ability to attack and lowball a candidate more does not a President make.

Just because it "appears" Trump did better to some of you doesn't mean he's qualified. This debate is meaningless since most will go back to their echo chambers. We already have people saying Trump won but there are rumors saying Pence may drop out? Is that winning?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
A draw is the absolute best result tonight.

No republican leaders abandon Trump, more damaging oppo comes out hurting his/their reputations, and they are tied to him.

I am not seeing the problem.


sparkle this bitch
I'm probably a conspiracy theorist nut, but it seems obvious to me that both Republicans and Democrats made sure he wouldn't be at the debates. He might not know what aleppo is, but he would make both Trump and Clinton look like complete clowns.

Hahahaha, I needed a good joke next to Trump's non-existed plan.
How could anyone think Trump won that debate or that it was even a draw, good lord. Dude spent like half of it melting down, acting like a child, and giving non-answers. The low standards people hold him to is absolutely crazy.
Agreed, and I'm kind of blown away that people think he did noticeably better than last time. He was few tweaks away from getting into a fistfight with the moderators, and dodged questions just as badly as the first debate.
I thought Hillary was poised, didn't get shaken, and gave more substantial answers. Trump whined alot, interrupted often, and was full of word soup.

He did much better than his last shit show, but not well. Dude clearly doesn't understand how government works.


I can't believe people are calling this for Trump. He was basically unhinged for the first half and gave another non-apology for the tape. Questions had to be repeated to him because he wasn't answering them
Woah shocked to see all the Trump non-hate. Thought this was a much worse debate for him.

He's a bigoted dumpster fire, but that doesn't mean he's physically incapable of any measure of success. As pathetic as it is, he is in the home stretch of the race for one of the most powerful positions in the world. He didn't get this far by being completely incompetent.

Hillary was solid as always, but she let some big opportunities slip through her fingers and got dunked on the final question.


I'm probably a conspiracy theorist nut, but it seems obvious to me that both Republicans and Democrats made sure he wouldn't be at the debates. He might not know what aleppo is, but he would make both Trump and Clinton look like complete clowns.

You can't be for real.
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