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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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I'd just like to say that Trump had MANY low points that Hillary never pounced on. For example: Trump basically called that one audience member a terrorist (I recall calling his answer "horribly offensive.") That would have been the PERFECT opportunity to pounce and say something like, "This is what Trump thinks of the average American" or "I'm sorry for what Mr. Trump has said to you."

Trump pounced on every single low point of Hillary's.

That's not smart or good debating. It's entertaining, but that's not what these debates are supposed to be about.
Not sure if this is what you meant or not but it's going around tumblr:

I need that gif of Hillary, it's amazing.
Because it was a funny quip that made the audience laugh.

Ah, the good old "it was a joke!" defense.

He's just JOKING that he'll throw his political opponent in jail immediately after being elected
He's just JOKING about sexually assaulting women
He's just JOKING about openly requesting Russia hack the DNC

Such a witty comedian we're electing for president here! Oh shit, forgot about the part where he was actually supposed to talk about policy... whoops! I guess that's the final joke in this whole thing


I'd just like to say that Trump had MANY low points that Hillary never pounced on. For example: Trump basically called that one audience member a terrorist (I recall calling his answer "horribly offensive.") That would have been the PERFECT opportunity to pounce and say something like, "This is what Trump thinks of the average American" or "I'm sorry for what Mr. Trump has said to you."

Trump pounced on every single low point of Hillary's.

Right. That's why he looks so much worse. I can hear what he is saying, I don't need her to tell me what to think about it.
I'm glad Trump and his supporters and the media at large think he won.

It means his head will get just big enough again to say and do something monumentally stupid.
Trump called Hillary out on pretty much all of her fuck ups over the last 30 years. Which highlighted how are government has been awful for at least the last 30 years. That guaranteed my vote for him tonight. He's not part of the establishment. Trump certainly isn't my first choice, and frankly he's at the bottom of the list, but he represents change.

Hmmm "change" that sounds fairly. Oh yeah we supposedly had 8 years of that! Now look who we're voting for.

You do know she was a senator and not idk the president, right?
For people that hate Trump is very hard see that he won, but honestly as someone who is watching from the outside (I'm not american), he won.

I still believe Hillary will win the election, but tonight The Donald scored more points.
I just didn't see it that way sorry. One person was presidential on that stage and it wasn't Donald IMO.


Trump was a miracle worker tonight.

He completely flipped the script from his audio tape to the emails and then proceeded to bash Hillary with almost every single question.

Hillary didn't pressure Trump enough and her answers (Abe Lincoln) were weak at times but had the better quality answers overall.

What should have been a bloodbath for Trump ended up being a fairly even battle.

Junior member, eh?


It's not "whatever", but what else is there to talk about after the FBI reprimanded her greatly? They already said she was "extremely careless", what other repercussions should there be? And be mindful that the other choice here is Donald Trump. Nothing about the e-mail scandal is in the same stratosphere as what Trump does or has done.

If the F.B.I. investigated me and deemed me "extremely careless," do you think I would still have a job? This is the disconnect I'm trying to explain. She is so disliked because of this alone. A lot of American citizens simply do not feel equal to her at all. She isn't someone you can relate to. Also, I'm aware her opponent is Trump. I'm not saying to vote for Trump in the slightest. I'm simply stating why people cheered when he spoke about throwing her in jail etc. A lot of people feel like she just got by because of who she is. I wouldn't receive that treatment and neither would you. The irritation is understandable, but that doesn't mean to vote for a bigot.


I am watching this on DVR, after hearing Chuck Todd said it was a tie.

Donald just said,

a) Russia is new to Nuclear.
b) Supported Russia and Iran in the same sentence
c) Said that there is danger betweenthe Mossull and Iraq
d) Suggested that the trick was to do a nighttime Chuck Norris ninja attack on the ISIS instead of warning them all the time
e) Almost fell for her "Baghdadi" as person/town lure.
f) Then played victim about 1 minute

Don't forget, telling Capt. Khan's parents that their son would be alive if he was President.


I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary's campaign purposely avoided any knockout punch. As CNN keeps mentioning, she threw very few counterpunches at Trump, and her response to the deleted e-mails was incredibly timid. They want Trump to stay in the race.

It's the only explanation I can think of for why Hillary didn't just keep fact checking him right there on the spot instead of referring viewers to go to her website.
No she didn't. She's in the lead by a huge margin. Trump needs to catch up. If nothing changes then Hilary still wins because she's ahead in the first place

I swear some people just started following the race today and/or don't understand how it works if they think Hillary needed to summon some kind of fatality today. I guess this is the reality TV crowd we can thank Trump for.
Again, pretty sure NeoGAF is largely in agreement on this point. Most remarks that "Trump won" are bitter acknowledgements of how presidential debates tend to be covered and perceived.


Talking purely political. Trump should have been nuked tonight given the events of the past 24hrs, how the wounded animal is back to life is amazing. She should have ended that shit. She failed, he didnt, thus he wins. Politics 2016.

She will still win.
If the F.B.I. investigated me and deemed me "extremely careless," do you think I would still have a job? This is the disconnect I'm trying to explain. She is so disliked because of this alone. A lot of American citizens simply do not feel equal to her at all. She isn't someone you can relate to. Also, I'm aware her opponent is Trump. I'm not saying to vote for Trump in the slightest. I'm simply stating why people cheered when he spoke about throwing her in jail etc. A lot of people feel like she just got by because of who she is. I wouldn't receive that treatment and neither would you. The irritation is understandable, but that doesn't mean to vote for a bigot.

Right, that's what I'm getting at. People are rightfully irritated by it, but there's really nothing else to be done other than to be irritated.
Got to say at least I know who to ignore on GAF when these Trumpers come out of hiding. There's that. I'm not going to try and talk to those people. Why bother, they lalalalalala until the cows come home.

I'm forgetting that Trump voters don't actually see that as an issue. Willingly vote for tyranny cuz you afraid of brown people y'all
I feel like Trump was wavering going into the debate and Clinton couldve gone for the knockout blow in round 2. Instead Trump lives to fight round 3. That's a win for Trump.
Trump was able to give his base enough meat that the establishment can't just yank his campaign.

Well played Clinton, well played. Keep Trump around and secure your Presidency.


Except that they are not loopholes... but generally accepted accounting practices.

They call those loopholes. Loopholes are legal. I don't agree that that alone is that big of a deal, but it does make it suspicious when Trumps proposed tax plan does not close that loophole.


The fact that you view a threat to jail your political opponent as a positive tells me you have no idea what you are talking about and your grades are worthless.

What? I'm saying that he could say that and it wouldn't/didn't damage him. I don't care for the racist shithead at all. He lied through his teeth again, said stupid shit. And Hillary was far too laid back. Debates aren't about who you agree with on the issues and then say they won because they said what you wanted. It is who came off looking worse of better. Can you actually say Donald didn't completely circumvent what was said on the bus and avoid it all. That he is allowed to threaten to jail his fellow debater and not be ridiculously admonished.
I can't believe people are giving this to Trump. He

1. Dodged questions
2. Threatened to jail his opponent
3. Attacked the moderators
4. Non-apology
5. Disagreed with his running mate
6. Made shit comments under his breath
Yep. Motherfucker did not answer questions directly and just spewed the same rhetoric he's been repeating since day one. Sure, Hillary missed on a few but good lord the dude gets away with not actually saying anything of merit? Just riffing on the same conspiracy shit that fires up his idiot coalition? Fuck man.
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