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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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What? I'm saying that he could say that and it wouldn't/didn't damage him. I don't care for the racist shithead at all. He lied through his teeth again, said stupid shit. And Hillary was far too laid back. Debates aren't about who you agree with on the issues and then say they won because they said what you wanted. It is who came off looking worse of better. Can you actually say Donald didn't completely circumvent what was said on the bus and avoid it all. That he is allowed to threaten to jail his fellow debater and not be ridiculously admonished.

These things DO DAMAGE him. Do you not understand that? The reason he is losing and has been losing and will continue to lose is because all of these things that people say won't damage him, have damaged him to the point where his base has not grown. Yes, the crazies who follow him to hell don't care about that stuff, but regular people do. And he needs at least a few regular people to jump on his bandwagon to win. If Donald did NOTHING to increase his chances at winning, and instead probably hurt his chances thanks to some of the shit he spewed, how exactly can you call that a "Win"?
so the sound bite of the week is trump with the special prosecutor right
And the "he'd still be alive" thing, and the "Chinese steel" thing, and the "America is a horrible country" thing, etc.

Just like with the previous debates, there's a lot of material for the Dems to use, while nothing for the Republicans to really salvage. (Maybe her Abe Lincoln answer, which was weird.)

I hope this becomes a new meme.


I don't think Clinton did a good job. Poor rhetoric, struggled to defend her positions, waffled on most answers, failed to press Trump at most opportunities and gave a petty, unpresidential response to the last question. That said, she demolished Trump, who was sniffing like a coke addict, threatened to abuse his presidential powers, whined about the moderation, waffled even harder and could barely stand up at points.

what is one good thing about donald trump?


All I can say is that I'm glad I'm not American and I don't have to choose between one of those two for president. How the hell are those the options you end up with.


I'd just like to say that Trump had MANY low points that Hillary never pounced on. For example: Trump basically called that one audience member a terrorist (I recall calling his answer "horribly offensive.") That would have been the PERFECT opportunity to pounce and say something like, "This is what Trump thinks of the average American."

Trump pounced on every single low point of Hillary's.

That is what playing to win from a position of strength always looks like, and why it's frequently unsatisfying for the audience. Give it some time to bake in :)
Trump hammered Clinton on accusations of corruption and Wall St ties and she didn't shut him down effectively. I think he was really able to touch those areas in an aggressive way with a lot of voters who have msigivings and trust issues with Hillary. I don't think she responded to his barbs as effectively as she could and should have.

At the same time he had a terrible presence on that stage, had several terrible moments himself, and didn't do enough to reach past his demographics. He was very much trying to stop Hillary's momentum and keep the base from deserting him.
TBH Clinton was subpar too, but I really don't know what makes a good performance vs. Trump.

I feel there's inevitably a lot of conflation between how much you identify with each side in defining who "won," but it's really about how much it does for the undecided voters or how much it wards off people already on your side. And there was clapping for both sides in that tiny, tiny sample of a room in that building.

This was a reality television segment, without question. It didn't sway anyone. I'm beginning to think that was the point.


Trump called Hillary out on pretty much all of her fuck ups over the last 30 years. Which highlighted how are government has been awful for at least the last 30 years. That guaranteed my vote for him tonight. He's not part of the establishment. Trump certainly isn't my first choice, and frankly he's at the bottom of the list, but he represents change.

Hmmm "change" that sounds fairly. Oh yeah we supposedly had 8 years of that! Now look who we're voting for.

30 years ago your god Ronald Reagan was defending himself from dealing arms to terrorists.


This Dworkin guy is annoying. I think he's just trolling everyone with this "evidence" Pence is dropping out. People asking him for it and he just keeps retweeting them.


I am watching this on DVR, after hearing Chuck Todd said it was a tie.

Donald just said,

a) Russia is new to Nuclear.
b) Supported Russia and Iran in the same sentence
c) Said that there is danger betweenthe Mossull and Iraq
d) Suggested that the trick was to do a nighttime Chuck Norris ninja attack on the ISIS instead of warning them all the time
e) Almost fell for her "Baghdadi" as person/town lure.
f) Then played victim about 1 minute

I can't believe people are giving this to Trump. He

1. Dodged questions
2. Threatened to jail his opponent
3. Attacked the moderators
4. Non-apology
5. Disagreed with his running mate
6. Made shit comments under his breath

Yep. People who think Trump won are delusional...


I liked the part where she said "You're having a meltdown because your campaign is falling apart and all the Republicans are abandoning you."


Trump was just as much a mess this debate as last. Loved the moderators this time. No patience for his dumb ass.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
The guy called his opponent the devil and said he would send her to jail. He not only lost again, he did worse than before. He brought up her husband's infidelities for fucks sake!
Who cares if trump won. He has NO CHANCE at winning the election calm down people.

Unless she drops out it already over. No debate going to change anything.

I'm not worried about Hillary winning any more. I want Hillary's coattails lengthened. I don't think this result did that.
Can anyone think of another presidential nominee who has not only shown to be a sore loser [rigged election, not support winner etc.] but has also shown to be a sore winner [When I win, you're going to jail]?


Drumpf called Hillary out on pretty much all of her fuck ups over the last 30 years. Which highlighted how are government has been awful for at least the last 30 years. That guaranteed my vote for him tonight. He's not part of the establishment. Drumpf certainly isn't my first choice, and frankly he's at the bottom of the list, but he represents change.

Hmmm "change" that sounds fairly. Oh yeah we supposedly had 8 years of that! Now look who we're voting for.

So you don't get how the political system works at all.

And believe Trump's lies that she's done nothing when she's done quite a lot.
I am watching this on DVR, after hearing Chuck Todd said it was a tie.

Donald just said,

a) Russia is new to Nuclear.
b) Supported Russia and Iran in the same sentence
c) Said that there is danger betweenthe Mossull and Iraq
d) Suggested that the trick was to do a nighttime Chuck Norris ninja attack on the ISIS instead of warning them all the time
e) Almost fell for her "Baghdadi" as person/town lure.
f) Then played victim about 1 minute
It's incredibly frustrating watching CNN talk about him like he's a normal candidate with normal policy positions. It's just...idunno. Like, call a clown a clown. Fuck the pomp and circumstance. No reason to give him legitimacy by pretending he is an equal to a Hillary Clinton.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Did the networks really not have any undecided focus groups ready for this debate? Frank Luntz is nowhere to be seen on CBS and I haven't heard you guys mention a CNN group either.
All I can say is that I'm glad I'm not American and I don't have to choose between one of those two for president. How the hell are those the options you end up with.

Yep, how did we end up with someone that is a champion of social justice, healthcare, a sound and competent leader up against a cheeto monster.

Worth mentioning a 538 article that points out the second debate is rarely a gamechanger. It's possible, but nothing during this debate seems to be of caliber needed to swing the votes substantially.

Sometimes the candidate who does better in the first debate does better in the second too. Sometimes he does worse. Either way, there isn’t a tendency for the race to revert to some sort of pre-first debate polling equilibrium.


Got to give a win to Clinton on this one, as Trump kept going into tangents and not answering the questions directly, kept interrupting people, and spoke without a modicum of details. There are attacks Clinton could have answered more directly, but overall she was calm, composed, and gave details.

As for the debate itself, lot of questions were dumb as hell, and so I hate this format.
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