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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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lets see....

trump tossed the video stuff aside and totally minimized the issue of sexual assault and how even bragging about it is a horrible thing to do. he brushed it aside in favor of a tirade against isis, failing to respond to the question in any meaningful way.

when asked about islamophobia and how he would address it, trump proceeded to throw innocent muslim communities under the bus, claimed that muslims saw the bombs in the apartments beforehand and didn't report it.

when asked about aleppo, trump couldn't even respond with any real strategy. the question had to be repeated, but he barely acknowledged the horrors in aleppo and kept bringing up mosul instead. he also claimed that if he were president at the time, Captain Khan would still be alive.

he threatened to jail his political opponent if he wins the election

he claimed he didn't say "check out the sex tape", tweet specifically says "check out sex tape"

he admitted to using tax loopholes that kept him from paying taxes

he admitted to not speaking to his running mate about important foreign policy matters.

you people thought he won?


Coming from the 538 livecast,

Yeah how fucked up was that "If I were president, Khan would be alive" comment?

The most frustrating part of the debate was Hillary's unwillingness to attack those statements. The "your campaign is imploding" line was in response to Trump's talk about creating a special prosecutor for her, right? Because, in my mind, that was among her three worst moments of the night, when she had the cards to make it one of her best.

But maybe I'll think more optimistically about this debate if those statements get the post-debate scrutiny they deserve, anyway.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Sometimes I feel like these undecided voters just want to be on tv...

I'm probably wrong.

I can't see how anyone can be undecided at this point. The two choices are very clear. You can support a racist nationalist or you can support a qualified politician.

It's not like there is much nuance between the two candidates. So yea I think you are right. In this case at least.
So you've reached the "moving goalposts" part of your argument?

Give me a break please. I'm saying it was expected that coming into this debate Trump was gonna get nuked and fall apart. If you want to go back in time and act like that was a different perspective go ahead. What are you on exactly, i.e what is your point cause I still don't know, can you please state it?

I have said again and again: Trump came into this as a wounded animal, was down, people are calling for him to drop out, etc. Clinton should have destroyed him by all metrics and the fact of the matter is at best it was a draw, grading on the Trump curve, i.e. he won via the expectation game.

Why are you trying to twist this?

Does it mean she is going to lose, nope, does it mean I'm wavering, nope not at all. Just talking about the debate and expectations.


If Clinton won the insta-polls then you know she won the debate hands down. Looks like Trump didn't stop the bleeding. Will be curious to see how elected republicans respond tomorrow.


The throwing hillary in jail thing is really the kind of scary shit that make me cant wait for this election to be over. Who the fuck threatens to go after their political enemies in a debate? He's alluding to her being shot or murdered before, but he can hide behind vagueness of his comments, but now he's directly running on a platform of imprisoning his opponents. How the fuck do people overlook that shit?


I have a feeling the "jail her" quips are going to be the main focus over the next day or so. The deplorable contingent probably impregnated their jeans, but I can't imagine that sentiment going over too well with the more reasonable folk. That kind of thing would signify the death of our democracy.
Pretensed by the fact that the poll was primarily made up of democratic voters.

We've had two polls that show her winning the debate by differing margins and Ohio's focus group showing only one person thought he won.

Come on. Not to mention it was the same Dem skew for the VP debate and it showed Kaine losing no problem.
The most frustrating part of the debate was Hillary's unwillingness to attack those statements. The "your campaign is imploding" line was in response to Trump's talk about creating a special prosecutor for her, right? Because, in my mind, that was among her three worst moments of the night, when she had the cards to make it one of her best.

But maybe I'll think more optimistically about this debate if those statements get the post-debate scrutiny they deserve, anyway.
Everyone got mad at Kaine for doing that last week.
Give me a break please. I'm saying it was expected that coming into this debate Trump was gonna get nuked and fall apart. If you want to go back in time and act like that was a different perspective go ahead. What are you on exactly, i.e what is your point cause I still don't know, can you please state it?

I have said again and again: Trump came into this as a wounded animal, was down, people are calling for him to drop out, etc. Clinton should have destroyed him by all metrics and the fact of the matter is at best it was a draw, grading on the Trump curve, i.e. he won via the expectation game.

Why are you trying to twist this?

You keep saying "Trump curve" as if it's a real thing. Early polls seem to be skewing towards her. The post-debate talk is all about his negatives (the pussy tape, threatening to jail HIllary). His base has not grown. Under what criteria that actually exists (not a "trump curve") can you make the case that tonight was a win for him? Because he didn't get beat bad enough to drop out? That's dumb as hell.


Nah the tape story is done, the debate will knock it out. In the end Trump handled it as well as he possibly could by deflecting to Bill.

I guarantee it is not done. He basically just handed her another attack ad by dismissing it as locker room talk.

Not to mention if more shit comes out similar to it, his denial will look even worse.
The sneak attack part killed me. You really think you know more about warfare than our current military leaders? Fucking sneak attack... just fucking lol

"IT MIGHT have something to do with the civilians"

That was another instance that I was just absolutely incredulous at. Donald just did not get the hint at all, and no one seems to have noticed the implications of that moment.

Yeah. That part was killing my brain. Even the moderators were trying their best to be respectful and give him the hint, but he kept doubling down talking over them. That shit was jaw-dropping.
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