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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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His eyelids are like tiny versions of his mouth. :lol


RE: The final presidential debate. Should we be expecting anything different aside from a lack of fact-checking given Wallace's comments on his role as a moderator and/or shock that anyone from Fox is moderating a presidential debate?


Trump always appears to win because he has an aggressive personality. One thing about Hillary is that she keeps relying on hillaryclinton.com on fact checks instead of just smacking him down right then and there. If he lies, state exactly what the lie is right there and don't ask people to refer to a website that they won't click on
Eh, he fills up two minutes with lies that will take like 20 minutes to refute. She doesn't have that much time lol.

Permanently A

Junior Member
If you don't think it's still at the center of this campaign you are crazy. IT was never going to be at the center of the debate, but it was the opener, and he handled it terribly. Did you expect the entire debate to be about him grabbing pussy?

mate, stop confusing things. I never said it wasn't at the center of the campaign and the month to come. I even clarified this in the last post.

YES it should have been the center of the debate. Hillary should have struck back with it at every opportunity. Because it represents everything abhorrent about Donald. About what he really thinks about others. About his true colors. Instead Clinton gave a wishy washy "those aren't the facts!" every time and like Trump shit all over her with baseless lie after baseless lie. You know what's really, really damaging and 100% provable and 100% damaging to his rep? Those tapes.
Its scary that a bufoon like Trump is closer to being right about Syria than Clinton, you can disagree all you want with Russia, thats fine, but facts are facts and Syria and Russia are fighting ISIS in Palmyra and Deir Ezzor, its crazy that Hillary would deny that, I dont understand why she lied there.

She didn't lie there, because she didn't say they weren't fighting them, she said they really weren't concerned with ISIS like Trump was saying. I guess it is a debatable thing, but I don't think Russia has put near the amount of time and effort into fighting ISIS that we have, and they are definitely more concerned about Syria right now than driving ISIS out of anywhere.


CNN poll

57% Hillary

34% Trump

63 trump did better than expected, 21% worse, 15% same

39% Hillary did better than expected, 25% worse, 34% same


Post-debate poll: Clinton 47%, Trump 42%


According to YouGov's post-debate poll, which interviewed 812 registered voters who watched the debate, Hillary Clinton won the debate against Donald Trump by 47% to 42%. Clinton narrowly won undecideds 44% to 41%. She was also considered “more Presidential” by a 57% to 31% margin. There was a gender gap, however: women though Clinton won 50-38% while men thought Trump won 46-43%.


HIll: 57
Trump: 34

Good. Goes with my opinion she still won this one, just by less. Trump needed to do big this debate, and it's obvious he didn't. Assuming more surprises are released, the gap will stay where it is, or keep growing. Even if they aren't, Trump is very likely not going to close the gap before November.
Post-debate poll: Clinton 47%, Trump 42%


According to YouGov's post-debate poll, which interviewed 812 registered voters who watched the debate, Hillary Clinton won the debate against Donald Trump by 47% to 42%. Clinton narrowly won undecideds 44% to 41%. She was also considered “more Presidential” by a 57% to 31% margin. There was a gender gap, however: women though Clinton won 50-38% while men thought Trump won 46-43%.
I guess men love alphas more than women do.
Its scary that a bufoon like Trump is closer to being right about Syria than Clinton, you can disagree all you want with Russia, thats fine, but facts are facts and Syria and Russia are fighting ISIS in Palmyra and Deir Ezzor, its crazy that Hillary would deny that, I dont understand why she lied there.

Exactly. Not to mention that the US Air Force managed to kill over 80 Syrian soldiers manning a command post in Deir Ezzor maybe two weeks ago, and apologized for it! There's no way she doesn't know, she's just afraid to cede the point because it would provide a counter-point to the positive spin on the US' dirty war in Syria.


Oh don't get me wrong, Hillary was WAY better than Trump in the debate, as she was in the first one.

I say that "he won" because I don't see he losing any of his voters with this debate. I know that he needs to win undecideds to win the election, but him not making a fool of himself is a victory. He was able to be normal Donald Trump during the debate, and that's a "victory" for him. Trump not getting destroyed by someone way better than him at debates is positive to him.

I know that can be contradictory and I agree, it's just that it's kinda disappointing and even surprising to see Trump not going insane and catching fire during a debate.


What happened Vire? CNN Poll just said 57% said Hillary won. Like I said, I won't be surprised by the results.

Trump looked like a lunatic.


Clinton was careful and rehearsed (save for a couple cop out answers) but she looks good when she gets to talk policy specifics, which she got to do a few times tonight. Just that alone in contrast to Trump's rambling is enough to win a debate as surreal as this, even if you don't agree with her at least she gives serious thought to public policy and the international landscape.

Trump got his ugly attacks in which will make his base happy but it doesn't make him appear presidential. He still comes across as a petulant, rambling idiot who spits off dangerous rhetoric and lies without thinking. Just enough red meat to keep the Trump train hobbling along until the next bombshell revelation, not enough crazy for his party to totally disown him just yet.
mate, stop confusing things. I never said it wasn't at the center of the campaign and the month to come. I even clarified this in the last post.

YES it should have been the center of the debate. Hillary should have struck back with it at every opportunity. Because it represents everything abhorrent about Donald. About what he really thinks about others. About his true colors. Instead Clinton gave a wishy washy "those aren't the facts!" every time and like Trump shit all over her with baseless lie after baseless lie. You know what's really, really damaging and 100% provable and 100% damaging to his rep? Those tapes.

And the tapes have done irreparable damage to his campaign already. There was no reason for her to beat that dead horse. If she had just constantly pivoted back to it after every question it would have just made her look as crazy as he is. I'm not exactly sure what some of you are expecting from a debate. This isn't 8 Mile.


YouGov post-debate poll: https://today.yougov.com/news/2016/10/09/post-debate-poll/

According to YouGov's post-debate poll, which interviewed 812 registered voters who watched the debate, Hillary Clinton won the debate against Donald Trump by 47% to 42%. Clinton narrowly won undecideds 44% to 41%. She was also considered “more Presidential” by a 57% to 31% margin. There was a gender gap, however: women though Clinton won by 50-38%, while men thought Trump won by 46-43%.
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