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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Moderators did a fantastic job overall.

Hillary imo made a smart decision to play it safe. Trump is destroying himself right now, and she really has nothing to gain engaging him directly.
That is always the smart play in politics.

It is really hard to actually win a fucking debate. But a scandal or a fuckup can actually hurt you and is hard to recover from.

See Don's pussy grab.

To be fair to the mouth breathers that applauded for him, it was the ONLY policy Trump actually laid out in the debate that he had a plan for.
This is truth.


Corey is a real piece of shit, just like his former boss.

Disgusting that CNN gave him an open platform for these ridiculous views.


Just woke up, did Hillary steamroll trump?
Trump kinda just steamrolled himself again.

He did better with the theatrics his supporters love him for, but that's about the only thing he did better than last time. He handled the town hall like he was speaking at one his rallies. You could tell the undecided voters asking questions were getting more and more put off by him.


My thoughts.


+ Classic aggressive Trump attitude something that was fairly lacking in the 1st debate.
+ Did his best when attacking Clinton on policy issues she's weak on due to her time as NY Senator & Secretary of State record (including e-mails, foreign policy, trade deals )

- His Clinton sex accusers stunt fizzled out fairly quickly
- Frequently lied and and misspoke
- Wrongfully attacked the moderator(s)
- Another crappy apology for Access Hollywood comments
- Interrupted Clinton's speaking time too much
- Went off-topic at times
- Awkward response to disagreeing with Pence and yet admitting they didn't discuss it
- Avoided answering most questions in terms of proposing solutions to his own policies which showed how ignorant he is on those topics
- Please stop sniffing into the damn microphone!
- Nothing he talked about was new which doesn't help undecided voters much.


+ Answered most of the questions asked of her, and didn't lie or misspeak as much

- Clinton really didn't want to answer the e-mail scandal questions anymore, move on!
- She could have defended herself better on certain policy issues that she knew she was weak to
- Missed opportunities to respond to Trump's comments when he left himself open
- Nothing she talked about was new which doesn't help undecided voters much.

Overall, I think Clinton played it predictably safe , but she could have really taken the opportunity with this debate to move in for the kill to pummel Donald Trump even further and she didn't. I mean, nothing she said rivaled or surpassed the 1st debate's Miss Universe comment. Fortunately for her, Trump did next to nothing to appeal to voters outside of those already voting for him which is why he pretty much lost this debate because he needed to do it much more than Clinton did.
I am not a hateful person, but I honestly hate him. My opinion of him literally cannot get any lower and I knew he'd either run with the "locker room" bullshit or claim he was "just joking". So I would have answered that my opinion hadn't changed.
although i am a pretty hateful person though tbh :p




Corey still going with the locker room defense;

Oh don't kid yourself! He didn't make any sexual assualt comments. Oh and emails!



"He said he grabs them by the P-word!"

"He never actually did it!"

"So he's lying?? So he's fantasizing about sexually assaulting women??"

omg that exchange lol


"GAF's biggest wanker"
With the way that Trump just keeps going on about everything is a mess, a disaster or a catastrophe in this country, and given that Republicans are famous for their projection of their own issues onto others as a debate tactic...makes me *really* want to see what the hell is in his tax returns more than ever.


Is the next debate just on foreign policy? If so, I think Clinton will win that one pretty easily. Of course with Trump, anything can happen and they talk about whatever.


Holy mother of god. Corey's meltdown is fucking glorious!

Thank god the panel is calling him out for this heinous bullshit. Boot his ass!
Corey is pathetic. CNN should honestly just stop having him on. Being a surrogate is one thing but he's basically still acting like Trump's campaign manager.

Mr Swine

She played it fairly safe. Most calling it a tie(ish).

She could have done better, but Trump stuck his foot up his ass. Literally said that he'd appoint a special prosecutor to throw Hillary in jail.

Nope, played it safe, mostly talked about herself.

kinda hard to steamroll an active shit-cano. but she did pretty well.

No, especially compared to the first debate, but she won.

Trump kinda just steamrolled himself again.

He did better with the theatrics his supporters love him for, but that's about the only thing he did better than last time. He handled the town hall like he was speaking at one his rallies. You could tell the undecided voters asking questions were getting more and more put off by him.

Ok, better than nothing, good that trump is sinking himself!
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