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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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So how does everyone think Anderson and his co-moderator (can't remember her name) did job-wise?

I'd say they both get a B+

I'd give them an A-: they pulled no punches for Hillary or Trump, and perhaps they didn't bite down on non-responses as I would have liked, but they moved forward in the interests of time.


He laid out his plan to establish a special prosecutor specifically to charge her.
I heard it, the same as you and every reasonable person watching tonight.

But that is what his surrogates were saying on CNN when they were confronted with the hilarious joke of fascism from a presidential candidate. This was even after they played that exact clip and then his retort about her being in jail (which drew huge applause from the mouth breathers in attendance).
I love how that goon Corey shows he hasn't actually read the Wall Street transcripts he's supposedly angry about because what Clinton said about Lincoln was completely accurate in regards to her speech, but he's claiming her answer was nonsense.

The Lincoln stuff is a true thing that sounds crazy, so that's a great way to expose someone as a dumbfuck who parrots talking points instead of thinking for themself.


Was perfect to ad lib that "Donald, we live in a Democracy, not a Dictatorship or Monarchy".

She did miss some zingers, but thats not her and her delivery doesn't work well usually, so meh.

She didn't go that far but she did say that she was a senator under a Republican president.


Having not watched the debate what did he do/say to a muslim girl?

Literally the first thing out of his mouth was:

"That's a shame."

And then he pivoted about talking about terrorists and how we have to get muslims to turn other muslims in and make sure that the people coming in share our values. Oh and terrorists attacks happen because of other muslims allowing them to happen.


Having not watched the debate what did he do/say to a muslim girl?

She asked a question about how she experiences Islamophobia, and how the candidates would counter Islamophobia. He proceeded to ignore her question and go on a rant about how terrible Muslims are and how they have "report" on each other or else they're supporting terrorism.


I don't understand the "well Bill RAPED dozens of people in the White House so Trumps words are just words" arguements I'm reading on fb. I'm an adult, I don't remember anything about Clinton raping dozens of people while elected.

Has lamestream media brainwashed me?


So how does everyone think Anderson and his co-moderator (can't remember her name) did job-wise?

I'd say they both get a B+
They did a fantastic job and should be applauded for it. Whenever a candidate tried to bullshit a question, they needled the candidate until he or she answered. It was a refreshing approach compared to the last two debates.
Moderators did a fantastic job overall.

Hillary imo made a smart decision to play it safe. Trump is destroying himself right now, and she really has nothing to gain engaging him directly.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
I was busy watching the Jays. Anybody wanna gimme the cliff notes of tonight's event?


I heard it, the same as you and every reasonable person watching tonight.

But that is what his surrogates were saying on CNN when they were confronted with the hilarious joke of fascism from a presidential candidate. This was even after they played that exact clip and then his retort about her being in jail (which drew huge applause from the mouth breathers in attendance).

To be fair to the mouth breathers that applauded for him, it was the ONLY policy Trump actually laid out in the debate that he had a plan for.
It is. She shouldn't have brought it up in that context, though. It lowered her more than it lowered him. Instead of throwing out an ad hominem attack, she had an opportunity to spotlight how Trump is diminishing the political process with his authoritarian tendencies. Seriously, leveraging our legal system in such a personal, emotional way in order to prosecute a political opponent he doesn't like...? The proper response to that isn't, "Okay, Trump, you're just trying to distract people from your failing campaign."

It didn't lower Hillary in the slightest and is a fine response to Donald proposing to appoint a special prosecutor to look into her situation and him suggesting she should be in jail because he disagrees with the legal interpretation not to indict. Her lowest was when Trump called out her friends for using the same tax offsets he does to minimize liability by design. Her response was a complete joke and signals how phony she is.


A Muslim girl asked about Islamaphobia. Trump's response was basically "It's Muslims' fault that we are suspicious of them because they don't snitch on each other enough"

This, I think, was the dumbest comment of the night (and there were some whoppers out there). There have been many planned attacks stopped before they even have begun. Where does Trump think the FBI and DHS get tips about these from? Alienating Muslim communities will only make homeland security more difficult.
Hillary was smart to not go aggressive even if it resulted in a small margin of victory or even a minor loss. Why risk a huge loss on the night when she's perfectly poised to make a huge gain on the week?


Those poll numbers aren't about the tape itself but Trump's comments in the debate about the tape.

I am not a hateful person, but I honestly hate him. My opinion of him literally cannot get any lower and I knew he'd either run with the "locker room" bullshit or claim he was "just joking". So I would have answered that my opinion hadn't changed.
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