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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Please someone kick Corey off CNN. As much as I don't like Jeffrey Lord or Kellyanne Conway they at least let other people speak for 20 seconds without shouting over them incessantly.
I don't understand the "well Bill RAPED dozens of people in the White House so Trumps words are just words" arguements I'm reading on fb. I'm an adult, I don't remember anything about Clinton raping dozens of people while elected.

Has lamestream media brainwashed me?

Many Trump supporters are so hateful towards sex they can only imagine someone having sex outside marriage through rape, I guess.


Hilary didn't have to do much to win this one, and the immediate polls show that. She's solidified Trumps character as one unfit for presidency, and his aggressive bull-dog antics are good for ratings but only for that.

The polls show people are a tiring of it.

Chess not checkers


I would pay money to see Corey on a panel with Ana Navarro.

Money, y'all.

It's happened. Corey basically accused her of never creating jobs and that negates her right to have an opinion about that. Turn out Anna owns some hotels and it actually pretty rich and she completely slammed him on that and more.
I love the opinion of Corey (and some people here) that "nobody cares about the tapes" yet it's still all that's being talked about. It's sunk Trump. He's done.


corey is going mad. I'm guessing this is the strategy going forward, just get pissed off.

or maybe he's mad because someone told him he sucks.
Everything somehow came back to ISIS

- Health Care reform is because hillary created ISIS
- How to fix the poverty and jobs , we will stop ISIS
- Him sexually assaulting women. ISIS also assault women and Hillary Created them.

Love how the moderators tried to keep him in check. Which just resulted in him complaining about bias.


Hilary didn't have to do much to win this one, and the immediate polls show that. She's solidified Trumps character as one unfit for presidency, and his aggressive bull-dog antics are good for ratings but only for that.

The polls show people are a tiring of it.

Chess not checkers

I think she played it safe today, there was no reason to take any risks that might backfire when she is ahead of the polls and after the video scandal came up.


She played it fairly safe. Most calling it a tie(ish).

HOW is this the narrative people are going with? Did we all watch the same debate? Hillary may have tripped over once or twice, but Drump admitted to not paying taxes, basically defended rape culture, exaggerated ISIS claims, lied the majority of the time and said a whole lot of nothing in terms of policies. Seriously, this isn't even a close one and will never be a close one.


HOW is this the narrative people are going with? Did we all watch the same debate? Hillary may have tripped over once or twice, but Drump admitted to not paying taxes, basically defended rape culture, exaggerated ISIS claims, lied the majority of the time and said a whole lot of nothing in terms of policies. Seriously, this isn't even a close one.
Apparently, he was held to a much lower standard than Hillary.


Is the next debate just on foreign policy? If so, I think Clinton will win that one pretty easily. Of course with Trump, anything can happen and they talk about whatever.
If the next debate is on foreign policy, it will be funnier than any parody could hope to be.


CNN should dump Corey imo, he's not worth it. He's advocating sexual assault on live TV. It's one thing if the candidate does it, it's another when a guy your're paying to be there does it.


Trump, his surrogates and supporters showing exactly why they are labeled as misogynists (among other things). And as usual, like Corey on CNN, missing the point entirely with a blank dumb founded angry stare. This shit is so ingrained in them that there is absolutely no talking to these people. Hillary's response to that question of unity and representing everyone should have been "I give no fucks about the deplorable because I do not support what they stand for"


Is the next debate just on foreign policy? If so, I think Clinton will win that one pretty easily. Of course with Trump, anything can happen and they talk about whatever.

The next debate could be on lipizzaner stallions and all you'd hear from Trump is emails, bengazi, and Bill Clinton and incoherent ramblings.
HOW is this the narrative people are going with? Did we all watch the same debate? Hillary may have tripped over once or twice, but Drump admitted to not paying taxes, basically defended rape culture, exaggerated ISIS claims, lied the majority of the time and said a whole lot of nothing in terms of policies. Seriously, this isn't even a close one.

It's boggling my mind as well. There must have been another debate in an alternate universe on at the same time.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Corey Lewandowski really fighting to earn that paycheck tonight.


"Don't play dumb guys! We all talk about assaulting women!!! Come on, guys!! We all do! Right? Don't we all?? Guys???"

A bus is not a locker room. Trump violated the man code by taking locker room talk out the locker room. That is sacred, like everything that happens in Vegas.


I thought Clinton "playing it safe" was actually a great decision. She resonates with me the best (and I assume most other people) when she talks about her own aspirations and ideas. Besides, I feel like Trump does a better job of damaging himself than she does. The Michelle Obama quote was probably her best line of the night, even if it seemed scripted.
the context of cory talking over a woman while mansplaining/defending that bragging about sexual assault is normal, pisses me the fuck off. go to hell prick
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