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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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And then dropped it. He used them like he used everyone else. I wouldn't be surprised if he never spoke to them again.

It's seriously disturbing.
I can only imagine he was furious when he was back in private as he probably was banking on her having any reaction that he could jump on.

Instead, she called him out on playing a shitty game and left it at that.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
That Scott Dworkin guy is tweeting some "evidence" about Trump being connected to an underage sex party or something. 🤔

Sounds like bunk. If he had something on the Pence dropout or this, drop it now. Perfect timing, start of the weekly news cycle.


Can somebody make a list of all the things that Donald Trump has claimed to be "the worst deal in the entire history of bad deals"?

Donald J. Trump is the most hyperbolic of all presidential candidates in history, just tremendously hyperbolic, with the most beautiful of vocabularies


GAF's Bob Woodward
The fact that he got cheers from the crowd for it deeply saddens me.

Yeah. The appetite for strongman leadership - Putin-esque leadership - that Trump has been fermenting is very troubling. His defeat in November would not bury that, but is a very necessary fight back against that. It's more evident than ever now where Trump would lead the US.
I haven't paid attention to the post debate. Besides CNN's poll giving it to Hillary what do other serious scientific polls say about this debate's outcome? What's the consensus?


I feel she didn't do a good job explaining herself there, perhaps the weakest part of the debate for her I felt. I understand the context of it already, but for someone that didn't understand the context it probably felt like deflection.

Yeah especially since one of Trump's Whole Things is to say "well I have a plan but I won't say it because I won't give it away" (WHICH ARGUMENT HE USED IN THIS DEBATE). Her defense was fine but she didn't articulate it very well.
I don't want to see the debate again. Is there a good post debate discussion channel (twitch/youtube)? Something like CNN that doesn't require a cable subscription.


I haven't paid attention to the post debate. Besides CNN's poll giving it to Hillary what do other serious scientific polls say about this debate's outcome? What's the consensus?

There is no serious, scientific snap-polling of debates in the hours following. Will take a few days for the changes (if there are any, plus Trump Tapes) to actually show up in polling.
Anyone else think Trump lied when he said he never sexually assaulted a woman? Cooper had to ask him 3 times before he answered the question. You think your first response would be to emphatically deny it then go on talking about how you'd defeat ISIS.

No one respects women more than Trump.


Oh God. Should I be worried? That difference is disgustingly closer than I thought I'd be. I mean yes, Hillary still won but somehow Trump did better than the last one and I thought he did even worse here.

From what I saw of people's reactions towards Hillary's performance, I actually thought it was a pleasant surprise.


People need to stop with what's wrong with these crowds cheering. The crowd is full of plants for both candidates. I mean look at the tickets Trump had, he used them to fill up with Bills accusers. I bet almost that whole hall was political operatives. So when you heard cheers it's wasn't the American people, it was Trump and Hillary campaign staff.


I dunno how people can say Trump looked good.

The guy is 100% bullshit, completely dodged almost every question, as if he didn't even hear them.

I kept joking that his ears weren't working.


People need to stop with what's wrong with these crowds cheering. The crowd is full of plants for both candidates. I mean look at the tickets Trump had, he used them to fill up with Bills accusers. I bet almost that whole hall was political operatives. So when you heard cheers it's wasn't the American people, it was Trump and Hillary campaign staff.
So why do we even have a crowd?
From what I saw of people's reactions towards Hillary's performance, I actually thought it was a pleasant surprise.
As in Hillary doing a better job that expected? What worries me is the incredibly low bar Trump has! He didn't imploded nor Clinton killed him ergo he did okay, right? Christ.


I think the winners were the moderators. Hillary won mostly by default. She answered questions and wasn't baited into Donald's hedge maze of diversions and crazy conspiracies. Donald was unhinged, erratic, and insulting. He didn't answer questions, interrupted, and a mess.

Donald did get in a few hits, though, which really doesn't matter. So long as people vote, Hillary has essentially already won the election.


People need to stop with what's wrong with these crowds cheering. The crowd is full of plants for both candidates. I mean look at the tickets Trump had, he used them to fill up with Bills accusers. I bet almost that whole hall was political operatives. So when you heard cheers it's wasn't the American people, it was Trump and Hillary campaign staff.

It doesn't happen until Trump supporters start it. Once one side gets to influence things the other feels they need to respond.
People need to stop with what's wrong with these crowds cheering. The crowd is full of plants for both candidates. I mean look at the tickets Trump had, he used them to fill up with Bills accusers. I bet almost that whole hall was political operatives. So when you heard cheers it's wasn't the American people, it was Trump and Hillary campaign staff.
For real. Everytime they'd cheer and moderators had to shut them up all I could think was "then don't have an audience"!


This is what I thought about when Trump said, "sneak attack." Somebody replace Eric with Trump.



So why do we even have a crowd?

They should stop having them. I was thinking about this tonight. I remember the Republican primaries in 2012 Gingrich had a great night in South Carolina with the crowd erupting and it came out later he had a ton of plants in the audience. So they should have the moderators and the candidates and that's it.


Oh God. Should I be worried? That difference is disgustingly closer than I thought I'd be. I mean yes, Hillary still won but somehow Trump did better than the last one and I thought he did even worse here.

She didn't have to dominate - Trump needed to win huge to move the needle any (even if he could). Plus, Trump said enough stupid things (pledging to put Hillary in jail, throwing Pence under the bus, the very Islamophobic answer to the question he was asked about Islamophobia) that it will keep fact checkers and analysts busy for the next 24 hours.


sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff SNIFF sniff sniff

Something is going on with Donald Trump's sniffing. I don't know what it is. I'm just asking the question. Something is wrong folks. Something is going on. Maybe. Who knows. Until we find out, we have to shut it down. Shut the whole thing down.

Seriously though, what is with the sniffing? Is he literally on drugs?
Man, Hillary is so subtle with some shit it really goes over people's heads. A lot like her beauty pageant remark at the first debate. The answer to the last question about how 'capable' Trump's kids were, and it 'says a lot' about Donald was just inviting people to look up information about his kids, and the two most prominent in this campaign are Eric and Donald, Jr. Let that soak in for just a second.


As in Hillary doing a better job that expected? What worries me is the incredibly low bar Trump has! He didn't imploded nor Clinton killed him ergo he did okay, right? Christ.
Ehhh, CNN polls show that people did believe he performed better than last time but the majority still believed he lost the debate.

I personally thought that while Hillary didn't do amazing, Trump was actually worse than last time. He had a weak response to the Tape incident, he insulted the moderators many times, his body language almost came off incredibly creepy towards Clinton and his threat of sending her to prison is just straight-out evil evil.

People were worried that the optics for Trump were positive and that he won the debate because didn't fuck up too bad. At worst, the debate was simply a wash.
Something is going on with Donald Trump's sniffing. I don't know what it is. I'm just asking the question. Something is wrong folks. Something is going on. Maybe. Who knows. Until we find out, we have to shut it down. Shut the whole thing down.

Seriously though, what is with the sniffing? Is he literally on drugs?

Many people are saying this


Something is going on with Donald Trump's sniffing. I don't know what it is. I'm just asking the question. Something is wrong folks. Something is going on. Maybe. Who knows. Until we find out, we have to shut it down. Shut the whole thing down.

Seriously though, what is with the sniffing? Is he literally on drugs?

Carrie Fisher knew what was up. She tweeted that he was on coke and that she should know. LOL
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