You have insanely low standards.I.... don't think Trump is doing that bad?
when u grabbed it but she still talkin
Trump could have owned her on this but he's an idiot. Wow.
That's cause he is winning. Hillary has been horrendous.People are gonna say he won. Sad!
Yeah, this won't look good on her. This whole thing is fast looking like a repeat of the first debate.
He knows NOTHING about Russia? I feel like he should know SOMETHING about Russia if he wants to be a world leader...?
I don't want to hear about hacking, emails, Facebook videos, she said/he said.
I want to hear about college, small business, healthcare, taxation, trade, EPA, systems to help the poor, planned parenthood.
I.... don't think Trump is doing that bad?
Yup.Undecided voters aren't the brightest bunch, huh?
He'll never release his taxes, will him?