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Prima Games advertises "HD screenshots" for Final Fantasy XII in new guide book set


Probably will announce it during PGW.
Coming through PS4's PS1&PS2 BC. Digital.

Please be true. With trophy support as icing on the cake.


Both FFXV and KH3 are skipping PGW and I really doubt they'll push Star Ocean 5 in the West just yet. KH2.8 just got a trailer so I don't think it'll be around either, so SE Japan needs something besides World of Final Fantasy (which will probably be there) and Dragon Quest Heroes (post-launch promo) to have a good PGW showing. They may go for NiER or Setsuna, but they may also drop a new game announcement: FFXIIHD would fit that slot wonderfully. But we'll have to wait and see.

Then we have Jump Festa, where both FFXV (quasi-confirmed) and KH2.8 (JF is stapled venue for KH games) have a fair chance at being shown. They may also go for it, but again, I feel like the announcement may be kept to celebrate the game's 10th anniversary next year.


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