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Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands |OT|


Kittehz found that you can get the SOT Prince in Wii version of Forgotten Sands.


Source: http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/861108132/m/7611067268


IGN's Wii version's review: 8/10

Closing Comments
The Forgotten Sands is a very impressive continuation of the Prince of Persia franchise. It seems equal kudos has been given to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game, but I can only speak for the version made for Wii. It’s common to get a “different” experience on Wii but it’s rare when that experience is just as impressive as the bigger systems. This version of the game is chock full of challenging gameplay and fun surprises, wrapped up in a product that really shows off some clever new Wii-centric gameplay mechanics.

out of 10 Click here for ratings guide
9.0 Presentation
A great story combined with some excellent extras and unlockables. Ubisoft Quebec took its project to heart.
9.0 Graphics
Environments are incredibly detailed, driven by a game engine that runs 60 frames per second...most of the time.
8.0 Sound
Very good voice acting and a nice subtle ambient musical score.
8.0 Gameplay
It's not as tight as it could have been, but this is a very good and faithful Prince of Persia adaptation. Challenging and fun.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
The main quest is impressively lengthy, with some great extras to keep the playtime going.

(out of 10)


I played a while longer. probably between 2 and 3 hours total. I just got the ability to freeze water and used it a bit. It's pretty cool and I could see things getting really tricky. The combat seems kind of repetitive, but the platforming makes up for it by being really cool. Level-design is well-done so far I think. Overall, I'm liking it.


Running off of Custom Firmware


Running off of Custom Firmware
I wasn't really planning on starting with the DS game, but being by far the smallest, it was the quickest to rip/dump/install.
First thing's first, like most other Ubi Soft DS games, it doesn't immediately work on my DSL's flashcart. Ubi and Nintendo are the quickest to adopt updated anti-piracy routines, so it might be some time before it gets patched.

That said, I did see that the game has some DSi-exclusive features, so with a shrug I tossed the game cart into my DSi. As expected, it plays basically identically to the last DS PoP (Forgotten King). The controls might be slightly better, but the graphics and animations look slightly worse to my recollection. The actual structure is fairly identical. Progress from stage to stage via a SMB-like hub map, collecting jewels (currency used to purchase power ups and whatnot from merchants) and the touchscreen to run, jump, wall-jump, roll, attack, etc. So... much like Forgotten King, I probably won't be playing it again any time soon! ;p

Moving on to the other versions in a bit.
Rented the PS3 version. I've played about halfway through the game. It's fun.

Platforming is great. Combat is dull. The camera does get stuck on walls sometimes.

Graphics are hit or miss. The music is fantastic. Especially the pause menu song.

The story is meh. I preferred the relationship between the Prince and Elika. It was definitely more interesting.

Overall. Definitely worth a rent or a buy when a price drop hits.


Yeah..I unlocked the Sands of Time costume on the Wii version, by drinking the blue potion.. ..thought it was something well known..so didn't said anything..they literally put the same character model into the game..thought it was going to be just a costume.. :)

You can also unlock the Dark Prince costume..guess that would be the Warrior Within model..


Running off of Custom Firmware
No PSP impressions, as sadly it won't decrypt and launch on my CFW PSP. No luck with UMD or the ISO I ripped from it. I'll putz around with it some more over the weekend and see if I can figure something out.

So, Wii impressions instead!
The game seems to have some anti-piracy protections, because no matter what I do, I can't get it to launch from my HDD. So I popped in the game disc for a bit to try the game out before moving onto the PS3 version.

3 profiles / save slots.
Graphics are pretty nice and QUITE smooth.
Music's lovely and has the occasionally familiar cue.
Voice acting's not so great. Neither the Prince nor Zahra, his bound genie companion, sound convincing.
The controls are pretty excellent so far. Quite intuitive, I had no real issues with replicating the familiar jumps, wall runs, etc. that I recall from the earlier PoPs. And I did NOT bother with the shoddy Wii port of Two Thrones. I stuck to the GCN version of that when I last played through it.

The game does have a bit of a rushed feel to it. It's apparent in the transitional animations (such as transitioning from a wall run to a ledge grab), or the lack of "weight" applied to the Prince's movements and jumping. In some respects, it tends to feel more like a well... generic third party platformer rather than a high caliber Prince of Persia. Say what you want about the Sands of Time trilogy, but the "feel" of the Prince's movements was beyond reproach, IMHO.

I'm not all that far into it. I guess I'm in the second major area, now that I've bonded with the genie, unlocked PoP Classic, secured 2 or 3 "achievements, and got to the kingdom of Izhidar. On that note, there's not a suggestion that this is the same Prince from the SoT trilogy. So I guess only the HD game is the real "interquel."

The first tutorial area was basically this fairly fast-paced, platforming-heavy collapsing ruins type location. As a novelty, things were actually collapsing. The second area starts off in this outdoor ravine complete with jungle-like foliage, stream, and waterfalls, before leading to the kingdom of Izhidar.

I'm cautiously impressed so far.

Listing of goodies available from the menu, though most are locked from the get go:
Skin - Forgotten Sands Prince
Skin - Sands of Time Prince
Skin - Dark Prince (Two Thrones)

Weapon - Forgotten Sands Sword
Weapon - Prince Sword
Weapon - King Sword
Weapon - Sand Dagger (Sands of Time)
Weapon - Wall Breaker (Warrior Within)

Map - 2D (a classic view of things)
Map - Dark Labyrinth (find your way out of the dark and gloomy labyrinth)
Map - Tower of the Gods (fight your way out of the tower of the gods)
Map - Speed Run (move through the environment as fast as you can)
Map - Prince of Persia Classic (the original Prince of Persia game [not the expanded SNES remake, as I initially suspected])

Plus a bunch of art galleries and videos.
There are also a number of Heroic Challenges to achieve. They seem to basically be achievements/trophies. Won't list 'em here, but some seem to be progression-based, others exploration-based or skill-based.


Running off of Custom Firmware
And finally, some PS3 impressions.

The game looks and sounds like a Sands of Time trilogy game. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
The aesthetics aren't nearly as striking as those of PoP 2008, but I think it might run a little better. Definitely noticed some tearing on the PS3 though. Oddly enough, it seems to occur mostly during the cutscenes, but it can be noticeable when panning the camera, especially in open areas.

Controls are WAY better than PoP 2008, but it doesn't feel as good as in last gen's 3D PoPs. I mentioned this when talking about the Wii version, and it's not quite as noticeable as in that version, but the animation transitions can be a bit jarring, and the running and jumping lack the feeling of "weight" from last gen's titles. Still, it controls well enough, and the platforming feels good.

Combat's atrocious. I'm not sure if it's quite as bad as Sands of Time, but it's easily worse than Warrior Within and Two Thrones. I can already see that it'll quickly wear out its welcome. It's got an extremely rough and unfinished feel to it.

There are some design decisions taken with Forgotten Sands that set it apart from the Sands trilogy, and for the most part, I don't think I like any of them. As far as I can tell, at least the following features have been eliminated or otherwise diminished:
- No stealth kills.
- No special/environmental kills.
- Enemies can drop weapons, and weapon racks are occasionally found in the background, but you can't pick up any enemy weapons to use as temporary secondary weapons for the purposes of bulking up your offense or boosting your combo options.
- Water no longer heals or saves. Saves are automatic (no save multiple save slots), and health is recovered by collecting red orbs dropped by urns/barrels/enemies/etc. Incredibly lame.
- Blue orbs replenish water tanks [this game's equivalent of sand tanks], and yellow orbs count as experience that allow you to unlock additional moves, magic, and powers ala God of War.
- I've gotten to the point where the proverbial shit hits the fan, the first major power is unlocked, and it becomes possible to accrue experience and purchase upgrades. However, much like the Wii game, it's not very convincing in feeling like a Sands trilogy "interquel." Aside from the visual similarities, this doesn't feel like that Prince, nor is the game entirely succeeding in convincing me that this takes place, or belongs, between Sands of Time and Warrior Within. It seems that for every occasional remark like "Why is it always sand?" there's another that rather foolishly indicates surprise over some event or magic that, considering the Sands of Time context, really shouldn't be all that surprising.

I'll admit that some of the stand-outs listed above MIGHT be reversed as I progress. Gameplay elements are still being introduced. However, I won't be holding my breath. All in all, I'm not all that disappointed in the game, but it does feel like a B effort and a rather poor (not to mention unnecessary) attempt to cram another game in the "Sands trilogy." For what it's worth, I am liking it much more than PoP 2008.

Oh, perhaps it bears mentioning that there seems to be some kind of PS3 <-> PSP connectivity, though I've not yet had a chance to explore it. Might be something like what Assassin's Creed II and Assassin's Creed Bloodlines shared. I'm surprised I didn't find mention of it in the manual or marketing materials.

Edit - Zapages, you asked me why I changed my PS3 preorder from Amazon to GS? The challenge mode that Gamestop provided (survival mode) is different than the one available for purchase on UPlay (time trial). Beating the game will also unlock a third, called endless tides, or some such.
I finally reach the final climb, the last platforming area in the game and it's completely fucking broken. I can't even get past the first jump. You have to jump through a waterfall and grab a water pole but the prince won't fucking grab it. Is there anyone who's beaten the game that has some tips?


Mejilan..how did you unlocked PoP Classic so soon?
I'm ahead of you (it seems) and haven't found any green-retro drink yet, only the blue one...


Running off of Custom Firmware
I think I killed the thread.

fernoca said:
Mejilan..how did you unlocked PoP Classic so soon?
I'm ahead of you (it seems) and haven't found any green-retro drink yet, only the blue one...

In the exact ravine area where you bond with the Djinni, there's a small waterfall. The potion is lying by the cliff just behind the waterfall. If you approach it (gotta get your feet wet), you should see a Z button prompt show up. Hit the button and you'll drink the hidden potion. It's probably the game's first unlockable.

Edit - The game actually comes with a voucher-like slip behind the manual that explains exactly how to unlock PoP Classic.

Edit 2 - Regarding the original PoP, I'm most familiar with the expanded SNES version, which also happens to be my favorite. The one included in this disc seems to be the later PC/Mac release (more colors when compared to strangely white-garbed hero of the original DOS release), but the framerate and general performance are horrible. I don't know if it was originally like this on the PC/Mac, but I suspect not. I vaguely recall that one of the Xbox Sands Trilogy PoPs came with this game included as a bonus, and it too performed horribly, so it seems like they just recycled the bonus without optimizing it at all.


Mejilan said:
I think I killed the thread.

In the exact ravine area where you bond with the Djinni, there's a small waterfall. The potion is lying by the cliff just behind the waterfall. If you approach it (gotta get your feet wet), you should see a Z button prompt show up. Hit the button and you'll drink the hidden potion. It's probably the game's first unlockable.

Edit - The game actually comes with a voucher-like slip behind the manual that explains exactly how to unlock PoP Classic.

Edit 2 - Regarding the original PoP, I'm most familiar with the expanded SNES version, which also happens to be my favorite. The one included in this disc seems to be the later PC/Mac release (more colors when compared to strangely white-garbed hero of the original DOS release), but the framerate and general performance are horrible. I don't know if it was originally like this on the PC/Mac, but I suspect not. I vaguely recall that one of the Xbox Sands Trilogy PoPs came with this game included as a bonus, and it too performed horribly, so it seems like they just recycled the bonus without optimizing it at all.

The SNES PoP Game was made by Koonami, which is awesome but becomes a bit crazy as it does not really follow PC/Mac level format.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Zapages said:
The SNES PoP Game was made by Koonami, which is awesome but becomes a bit crazy as it does not really follow PC/Mac level format.

Yeah, I know. Lots of the console versions has tweaks and/or dramatic changes made. The SNES version was different from the Genny version, which was different from the Sega-CD version, etc. I loved the SNES game because it essentially doubled the levels and time limit. The fiery hell levels towards the end might have been a bit... much, from an aesthetic standpoint, but I found that the gameplay largely held up well. It's the only version of PoP1 that I actually finished!

I only mentioned that the PoP Classic included with this Wii game is not the SNES version, because on other websites/forums I read that it WAS the SNES game. It's not.


The PoP team should've just ripped off AC's combat. No shame in admitting that you suck at combat design.

p.s. The SNES version of POP is the best one. :) It was not made by Konami btw, but by Arsys Software, a japanese company. NCS published it in Japan. Konami of America merely published it overseas.
All finished up with this one this afternoon. I already spoke on the ups and downs of the game I had experienced early on. The highs being a return to the platforming of the original Sands trilogy and the lows being the combat which has been changed into a God of War lite clone without any of the depth.

When it was all over with I walked away from the game feeling as though it's a strong entry into a franchise that has been surpassed by its newer and shiner cousin Assassin's Creed in the minds of most gamers. Despite that, nothing in Assassin's Creed comes close to the pure skill based platforming featured in this game and the original Sands. It's classic stuff. Maybe too classic as one could argue that this game features very little in the way of inspiration or originality. It is what it is. A game fueled by 100% nostalgia, a side story to the Sands trilogy and even by todays standards - rock solid platforming mechanics.

I could harp on the camera issues now and again, the fact that combat becomes even more shallow once you attain a specific weapon at the end of the game or the fact that the visuals are inconsistent with some environments looking stunning (the entire finale is breathtaking) while others come off as flat and uninspired but you know what? I couldn't put it down. I spent two solid days playing through it while Alan Wake and Red Dead Redemption sat next to me (Alan Wake gets a pass though since I refuse to play it during the day). That's gotta say something good about the experience.:D

As an aside, Prince of Persia '08 took the series into an interesting new direction. Even for all of its faults, I walked away enjoying the heck out of the experience for its amazing visuals, solid story (up until the end) and for the its level design which is quite strong despite the auto-platforming. I eagerly await a sequel to that game and I hope that they give us something that fuses the more skill based platforming of the Sands trilogy with the ideas presented in the '08 release.
Why is this thread so quiet???!!!

I just rented this game yesterday for the 360 and it's fantastic! Reminds me of SoT but with a fresh and stylish coat of paint. Quickly:

Graphics: Awesome. They are gritty and remind me of the new Splinter Cell Conviction's graphics in the sense of being realistic based on your perspective. There's debris, water, particles, etc and they all blend very well. I'm playing in HD, and when I first entered the realm in the portal, I smiled. Arabian nights with a surrealistic spice is win. (there's also a scene where an enemy finds a lamp that looks EXACTLY like the one in Aladdin and tosses it aside, pretty neat :)).

Controls: Very fluid so far. The movement reminds me of Assassin's Creed and the Price actually reacts based on where/how you get to an object. Over compensating a jump to a bar will cause him to reach down and fix his position when he gets to it. The combat isn't anything revolutionary, but it feels very Assassin's Creed-like and hey, it works. I'm sure getting more magic other than the ability I've got
rewind time
will increase the variety greatly. Also, I must say that it's fantastic to finally play a 'next-gen' PoP game that's much more than "hold A... hold A... hold A...". Dying and restarting a room is how it should be.

Puzzles: Neat so far :). And they blend into the environment much better than they have in other games.

I'll post more impressions later. Just wanted to poke my head in and say wtf? check this game out.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Sadly, it seems like GAF is going to pass this one by.
Can't really blame 'em though. I'm sure it'll drop in price faster than SoT did.
It's only prudent.


Mejilan said:
Sadly, it seems like GAF is going to pass this one by.
Can't really blame 'em though. I'm sure it'll drop in price faster than SoT did.
It's only prudent.

not only by GAF, but practically by other gaming forums gamefaq, ign forums.

this is as hypeless as a franchised game gonna get.

Everyone knows this is just a quick money-grabber by Ubi.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I got this yesterday for my birthday, about an hour in and having fun. Not really caring for the combat though but the platforming is good ole PoP


Mejilan said:
Sadly, it seems like GAF is going to pass this one by.
Can't really blame 'em though. I'm sure it'll drop in price faster than SoT did.
It's only prudent.
That's what I'm waiting for really. I did just buy Red Dead and reviews are saying that the game is short I figure I'll wait for a drop in price.


To be fair is not like the games has ever been great sellers..at least at first.
Heck, for Sands of Time..like a month after released, they were giving away copies of Splinter Cell if you bought the game..or something like that.
It's a shame this apparently good game is being looked over because of its stupid stigma of being a movie game. I would've bought day 1, but I guess I'll wait for a price drop to buy the Wii and 360 versions. BTW, that Sands of Time skin is awesome!


I just got to the part where you get the power that's like the one from 08's Epilogue. I'm really liking the platforming so far. The combat is pretty forgettable and kind of boring. Working towards the trophies is actually probably the funnest part. The platforming really makes up for it though. It's a lot of fun and I think throwing in the elemental powers really adds a nice twist to it. The bosses are pretty meh, but they at least throw some platforming into them which is cool. Looking forward to playing more tonight.


Running off of Custom Firmware
HamPster PamPster said:
Are all the unlocks (challange modes, 2d rooms, costumes, etc...) in the PS3 version also or just the Wii version?

It's got totally different unlockables than the Wii game, and seemingly, fewer of them.
But I'm sure they'll add more via DLC sooner rather than later.


Mejilan said:
In the exact ravine area where you bond with the Djinni, there's a small waterfall. The potion is lying by the cliff just behind the waterfall. If you approach it (gotta get your feet wet), you should see a Z button prompt show up. Hit the button and you'll drink the hidden potion. It's probably the game's first unlockable.

Edit - The game actually comes with a voucher-like slip behind the manual that explains exactly how to unlock PoP Classic.
Awesome thanks..
Just noticed it..oh well..
Just started the game again..and there it was.. :lol


Mejilan said:
Sadly, it seems like GAF is going to pass this one by.
Can't really blame 'em though. I'm sure it'll drop in price faster than SoT did.
It's only prudent.

It's not out in Europe until Friday, can't wait to play it. Looking forward to it more than Red Dead.

Strange that they would want to release it the same week as RDR and Wake. Fifa World Cup was only a couple of weeks back too which is a huge seller in the UK. That's a lot of competition in these prudent times. Reminds me of the Sega Rally release time which killed a great game.
For anyone wondering what powers are the best. Upgrade whirlwind and stone armor. Whirlwind makes short work of all smaller enemies and stone armor makes you invincible. Make sure you use the stone armor for the Ratash battles to make getting the no damage trophies easy. The ice and fire power are mostly worthless so upgrade them last.
I sense a Ubibomb price drop on this soon, the reviews aren't that fantastic and the two days its' been released my store has sold a total of three copies across all platforms.

I want it, but...it's gotta be like $30 in a couple weeks =l


Running off of Custom Firmware
Jaded Alyx said:
In what ways do the Wii and other console versions differ? Is the story the same, i.e. same custscenes, etc.?

Pretty much completely different.
Different action, different story, different stages, different powers, different... everything.
Similar aeshetics is about all.
My first impressions (PS3) after 3-4 hours in...from a big, big PoP fan

+ Positives

The setting/level design
Yuri voicing the Prince again
Platforming sections are fun
Easy game to relax and enjoy to when you don't want to stress out
The Ezio costume: buy this as your first Uplay award --> do it. See negatives why

- Negatives

Prince's character design. Other characters look decent, the Prince looks dull and I hate his hair. Just collect 30 Uplay points and turn on the Ezio costume from ACII, makes the game far more enjoyable

The combat. This cannot be stressed enough. This is even clunkier than SoT. Why did Ubi licence the TAG fighting system (with an obnoxious intro splash when you boot up the game). I just spam attack, kick and arial slash. Also 50 enemies at once...wow....underwhelming. Say what you will about Warrior Within but that game had a fleshed out combat system that felt fluid and intuitive, although it became just as repetitive as this one in the end.

The animation/movement. Yes I said it. The Mo-cap for platforming and combat finishers looks great, but to me the game feels...I don't know...slow is probably the best word. The Prince jogs through the game and doesn't feel as responsive as the last-gen Princes or even auto-move Prince from 2008. Also the lag before wall-running/walljumping kills the "flow" for me a bit. Maybe it's just me ranting but after playing nearly every Ubi Montreal PoP-game this felt like a step backwards.

All in all kind of a big rant here but I'm enjoying this game and will platinum it in due time. For me it's just not the PoP experience that it could have been, although I must admit that I didn't have very high expectations to begin with.

Early score based on what I've played: A solid 7.0


Running off of Custom Firmware
I listed similar complaints re: how the Prince controls, both on the PS3 and Wii.
It just doesn't feel like he's got any real weight or momentum to his movements, unlike with the last-gen games.


canova said:
not only by GAF, but practically by other gaming forums gamefaq, ign forums.

this is as hypeless as a franchised game gonna get.

Everyone knows this is just a quick money-grabber by Ubi.

It is perceived by everyone as a cheap movie-tie so most people will just ignore it. It doesn't help that it also gives the impression of being an HD version of the 2003 version. Those two factors killed the hype. I can't help feeling the same. I was hyped to hell and back for the 2008 PoP but for some reason I don't feel it at all for this game. I will pick it up of course, but it's certainly not a day 1-game.
Played about an hour of this on 360. Great nostalgia trip to the Prince games from last generation. Sure it doesn't look great, but the music is great and I think it animates fairly fluidly. I don't hate the combat as much as some so far, I honestly don't mind games that are a little more simplistic sometimes. So far, so good, not a GOTY winner, but I'm glad I got it so far.

EDIT: What the hell is the UPlay stuff? How do I access it?
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