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Professor Layton and the Unwound Future |OT| !elzzup a s'tI (20 Picarats)


Corporate Apologist
I don't want it to be a launch game, since I can't bring my self to play it till I play Layton 4!

And once again, it only took about 20 minutes once I finished the story before I am burned out of solving puzzles. Now this is one series I really like coming out at pace of 1 a year.


Puzzle 40 is making me hate myslef. First time I had to use hint coins and I still cant figure it out.

It is like he is mocking me


DrForester said:
"But I'm not a Gentleman yet...!"

Man tears, for the 2nd time in the ending. After Layton's breakdown, that was amazing
Best scene in the series.

EmmanuelMunoz said:
Puzzle 40 is making me hate myslef. First time I had to use hint coins and I still cant figure it out.

It is like he is mocking me
The arrows in the middle do not denote "is bigger than", if that's what you thought. (I know I did at first). The rest is just math.


Haunted said:
The arrows in the middle do not denote "is bigger than", if that's what you thought. (I know I did at first).

I just figured it out.

I had thought that both the top and bottom amounts had to equal the same amount. I re-read and realized that the equations simply have to be correct. :D

Now I can go back to writing essays for school.


Corporate Apologist
duckroll said:
Parrot delivery #3 is IMPOSSIBLE. What am I missing here?!
I had to give up on some of that later ones, I couldn't get anything beyond #3. I don't have all day to try every rope combo :/


Corporate Apologist
Some more comments from near the end of the game.

I am annoyed that during what I think is the last flashback, between Clive and Layton, Layton has a very diffrent tone of voice, in which he sounds much younger. This woud not be as much of a problem (Despite me hating this VA's voice), except in the other flashbacks that take place before them have Layton with his normal VA.

On a tangent, I really love the extange between Luke and Layton when the car turns into a plane. It went something like

Luke: Professor, I didn't know you could fly a plane.
Layton: Don't be silly Luke, this is an automoble.

Also, I do like how Level 5 was able to go the whole game without ever stating a year, since doing so would most likely open a whole can of worms.


I'm near the end of the game I think. Layton just solved all the major mysteries and all I can say is....


This franchise MOTHERFUCKING rocks. Each game just tops the last one in absurdity, and I LOVE IT! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Personally I thought the story of this game is less absurd than the previous two, with the second being the most absurd of course.


Totakeke said:
Personally I thought the story of this game is less absurd than the previous two, with the second being the most absurd of course.

The second was more -unbelievable- for sure, but there is no way it was less ABSURD than this. :lol


Wow, I'm kinda amazed I beat it in 4 days. My clear time was over 18 hours and I'm not even 100% done with the game. This has to be the longest one yet. I couldn't really put it down because when I play adventure games it's like reading a novel, and I can just keep going until I fall asleep. Loved it. It's everything I have come to expect from Layton games, and MORE.

The minigames this time were way better and more self contained. I really liked how the toy car and parrot minigames had you unlock stages when you talk to people and solve puzzles, instead of unlocking objects required to complete the minigame. The only minigame that was still like that was the picture book one. The stage based unlocking made it much more self-contained and fun. Pretty challenging too.

The ending was just fantastic. The plot was kinda woooooooooow in the usual ridiculous Layton way, and even more over the top than ever, but the human drama was actually really well done this time round, and playing through the entire trilogy made the final ending all the more bittersweet.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
duckroll said:
I'm near the end of the game I think. Layton just solved all the major mysteries and all I can say is....


This franchise MOTHERFUCKING rocks. Each game just tops the last one in absurdity, and I LOVE IT! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Yeah....yeah....pretty much.
part of me wondered how ridiculously wealthy Clive would have to be to afford a giant underground London and a four hundred foot walking fortress of doom,
but then I shut that part of me up and just enjoyed it.

Human drama. That's a good term for it. How many games actually manage good human drama?


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Why is this thread still only at two pages?

Just beat it, around 12 hours. Great game, it feels meatier than the previous iterations. Puzzles are on par with the rest of the franchise, mostly good and satisfying with a few marred by weird or annoying wording. Looking forward to finishing them up.

The minigames are fabulous, the mad-lib style storybook is quite enjoyable, and the car mini-game is really addictive.

Soundtrack's excellent, though IMO there aren't any pieces that quite reach the level of Folsense or Iris in Layton 2.

This story, to me, is slightly more plausible than Diabolical Box. :lol I think that speaks more to the WTF factor of the second game than anything else. The
reveal is obviously the best thing the franchise has done. I also enjoyed the
Clive/Layton reveal (with the statue)
even though it was quite obvious by that time.

8.5/10. Such a solid franchise.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Drkirby said:
Some more comments from near the end of the game.

I am annoyed that during what I think is the last flashback, between Clive and Layton, Layton has a very diffrent tone of voice, in which he sounds much younger. This woud not be as much of a problem (Despite me hating this VA's voice), except in the other flashbacks that take place before them have Layton with his normal VA.

On a tangent, I really love the extange between Luke and Layton when the car turns into a plane. It went something like

Luke: Professor, I didn't know you could fly a plane.
Layton: Don't be silly Luke, this is an automoble.

Also, I do like how Level 5 was able to go the whole game without ever stating a year, since doing so would most likely open a whole can of worms.

Layton says near the beginning of the game that society has achieved space flight. So either this is some weird steampunk modern day, or Layton is set in the DC Universe Golden Age.


Corporate Apologist
Love reading though the profiles of the game, they reveal quiet a few nice tidbits and help tie some lose ends.

Did any NPC ever say why Hotel Dusk was moved though?

Also, I wonder how they managed to keep the people in the dark that they lived in an underground city, and managed to convince them that they just got the year wrong. While its possible they were all with the family, it seems more likely they weren't in the loop, and that it was an over convoluted plan by Clive to convince Layton he really was in the Future. Still, they never really gave a good reason why he went though all this trouble at all. Was it easier to control a large group of thugs and workers if they thought they really were in a London of 10 years in the future?


thetrin said:
Layton says near the beginning of the game that society has achieved space flight. So either this is some weird steampunk modern day, or Layton is set in the DC Universe Golden Age.

Aren't both things technically the same thing? :lol


I'm reading up, and it seems a few people had problems solving puzzles because they didn't fully understand them. Kinda weird because this never really ever happened to me in any of the Layton games. What usually gets me are the questions where I think too hard about what they want me to do, and I try the "trick" answer only to find that they wanted the proper answer instead. Silly me! :lol


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I've never had that issue with Layton. Unwound Future especially was surprisingly straight forward.

I also try to second guess the game sometimes, thinking there is some clever trick.


Corporate Apologist
I only had issues on that one puzzles posted above, since its wording was odd. And like Normal, the challenge Puzzles are quiet hard.

I have to say Layton is just great near the end of the game. I love how over the top it was, and how they manage to fit in a few more puzzles between the cut scenes :lol

One thing I don't like is the fact Luke leaves for America just seems a bit sudden. He runs off and sulks in the middle of the game, and then leaves at the end. While the 4th game may fill in some more info on it, it also feels like they could of handled it a bit better

Also, I am shocked that Layton is not the Legal Guardian of Luke, or even lives with him. Layton just brings him with his Puzzle Adventures which just turn out to be a bit more unsafe then expected

Also, I think the part where the captured Layton reveals he is Don Paolo would be great for a "Your argument is invalid" type gif. "I am not Professor Layton, your argument is invalid"


Well errr.... regarding the future games....

I don't know why the ended with the epilogue they did, because it's really strange. The next trilogy of games doesn't continue after that, they're prequels. The next game is set about 4 years before the events of Layton 1, and show how Layton and Luke first met. Weird.

Anyway, I'm finally done with Layton 3. About 20 hours clocked, all puzzles solved, everything unlocked. Was a pretty fun ride.
Quick question, if I haven't played the previous games in series would this last games story be accessible and as enjoyable?
Was thinking of getting this installment than playing through the other 2.


thetrin said:
I didn't cheat that way. I just played the game, and in the end, finished the game with over 100 hint coins. I just found the puzzles that easy for the most part.

Not necessarily a bad thing, but the game is nowhere as difficult as Diabolical Box.

Agree 100%, I am about 8hrs in and have maybe only been stumped 2 or 3 times. In Diabolical Box I was using up a lot of hint coins. In this one not so much.


Corporate Apologist
storafötter said:
Quick question, if I haven't played the previous games in series would this last games story be accessible and as enjoyable?
Was thinking of getting this installment than playing through the other 2.
Its a stand alone game, but the plot will not be as enjoyable as the past games.
I also got the: I + XI = X puzzle wrong.

Thought it was 1.

When I got that wrong, I realized it must be 0 since I could do it in 1. Entered it without actually solving the riddle and got it right.

Davey Cakes

EmmanuelMunoz said:
Agree 100%, I am about 8hrs in and have maybe only been stumped 2 or 3 times. In Diabolical Box I was using up a lot of hint coins. In this one not so much.
I finished every non-downloadable puzzle in the first game. Couldn't say that about diabolical box. It certainly was tougher overall, though still had its share of easy puzzles as well. I have yet to play Unwound Future, but I'm not against the idea of a less, ahem, diabolical game.
Just finished the game.

Fantastic game and probably joint fave in the series, (Diabolical Box was the worse for me, but still quite a solid game)


I actually liked the story though it felt really absurd/convenient at times, I love how the game really brings Layton's past and character development into light, and I have to admit the last scene with Claire kind of made me teary eyed. There were so many absurd stuff about the story, I just had to keep going just to see if they answered it in a decent way... they kind of half-pulled it off and I think over-complicated themselves far too many times but it was a great ride and the story really did get me hooked


Initially, I thought this game was really hard considering so many time-based puzzles in the beginning, but eventually evened itself out and got quite diverse and less difficult than the ones in Diabolical Box. It's about the same kind of difficulty as Curious Village (with not too many sliding puzzles). I didn't use that many hint coins, I had to use a few in some puzzles (e.g. the messy handwritten note, the arrow/treasure hunting one are ones that stuck out for me). The mini games: I liked the puzzle story book and toy car, not so keen on the parrot; like duckroll, Puzzle 3 was hard.. and that kinda lost me motivation for that minigame...

Superb game and the franchise is fantastic, the best on the DS and one of the best this generation. Amazing!


ScrabbleDude said:
I also got the: I + XI = X puzzle wrong.

Thought it was 1.

When I got that wrong, I realized it must be 0 since I could do it in 1. Entered it without actually solving the riddle and got it right.
I've solved a couple without actually solving them or using the wrong logic. The puzzle where it says

"There was a murder and we were called to the scene. The victim was dead, no signs of entry, windows locked, and the person had a vial clutched in his hand. Was this murder or suicide."

I chose murder because hands open when someone dies. It turns out
the puzzle itself saying murder is the answer.


Neo Member
Finally unlocked everything, was able to do all the puzzles except for the last 3, just so hard. :(

Really enjoyed the game, the story and soundtrack in particular were what stood out for me, I absolutely loved them. This is the first Layton game where I find myself still listening to a lot of the soundtrack after I finish playing, it's just so good, especially the credits song,
"Tension," and then the obvious theme song. I really liked
clive, he was definitely my favorite villain of the series,
and while the plot was kind of bizarre, I thought it made sense for the most part, so I liked it.

I also really liked the minigames, the parrot though, some of those I just had to stop and look up it was taking me so long.

The only complaint I have was that I didn't like
Flora and Don Paolo's new English voices, as opposed to the old ones.
But that could be just me, so it's not a big deal.

Awesome game, maybe my favorite of the 3. :D
I'm done with 140+ puzzles solved.

Man, that was some ending. That stuff got crazier by the minute. I half-expected a Gurren Lagann like ending to top it of. :lol


Has problems recognising girls
duckroll said:
and playing through the entire trilogy made the final ending all the more bittersweet.
Nice. My copy hasn't arrived yet but I've finally finished up playing through all of Hotshots Tennis and then going to get started on the trilogy from the start. Should be an awesome ride.
Totakeke said:
Is it me or does Puzzle 81 has two solutions which of one the game doesn't acknowledge?

Can't I just change the 2 of the second dice to 0?
Came here to post this. Cost me three Picarats that did, and I genuinely can't see why it's wrong.

Loving this way more than the second one which I kinda tired of. Being English though, and taking place in London, I'm finding the character's constant references to "pants" to be really jarring.
I'm about 3 hours in and really enjoying this. The story is really starting to get interesting and I could definitely see this being the best of the series (well, the one released outside of Japan anyway) so far.


Totakeke said:
Is it me or does Puzzle 81 has two solutions which of one the game doesn't acknowledge?

Can't I just change the 2 of the second dice to 0?
Is that the one where you have to make all the dates in a month? How would you make 2, 12, or 22?


duckroll said:
I'm near the end of the game I think. Layton just solved all the major mysteries and all I can say is....


This franchise MOTHERFUCKING rocks. Each game just tops the last one in absurdity, and I LOVE IT! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
This post, considering it's duckroll and all, is making me even more fucking anxious to play the game. Goddamn I love these series. the music, the storyline and the general absurdity. WOW FUCKING EPIFANY RIGHT NOW LAYTON ROCKS


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Busaiku said:
I really hate the "cut and make a square" puzzles.
Easily the worst kinds for me.
I only don't like them because they're so damn easy.
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