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Project X Zone |OT| Reiji & Xiaomu VS The World


It would be much easier to find out what songs were removed if someone here beats the game and unlocks the Sound Test. That should have a listing of all the songs used, allowing us to see what got changed/removed.

Songs replaced:
-World's Love -> Hope (Shining Force EXA)
-Mexican Flyer -> Coco☆Tapioca: The Huge Dancer (Space Channel 5)
-High Rise to Hell -> Poop Deck Pursuit (Dynamite Cop)

Songs removed:
-Over the Clouds (God Eater)
-Ring a Bell (Tales of Vesperia)
-Rocks (Super Robot Wars OG)
-Moshimo Kimi ga Negau Nara (Valkyria Chronicles 3)
-Wing Wanderer (Project x Zone opening song)
-Galaxy (Project x Zone ending song)

I checked out the sound test on my game now. I think that's all of the music changes and removals.


Edit: Is there any bonus for having the solo character in your unit who is from the same series as the primary unit? Like having Flynn grouped with Yuri and Estelle?

Not that I know of, I do it anyway though for the fanservice and unique dialogue. Although I'm pretty sure that every solo unit has unique conversations with every paired unit in the game regardless of being from the same series or not.


If this is the same game I recall, doesn't it have one of the slowest openings ever? I remember wanting to see some actual "gameplay" one Friday when I had an hour to kill, and over 2 hours later I was still stuck in conversations or running around town.

I didn't mind. It's the type of game that's chock full of dialogue and character building. If that's not your cup of tea, Sakura Wars isn't for you.


Just finished chapter 24, it's been great so far. Critical hits are more important than in Namco X Capcom, since longer combos no longer increase gravity, and XP management is more frantic since everything costs a significant amount of XP and most of the things you can spend XP on are actually useful. The biggest surprise for me were Multiple Assaults, they were quite weak on Namco X Capcom and back then I only used them to finish off multiple almost dead enemies, now the first time I used one I knocked out 3 enemies that had full HP bars

Overall I missed some things from NXC (like being able to go up or down in the turn order) but PXZ's battle system has its own nuances to it, so I'm satisfied. Also, I think this game is a good fit for a handheld, since individual battles are so short. It's the first handheld game I've played on the go, actually

One thing I really really like are the pre battle dialogues. Kaguya, Yumeria and Ulala have been a good laugh paired with anyone (it's the main reason I'm mixing solo units), and the writing in general has been hilarious. One of my favorite quotes, after beating a chapter:

Chris: That was too close, you were almost a...
Jill: Clam it
This game is so damn fun! This and Fire Emblem in one year has been pretty awesome.

It's a miracle this was localized. I don't even recognize a lot of the characters.


I have to say though, that after finishing FE and being halfway through this, and even considering the non existent plot, I am having way more fun with this game. FE is still a very good game of course.


I have to say though, that after finishing FE and being halfway through this, and even considering the non existent plot, I am having way more fun with this game. FE is still a very good game though.

I think that's just the nature of a crossover game. They don't have to waste time establishing character and they can just shovel injokes at you like it's going out of style.

Well, that and the active combat. Man, it's so fucking satisfying to crit in this game.
Two quick questions:

1. Is there any reason not to level everyone up evenly?
2. Is there any penalty for someone dying during battle? Should I bother spending xp and items constantly healing people to make sure they don't die?


1. Is there any reason not to level everyone up evenly?

Honestly I find it pretty hard not to level up everyone evenly, since you are mostly forced to use everyone to win most of the stages. I guess some would end up more leveled if you only use them to kill the bosses so the get most of the exp, but still I dont think you should care that much.

2. Is there any penalty for someone dying during battle? Should I bother spending xp and items constantly healing people to make sure they don't die?

I have been using items very frequently, I was worried in the beginning, but if you think that you get items from every enemy you defeat and pretty much all stages are filled with those, you shouldnt be worried about using them at all. And of course you can only carry 20 of each item, so you better use them instead of earning items that you cant carry because you have a basket already full of them.

Well, that and the active combat. Man, it's so fucking satisfying to crit in this game.

Yep. When you barely kill an enemy because you hit a critical attack. So good!

The same thing goes for when the enemy is left with 38 or so HP. So annoying! >_> The only comforting thought is that at least you can kill them with a counter next.


2. Is there any penalty for someone dying during battle? Should I bother spending xp and items constantly healing people to make sure they don't die?

If I remember correctly (it's been a while since the last time a unit died on me) the only penalty is having one unit less in subsequent turns, and if you want to revive it you have to waste some other unit's turn and 50 XP (or was it 100?). I'm not sure if you have to rescue them in the same turn they get knocked out, I do that out of habit


I put in some time in this game and i'm enjoying it but, I already feel like i'm a bit overwhelmed.. I don't know what anything does or means lol. I tried to follow the tutorial but it kind of lost me. Are there specific moves I can be doing? Can you ever buy items or just find them? Any tips for someone entering this game pretty early? I'm only on chapter 3 I think but I used quite a few healing items, i've been trying to kill everything on the map for XP.. Bad idea?


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I put in some time in this game and i'm enjoying it but, I already feel like i'm a bit overwhelmed.. I don't know what anything does or means lol. I tried to follow the tutorial but it kind of lost me. Are there specific moves I can be doing? Can you ever buy items or just find them? Any tips for someone entering this game pretty early? I'm only on chapter 3 I think but I used quite a few healing items, i've been trying to kill everything on the map for XP.. Bad idea?
You should be killing everything for exp... I try and defend in most cases and my healing items are very stable. If you really need healing items, you may get an extra one off an enemy when you break their armor twice (you'll see their armor bar rise as they accrue some hits in the air; let them hit the floor and break armor again).


Been out almost a week now, What's the general consensus so far?

How awesome?


So awesome.
Songs replaced:
-World's Love -> Hope (Shining Force EXA)
-Mexican Flyer -> Coco☆Tapioca: The Huge Dancer (Space Channel 5)
-High Rise to Hell -> Poop Deck Pursuit (Dynamite Cop)

Songs removed:
-Over the Clouds (God Eater)
-Ring a Bell (Tales of Vesperia)
-Rocks (Super Robot Wars OG)
-Moshimo Kimi ga Negau Nara (Valkyria Chronicles 3)
-Wing Wanderer (Project x Zone opening song)
-Galaxy (Project x Zone ending song)

I checked out the sound test on my game now. I think that's all of the music changes and removals.

Bolded makes me super depressed. Damn it, Namco.
Ok, finished chapters 22-24. 22 was a bit harder, but wasn't the spike some were making it out to be. 23 and 24 were typical levels to me, no issues. So, I'm not noticing a difficulty spike yet.


I put in some time in this game and i'm enjoying it but, I already feel like i'm a bit overwhelmed.. I don't know what anything does or means lol. I tried to follow the tutorial but it kind of lost me. Are there specific moves I can be doing? Can you ever buy items or just find them? Any tips for someone entering this game pretty early? I'm only on chapter 3 I think but I used quite a few healing items, i've been trying to kill everything on the map for XP.. Bad idea?

The lack of money in the game makes me think there's no item store. Gameplay-wise, I think the most important aspects to understand are critical hits and cross hits:

To make critical hits, you have to hit the enemy with the beginning of an attack right when the enemy hits the ground. It's easier to do with Supers, since they activate instantly, while normal attacks have to complete some animation before hitting

Cross Hits are triggered when both your unit and a supporter hit an enemy at the same time. Now, XP (which is used in skills, supers and multiple assaults) is gained by dealing and receiving damage but it's capped at 100, unless you deal damage during a Cross Hit, which caps the XP at 150

Also, you can counter with a super, as long as you have 120 XP (20 to counter, 100 for the super) or even 110 (20 to counter, get 10 back during the counter, 100 for the super)


Unconfirmed Member
If this sells well, any chance Capcom x Namco will be localized or ported to PSN or rereleased on 3DS? Would love to play that one.
Nearly nonexistent chance. NxC was also very niche, and it's unlikely Bamco wants to do a 3ds port after PxZ's sales. As for PSN, it doesn't have an official English translation and the licensing issues are even more problematic than PxZ so at best you'll only get it on the Japanese PSN.


Nearly nonexistent chance. NxC was also very niche, and it's unlikely Bamco wants to do a 3ds port after PxZ's sales. As for PSN, it doesn't have an official English translation and the licensing issues are even more problematic than PxZ so at best you'll only get it on the Japanese PSN.

There's also a fan translation, but calling it rough would be an understatement. I got to like Chapter 25. You think this game is tedious? NxC, yikes.


Gives all the fucks
Isn't there a bit of an issue with a PSN re-release for NxC since Monolith, the developer, is now owned by Nintendo? Or does Namco still have the entire rights on the game?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
You should be killing everything for exp... I try and defend in most cases and my healing items are very stable. If you really need healing items, you may get an extra one off an enemy when you break their armor twice (you'll see their armor bar rise as they accrue some hits in the air; let them hit the floor and break armor again).



"I am the queen of cruelty and exploitation, born from the flames of hell!"
"You may call me Princess Devilotte de Deathsatan IX!"

:D Devilotte get! This is what I was waiting for.
I went and looked up all of the removed songs. They're all instrumental and they all sound very MIDI-esque and kind of... bad.

Over the Clouds

Ring a Bell


Moshimo Kimi ga Negau Nara

Ring a Bell sounds especially bad. The VC3 OP is alright, but all the rest... I'm not too upset we lost them, now.

I'm assuming these versions of the songs with the MIDI beeps and boops were used instead of the originals with vocals so that a royalty or licensing fee wouldn't have to be paid to the singers. After listening to them all, I'm not upset they were taken out either.

"I am the queen of cruelty and exploitation, born from the flames of hell!"
"You may call me Princess Devilotte de Deathsatan IX!"

:D Devilotte get! This is what I was waiting for.

We should hug.


First game namco x capcom had mitsurugi and taki...
I think that the fact that they had more franchises to work on lead to this result

NxC was practically the video game version of the His Dark Materials triology with the Soul Edge itself acting as the Subtle Knife, it might be tricky to squeeze even more out of it, if not impossible.

For Ivy in a crossover, you want Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos, but that takes its brand of fanservice to embarassing levels and knows it.
Any hints/tips towards combat? Still fairly early in the game, had trouble with the were-fox girl.

Also, when team comboing, the X shows up, does this signify anything in particular?
Made it to Ch 21 with 17 hrs on the save timer. I assume it only gets worse with 60+ enemies per map later on. Think I am going to give up, it's just not worth the boring/easy slog.
Any hints/tips towards combat? Still fairly early in the game, had trouble with the were-fox girl.

Also, when team comboing, the X shows up, does this signify anything in particular?

X stands for a Cross Hit. It's when you catch an enemy in attack between either your Solo unit (L Button) or Support unit (R Button) and your two main characters. You see the EXP meter on the bottom right? The only way for it to go above 100% is to execute a Cross Hit, otherwise it caps at 100%.

Basic battle strategies I use:

1) Make sure you use each unique attack (A, Left + A, Right +A, etc) once to get the Attack+1, which lets you do one additional attack at the end.

2) Make sure you have 3 units ready to attack a boss in a single turn that have EXP meter at least somewhere near 100% (like 80% to be safe early on). That way, you can unleash your special attack (Y button) after you've dealt the max combo.

3) Make sure you're attacking with both a Solo unit attached and a Support Unit nearby if possible, or at least a Support Unit.

4) The goal is you want to keep the enemy/boss in a cross hit as long as possible. I usually start a battle by immediately summoning the Solo unit and immediately tapping neutral A (or forward A depending on the attack animation) so that you immediately go into a Cross Hit. Wait for the solo units silhouette to appear on the top screen, and when they're moving off screen, that's when I call in my Support Unit. This keeps the enemy/boss in a Cross hit for just about the entire combo.

5) At the end of the combo, unleash your Y button attack.

6) If an enemy has shields, you want to attack normally first without calling your Solo/Support. The trick (for me at least) is to call them in right as their shield breaks, and you catch them in a cross hit. If the enemy's shields will take more than one attack to break, call in your Solo/Support unit a bit earlier to break the shield faster. The goal is to break their shield in one attack and not have to waste your next attack on the shield, increasing your damage potential.

7) Basically, if you break a boss' shield within one attack and go immediately into a cross hit and then keep the cross hit up as long as possible until you can't attack anymore, then you can finish up with a "super" attack and you will do a huge combo (sometimes upwards of 100 hits) and deal around 10-15K damage in the early goings (increases over time). Most early bosses are like 30-40K.

8) If at any point the cross hit stops, and you're back to juggling the enemy, try to time the next attack to land just before the enemy/boss is about to bounce off the ground. You'll deal critical damage. This applies to your Y attack, too. You can deal significantly more damage this way.

9) When you KO an enemy, do not just stop! Keep a combo going on ANY enemy, even one KOed, as long as you can to build up EXP! Especially if you have Solo/Support assists left!

10) Don't bother ever using DEFEND against an enemy attack unless it is a boss or you absolutely need a unit to survive. Always use Counter. You get the 5% EXP bump from their attack + whatever EXP you gain in the counter attack. Plus, you're dealing damage.

11) If you're at 130% or more early on in the game, use FULL DEFEND against boss attacks (if you can, sometimes they do a multi-attack in which case you have to eat the damage). You will most likely be able to gain enough EXP to hit 100% again on your next turn with that unit.

Of course, this is just how I play it. I'm sure there are more advanced strategies and some stuff I've overlooked, and perhaps better tips for the earlier chapters. I would also say look at your Skills by hitting X to bring up your menu and see if one of those might work to your advantage.


Since almost all support/solo attacks hit directly in front of you, a consistently useful strategy is to just hit with a solo/support the second enemy guard breaks (or if an unguarded enemy just hit straight out with it) and just keep the enemy in a cross status for the entire combo. Direct in front on the ground means you'll pretty much never miss with anything. Tron is probably the most useful since her servbot grab seems to deploy pretty much instantly so as long as you hit it a second before the armour breaks you'll lock them there forever.
NxC was practically the video game version of the His Dark Materials triology with the Soul Edge itself acting as the Subtle Knife, it might be tricky to squeeze even more out of it, if not impossible.

For Ivy in a crossover, you want Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos, but that takes its brand of fanservice to embarassing levels and knows it.

if they wanted they probably could have been able to squeeze soul calibur characters , after all you don't need a solid plot when you do cross overs.

As for queen gate , i know about it , i've played it and i enjoyed it , but that wasn't my point.
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