We may be getting a lot of indie stuff on the Vita before it's over. 3DS too. You may be out of luck.
There are 2 more that I can think of (indie platformers) - guacamole and that new one I heard about - Knytt Stories/ underground.
While I don't mind having many platformers (with small file sizes especially) I have nothing against indie in general, in fact I'm really hoping we get quite a few more ports.
Dyad in particlular at the moment. I tried the demo on PS3 but it didn't hook me as I thought it would - I think owning a vita spoils you like that - super lazy gamer. It had decently fun gameplay and visuals but I was just sour about it not being in my hands.
I don't even care about my bashed up iPhone, used to organise that so carefully with my games etc. Now its meh.
@Dantis [Sound Shapes] if you don't use the level editor there are still other levels to download and try (when you're online). I haven't had a chance to play it but I've heard the actual game is a bit short. I'm still picking it up as the level editor looks really cool - easy 50-100 hour time sink - even if I don't get messing with it straight away - it will be too fun not to have. I'm sure there will be DLC as well, seems like that game isn't doing too bad sales wise. --- hoping for Klaypex here. Pendulum would be ok too. IGN said 3 hours to play through, but that probably wash't including death mode. The trophies also add replayability/more challenge but be warned the extra modes can be quite hard/frustrating or so I've read.
I think when people say vita has no games they mostly just mean their favourite hasn't come out (yet) which is pretty silly. Tonnes of good games if you are open to them. Huge backlog here - even had to start transferring games I wasn't done with..
I know the vita has quite a few genre holes...but it's also filled up quite a lot in the short time it's been out, especially come october. don't think that will change it's sales situation by then but for the vita gamers...no problems (other than GAF slamming vita).