Thanks for the info. I was also wondering if those issues are fixed by possible remapping in the vita?
In the original you had one stick to move and another to use gadgets with the direction you held deciding which way/direction you used the gadget. On PSP those functions are mapped to one stick that moves your character and a button that activates gadgets. You can remap certain functions of other buttons to the right stick, but not add new functions that weren't in the original game. You simply switch where the functions are activated. The following options are available:
What you're probably gonna end up doing is add the d-pad to the right stick, giving you camera control that's painfully slow on the second stick, but getting closer to the original would be mapping the left analog stick to the right one, so you move a gadget in the direction you point the right analog stick. It obviously doesn't work very well, since both sticks then control the main character and the way that works is the left stick takes precedent over the right. Doesn't work and doesn't feel like the original that seemed designed around showing off two analog sticks.
Add to that the feeling of early generation 3D platformer with all the limitations that involved in terms of camera handling, level geometry and size, and I think skipping this and trying out the original if you get the chance at some point, would be the better option.