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PS Vita general discussion thread, part 4 | "Summer 2012"

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Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ya'll first mistake was buying MGS2 in the first place. It's pure trash no matter what platform you play it on.

Now MGS3... that's a classic and a gem and the only thing that can ruin it is poor controls.


Ya'll first mistake was buying MGS2 in the first place. It's pure trash no matter what platform you play it on.

Now MGS3... that's a classic and a gem and the only thing that can ruin it is poor controls.

Why would you say this? You're just asking for it lol.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Why would you say this? You're just asking for it lol.

Asking for what? MGS2 is trash and is what made the series downhill slide in terms of story. Raiden is a weak character that they had to "Cyborg Ninja (LOL NOT REALLY!)"-ize to save his character from fan backlash and the gameplay is weak.

Meanwhile MGS3 outside of the tedious menu-go-in-and-out is a classic. The characters (before Kojima ruined them) were only loosely related to the rest of the series with Snake/Big Boss being the only major character. It's story isn't a convoluted mess that needed a sequel to hastily (and deus ex machina) clean up it's mess and the gameplay is solid.

The Chef

I with ya Seks.

STOP IT! I just started playing MGS2 today and thought "I've played this before, never played 3, perhaps I should just skip to that..." The MGS2 controls are just... not great.

Bro, Im telling you. I loved MGS2 like 20 years ago but that game is pure unplayable shit compared to MGS3. Make the switch. You will be so happy I promise.
Ya'll first mistake was buying MGS2 in the first place. It's pure trash no matter what platform you play it on.

Now MGS3... that's a classic and a gem and the only thing that can ruin it is poor controls.

meh... i bought it recently and played MGS 2 and 3 back to back. Loved them both but thought 2 was overall a better game. 3's controls are a lot better of course but still.


It takes an hour or so but you do get used to the rather terrible controls of 2 after a while.
meh... i bought it recently and played MGS 2 and 3 back to back. Loved them both but thought 2 was overall a better game. 3's controls are a lot better of course but still.


It takes an hour or so but you do get used to the rather terrible controls of 2 after a while.

I'm not sure what I think of them now, and I haven't played MGS2 in a good... 10 years or so, but I played MGS3 a couple years back (the original version without camera update) and I did not like it. I'm pretty sure the HD collection isn't going to change my mind about it either, so I think I agree with you wholeheartedly.
me niether... I hate time challenges...

oh yesterday I played some more Gravity Rush.. a great game, but damn I was about to throw my Vita and break it.. I was in the level where the Cat had eaten something bad.. goddamn that was an annoying level.. I´m to old to steer Kat around the way she is supposed to be.. fuck I was annoyed.. after that I wanted to cool down, and played a game on the PS3 that I´m not allowed to talk about yet, and I had to quit the game because my youngest daughter was having a cough attack, and when I returned the game hadn´t saved my progress, and all the stuff I had unlocked was lost.... god damn that was a VERY bad night for gaming..

I'm fifty, and I loved every minute of Gravity Rush... that level was challenging, but I don't like it when I have everything handed to me in a game...

Sorry to hear about your daughter... One of mine suffered horribly from asthma and frequent bouts with bronchitus the first few years of her life... Many's the night I spent sitting up with her just watching her breath, hoping she'd get a little sleep, trying to will her well... She out-grew most of it, though she still is suseptible to colds and whatnot.
I'm not sure what I think of them now, and I haven't played MGS2 in a good... 10 years or so, but I played MGS3 a couple years back (the original version without camera update) and I did not like it. I'm pretty sure the HD collection isn't going to change my mind about it either, so I think I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The funny thing about 2 is that its story makes a hell of a lot more sense in this day and age. Just shows how far ahead of its time it was.


I with ya Seks.

Bro, Im telling you. I loved MGS2 like 20 years ago but that game is pure unplayable shit compared to MGS3. Make the switch. You will be so happy I promise.

MGS3 controls are as 'shit' as MGS2. Substance edition, however, kinda fixed that. ANd that is the version we got on HD collection :) But you can still try original controls with fixed camera by pressing left on the dpad if i am not mistaken.
The funny thing about 2 is that its story makes a hell of a lot more sense in this day and age. Just shows how far ahead of its time it was.


Still like MGS3 better then MGS2, but not by much after a recent replay of it (PSV version).
I feel that it basically perfected that "old school" MGS gameplay.


Asking for what? MGS2 is trash and is what made the series downhill slide in terms of story. Raiden is a weak character that they had to "Cyborg Ninja (LOL NOT REALLY!)"-ize to save his character from fan backlash and the gameplay is weak.

Meanwhile MGS3 outside of the tedious menu-go-in-and-out is a classic. The characters (before Kojima ruined them) were only loosely related to the rest of the series with Snake/Big Boss being the only major character. It's story isn't a convoluted mess that needed a sequel to hastily (and deus ex machina) clean up it's mess and the gameplay is solid.

I honestly didn't like MGS3 that much except for story (I want a game starring The Boss!). No soliton radar with enemy cone vision, plus the jungle environment made everything blend in, including the enemy soldiers, I could never see them until they started attacking me and bullets were raining from off-screen. (Not to mention the downgrade to 30fps.) Give me my aerial view and building environments back. The gameplay in MGS2 was PERFECTION, MGS3 made it bloated.

And the "jumbled mess" of a theme is what made MGS2 special, it was so "out there" and crazy, the last part really freaked me out, the first time I played through it it was way past midnight and I was alone in my room. I was constantly reminding myself "it's just a game, the programmers intended this, it's not haunted" to try to drive my fear away.

Any fan of Metal Gear Solid has to read this at least once, it's an eye opener. (I know, it probably has been posted thousands of times before in this forum)


Looks like Vita sold quite well in Japan last week :)

Technically speaking, Sony has to tease out the contribution from Miku, extensive PSOne compatibility, and the very positive Gamescom message. Hope Sony continue to roll out a few more new IPs and features.

Also, did the retailers have any promo last week ?


Has anyone tried RemotePlay for Ico/SotC yet ?

I tried it out just now.

Picture quality is very good if you set it to +1 in settings. No jaggies or compression artifacting. One thing to note is the small black borders around the screen, about a millimeter in thickness. Not distracting, but it's there.

Controls feel good, haven't noticed lag in SotC while playing.


Just tried gow2 via remote play,didn't notice any performance issues and it looked and played great! makes me a bit sad though,i really hope for a new gow on the vita,till then i'll be completing both games again for the umpteenth time


What ? I expected some improvement but not "no lag". Not that I don't trust you ^_^.... Have to try it myself to believe. I also expect performance degradation after playing for long hours.


Bear in mind that SotC isn't the best game to test the lag, it was playable even on the PS2 with the lag from extremely low framerate :lol


I recently used Remote Play over the internet when I was two hours away from my apartment and as stunned at how well it worked. I've never had it work online before, so suddenly having it run with as little lag as it had while playing some Crash Warped was really exciting.


Im in love with ZEN pinball 2, i got it from plus (marvel tables) and never really enjoyed it on my ps3, couldnt get into it. But for some reason im really digging it on my vita!!! So far i have the old marvel tables, the avengers pack and pvz... Any suggestions of tables i should get next ??


Yap ! I am surprized by Zen Pinball 2 also. Pretty creative. ^_^

i should also try it on PS3 in 3D .

I can attest to Zen being fantastic in 3D. Don't have a 3D TV, but the 3DS version is -amazing- because of it :O

Little sad I'll be losing that feature on Vita, but Zen Pinball 2 seems like such a great product that I'm sure I'll get over it. Pinball is really well suited to handhelds.


GoW2 remote play is pretty damn good. My internet speeds are terrible. Cutscenes were a bit jittery for me. But gameplay, wow. So good :)


Zen Pinball 2 looks absolutely gorgeous. Holy Shit. I have the 3DS version, which is also great, but Vita's vertical screen option makes it the ideal way to play.

I'm gonna get the Plants vs Zombies table.


Zen Pinball 2 looks absolutely gorgeous. Holy Shit. I have the 3DS version, which is also great, but Vita's vertical screen option makes it the ideal way to play.

I'm gonna get the Plants vs Zombies table.

I didn't even think of that! Sounds amazing! :O


Either I'm dumb or Treasure Park is very poorly explained by its in-game help/tutorial. Probably both.

I agree. I went through the tutorial and made some patterns and sent them out last night and now when I start it i'm just staring at a black screen with a little box with icons with no writing on them or any indicator what they do with nothing to play. Oh, and a near button that just goes to near and does nothing for me. How the hell do I get more patterns?

Fuck it, going back to ZP2 to destroy some leaderboards, watch out beast780!


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
I agree. I went through the tutorial and made some patterns and sent them out last night and now when I start it i'm just staring at a black screen with a little box with icons with no writing on them or any indicator what they do with nothing to play. Oh, and a near button that just goes to near and does nothing for me. How the hell do I get more patterns?

I'm pretty sure once you burn through the 3 they give you at the start you have to wait until someone gives you puzzles through Near. This "game" depends on you having people nearby or on your friends list that will play it consistently. I've already uninstalled it.
I agree. I went through the tutorial and made some patterns and sent them out last night and now when I start it i'm just staring at a black screen with a little box with icons with no writing on them or any indicator what they do with nothing to play. Oh, and a near button that just goes to near and does nothing for me. How the hell do I get more patterns?
Via near or have friends send them to you.

I've only gotten a few boards. ;_;


I'm pretty sure once you burn through the 3 they give you at the start you have to wait until someone gives you puzzles through Near. This "game" depends on you having people nearby or on your friends list that will play it consistently. I've already uninstalled it.

Welp, it's nice that they are trying to do something more with Near at least. I will end up depending on my friends list though because my neighborhood sucks. Apparently the 8 people around me that own Vita's only use it for Twitter and Netflix.

Via near or have friends send them to you.

I've only gotten a few boards. ;_;

Aw I sent you one. And yours gave me a bomb and I lost points! grrrrr...

Keep your new Avatar for awhile, Rosie is my favorite reformed racist lounge singer.
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